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Public S~fety Report

Sept. 11-Sept.18

The following is a list of crimes reported by Cabrini College Public Safety staff writer during the week of Sept. 10. The dates cover from midnight to midnight.


Hey you there! It's time to band in your aluminum underpants! It is now jllegal to wear aluminum underpants in Colorado according to House Sill 01-1221. Apparently, aluminum underpants are a way to shoplift goods without getting caught by electronic detectors [Denver Post, 7-1-01].

Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk ...

Lucille J. Mandeville, 45, of Lincoln, R.I. has watched too much television in her lifetime. During a school board meeting in August, she grabbed her colleague Patricia A. Iannelli, 51, by the nose. Mandeville proceeded to twist Iannelli's nose a la "Three Stooges" fashion. Mandeville was quoted as saying, "What's the matter'? Did you get your little nose twisted out of joint'?" [Providence Journal, 8-18-01).

So, like, do we cuddle now, or what?

Residents of Inari (in Finnish Lapland) need to have more sex. The town is located above the Arctic Circle, where temperatures can fall below -49 degrees. Last year only 69 babies were born in Inari, down from more than 100 in 1995, 75 babies are expected to be born this year. $3,000 was offered to the mother of the first baby born last year [Reuters, 9-4-01].

Stop doing what?

Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi urged all men in his country to abstain from having sex for the next two years. Moi feels as though this would cut down on the occurrences of AIDS in his country [Globe & Mail-Reuters, 7-12-01].

Must be the sushi ...

A 28-year-old woman from Yorii, Japan, stole software and videotapes from a neighbor by carving out a 16-inch bole over a two-week period between their walls. The woman was then able to climb through the bole in the wall to·ber neighbor's apartment.

Attention Students

if you were awarded a Perkins Loan for the 2001-2002 year

•you MUST attend an entrance interview session

•interviews will be held Oct. 3 at 5:30 p.m. and on Oct. 4 at 1O a.m.

•located in Grace Hall Board Room

~heck your mailbox for details

•failure to attend one of these sessions will result in a loss of these funds!

If you have any questions,please call the Financial Aid Office at X8420.

•On Monday, Sept. 10, a citation was issued in Woodcrest for disobeying college officials. Two citations were issued for burning candles in Woodcrest. A citation for disobeying the visitation policy was issued in Woodcrest.

•On Wednesday, Sept. 12, there were reports of a suspicious person in House 6. Public Safety contained the situation. A citation for disobeying the visitation policy was issued in Woodcrest. Vandalism was reported in House 6.

•On Thursday, Sept. 13, the blue Public Safety handicapped van was vandalized. The van, which was parked in the Dixon Center parking lot, was keyed.

•On Friday, Sept. 14, many citations were issued for a party violation in House 6. Citations were issued in the New Donn for failure to evacuate the building during a fire alarm. Students were issued citations for smoking in the CAC, a smoke-free building. Reports of a trespassing came from the CAC. Public Safety contained the situation. A screen was broken in House 1. The residence have been charged with vandalism.

•On Saturday, Sept. 15, citations were issued in the New Dorm for underage drinking.

•On Sunday, Sept. 16, citations were issued in House 2 for underage drinking. At 2.50 a.m., a fight broke out in the CAC. Two male Cabrini students battled three male guests of a resident. According to Public Safety, the Cabrini students were well controlled, however, the guests were out of hand. The same student guests that were in the fight in the CAC ripped the front door of House 7 out. The student who brought the men on campus will be cited for vandalism.

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