1 minute read

Facultyto give forum to answer studentquest~ons

by Justine Di FIiippo photo editor

Three World Trade Centers and the surrounding buildings collapsed, the pentagon was damaged and many lives were lost. Tuesday, September 11 will always remain on our minds.


The past week Dr. James Hedtke and Dr. Jolyon Girard have been holding forums to answer the student body questions about last week's events.

Today, Thursday, September 20, they are holding a symposium on the theories of terrorism. Dr. Hedtke, Dr. Girard, and Dr. Schwarze will be talking about the implications of terrorism. This symposium will be different then the others. The previous forums were to answer questions about Osama bin Laden, and why other countries do not like the U.S.A. Today they will talk about what the U.S. is doing about this, and the impact this tragedy had on our country.

If you still have questions about last week's events Ors. Hedtke, Girard, and Schwarze are ready to give you an answer. The Symposium is today at 3: 10 in the Grace Hall board room.

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