1 minute read

America attacked-not marred .

The actions of Tuesday, Sept. 11 were more than just an "act of war." They were a shot in the proverbial arm of America.

Time stood still as marvels of late 20th-century technology came crashing together in an explosion 9f fire, smoke, stone, and glass. Make no mistake about it, the World Trade Center was chosen because of its symbolic relationship to capitalism and its representation of • freedom.· seemingly united in their hatred of America, to gather and celebrate, that exemplifies the American dream, freedom.


Our President and Commander in Chief has handled this crisis wonderfully. He deserves nothing more than our support during this time.

All over this great country, candles flicker a glowing ambiance, a blurry flame. The flame, like these great American people, shall never be extinguished. For as long as the human spirit is free to rise and live and breath, these American people shall forever live free, unintirnidated, and proud.


Michael A. Kazanjian

Renee Tomcanin Beth Ann Conahan and Amy Gassen Tracy Tunson

Geri Lynn Utter

Renee DiPietro

Jill Hindman

Justine Difilippo

Joe Holden

La Courte Dr. Jerry Zurek

Staff Writers

Editorial Board Michael A. Kazanjian

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.


Sharvon Uroannavage Aroo Usdan Cheryl Wagstaff Lucy Truglio

These teenagers, of drafting age, are not asking "which way to Canada," but and chanting America's infamous initials. U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A. It is a rally-cry of sorts, cried in brevity and pride. These teenagers of drafting age are not asking "which way to Canada," but rather, "which way to liberty?"

Teenagers, not adults, but teenagers gathered Friday night. They were peacefully raucous - holding candles, waving flags, honking horns, ._______ _____, T h e s e terrorists believe their God will smile down and reward them for their hateful actions. I know of no God who encourages or condones the decided losses of human lives.

Immediately following the attacks along the East Coast, airline travel was ceased. For the first time in all of our lives, the rather, "which way to liberty?"

Arabian children danced in the streets, rejoicing at our losses. They did so just miles, minutes, heartbeats away from the scene of the horrors in New York City. These children dance "because their par-' ents dance, they laugh because their parents laugh, and they hate because their parents hate. They are foolish in their premature celebration of America's demise. It is the ability, the right of these persons

Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to Reneesc52@hotmail.com

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