6 minute read
Servers doing the best that they can.
''I'll be with you in a second." I'm carrying five dinner plates, five bread plates, seven glasses and enough silverware to feed and army.
It's Saturday night and I just got triple sat. This means that three families have been seated in my section at the same time. Yes, I am a waitress. I .---------, just started my new job a little more Justine Di Filippo photo editor than a month ago and it's my first time being a waitress. It's a lot of fun except on the Saturday nights when everyone goes out to eat. These are the nights when there is a half hour wait just to get a table. The customers are hungry and they want their food now! Friday and Saturday nights are the nights that servers pray to god that three of the five table sections do not finish at the same time because you will be given three new sets of people at the same time.
The rule is that the server has to great the guests with silverware, beverage napkins, and bread plates with in the first couple of minutes that they sit down. Once you introduce yourself you take the drink orders, you head on to the second table and then to the third table.
"Justine," the pizza cooks are calling my name. One of my other table's food is up. Do a quick greeting tell the table I'll be back shortly for their order. Go to the pizza station. One chicken margarita pizza waiting for me. Ok now I have to cut it, put oil on the crust, add the basil, grab the dinner plates, the tray stand, the pizza server and get to the table. Set everything up.
"Would you guys like me to serve your first slice? Al- right here you go enjoy."
Run to the back. Get the drinks for table one and two. Get the rolls. Oh no there's not enough rolls.
I leave the back and drop off the drinks to the two tables and take their dinner order. Go to the third table take their entire order. Check on the other two tables that were already there. I run to the back of the restaurant to get the rolls and the rest of the drinks bring them to the table and now it's time to relax. I go to the computer and enter in all the new orders and I just wait for the food to be ready.
This is how weekend nights go for servers. We have to be able to do at least three things at once and when it is busy it gets the best of you, and sometimes gets confusing.
What I have learned in the month I have been a waitress is that I need to take my time. Yes, the customers might not be happy with you for taking your time but if you rush around you are going to screw up all of the orders. There is always going to be the pain in the butt customer that wants things to appear magically, but all you have to do is explain what is going on. Believe me, I wish that I could get the food out as soon as it is ordered but it doesn't work that way. I will do anything to avoid a customer getting angry with me for something that went wrong. I know that the customer is the one who is paying my bills. I get $15 every two weeks in my paycheck and that is not going to help me with my bills.
For those who are not servers, remember the next time you go out to eat that serving is a hard job. If your server is not happy and cheery, or might take a long time, notice how many tables she or he has and how many times they stop to check on their section.)'hen realize that the server is doing the best that they can that day.
Keep in mind the heroes close to home
Yep, this is your month and you will really rank it in. Also a gift may inspire you to change your ways.
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This month you will jump right in. What gives you this sudden burst of courage is unclear but hey, you 'refeeling way more yourself than usual.
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This month you'll be inspired to do something with your hands. Save up the money because your new hobby may end up costing you some major bills.
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Whatever started this recent weirdness between you and your friends, you can all get over it now. "Friends are forever" is going to have a serious meaning this month.
"Good things will come your way."The winds of opportunity are blowing in your direction.
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Thanks to all that studying you left to the last minute, your brain is fried this month.
You normally are the social director, the leader, or the captain this month you will be surprised by how ell everyone manages without your constant supervision.
McCauslan staff writer
I was eight when my father left to go to the gulf war. We lived in Germany at the time and I remember vividly the day my father broke the news to my family. My young mind could not comprehend exactly where my father was going or what he was going to be doing. In my mind he was going away to one of his trainings but only in another country. That was normal and my daddy was going to be just fine. He was a big man who commanded a battalion, nothing was going to happen to him.
He wrote us letters about the desert, the people he was meeting and where they were positioned at the moment. Every letter ended with, "I love you so much and I'll be home soon." Weeks and months went by. Many soldiers from my dad's battalion came home on big buses. My mom and I always went to greet them but my dad never came off the bus. I just wanted him to come home.
After seven long months he finally did. His division marched into the base looking like heroes in their desert camouflage uniforms and helmets. They were scruffy, thin and tired but I will never forget the relief and happiness on their faces. That night I snuggled up next to my dad, so glad that he was finally home from his "training."
The terrorist attacks on Sept 11 not only shocked and saddened me but they made me realize what a hero my dad and others in the military really are. He is my hero. I have never ~n a big patriot nor have I given my father's job much thought but after the incident I have a new- found appreciation for the military and anyone who decides to join. Thankfully he will most likely not be sent to the Middle East, but many people that we know are training and are getting worried.
On Thursday, Sept. 27, I met John, a 22 year-old marine at a concert. He told me about how he his division is beginning serious training and that he will be shipped out in about two weeks. John seemed so sad and scared but still ready to do his job and fight for our country. He chose to join the military and I admire him for that. After speaking to him the tragedy really hit home to me.
I'm not becoming a big military advocate and I'm not expecting anyone else to be either. For me this tragedy has brought a new appreciation for my dad, the one person who I probably take for granted much too often but has done so much good. I only ask that we all keep the young men and women in our minds while they are away from friends and families defending our country.
You have a lot of extra cash this month and the party is just around the corner. Just be careful not to take something or someone for granted while on • this streak of good luck.
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Look in the mirror. You need to remind yourself exactly who you are this month. It's cool to get along with everyone, but not to be in agreement with every single word they say.
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Stop feeling oh-so-sorry for yourself. No matter what is bother you, one thing is for sure brooding will not help. Believe it or not, something is coming to cheer you up.
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"Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstance." Once you realize this, your talents will be recognized and rewarded.
You've been having a roaring good time, haven't ya? Frolicking while work needed to be done. You need to decide if making excuses is going to become a permanent part of your life.