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Terrorist-sent mail containing the anthrax disease causes biological warfare scare

by Amy Gassen news editor

NBC, ABC, tabloids papers in Florida, a Microsoft office in Reno and Senator Tom Daschle, the Democratic Majority Leader, have all been targeted. The anthrax disease was sent through the mail to its targets. The infected letters sent to an NBC employee and to Daschle were both postmarked from Trenton, N.J.


While many assume that the terrorist acts are orchestrated by Osama bin Laden, others are looking into Saddam Hussein and southern white supremacy groups as the culprits.

Anthrax is an acute infectious disease cased by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis, according to wonderlandstudios.org/anthrax.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that 2,300 incidents of possible anthrax contamination have been alleged since Oct. 1. Most of the reports were found to be false. Due to the high number of rumors circulating about the disease, many people are running to their doctors to get a prescription for Cipro, the drug to combat anthrax.

"Nobody should initiate treatment on their own," Susan Fitzgerald, college nurse, said. She warns that Cipro can cause joint problems, particularly among younger people.

Anthrax can be transmitted by inhalation, cutaneously (through the skin), and through ingestion. Humans can become infected by handling contaminated products, by eating undercooked infected animal products and through inhalation of spores of a live strain.

Fitzgerald said, 'There is no risk of getting the disease when it is not live."

Vaccines for the disease are available. Three injections are given three weeks apart followed by three additionally injections six, eight and 12 months after the initial injections.

If an outbreak occurs in this area, Fitzgerald said that we would rely on the emergency services of the local health departments.

Symptoms of anthrax


• a raised, itchy bump that resembles an insect bite develops into a vesicle and then a painless ulcer with a black area in the center

• Swollen lymph glands


-common cold

•breathing problems



•acute inflammation of the intestinal tract


•loss of appetite



•abdominal pain

•vomiting of blood

•severe diarrhea

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