3 minute read

Afgans fight amongst each other for power

The United States is not the only country constructing acts of war on Afghanistan. The country is divided into the Taliban, anti-Taliban and the Northern Alliance. All groups have sub-groups and are fighting for power.

by Colleen Connor staff writer


The citizens of Afghanistan cannot remember a time when there has been peace in their country. There has been a war in their country for the last 20 years. Because of these demanding times, the commanders in the country's military and the several anti-Taliban groups, are now utilizing young soldiers to fight in the many battles they encounter.

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries. The life expectancies are as low as 43 years old for men and 44 years old for women. The majority of the population is illiterate. The people have endured many tragic events. As a result of the country's warfare, appn,ximately 1.5 million people have died. The villages in areas of the northern region are dominated by men who took up arms when they were teenagers. As a result of theunderprivileged and uneducated lifestyles of the Afghanis, ~oung boys are more familiar with g ns than with school.

The anti-Taliban Northern Alliance has soldiers as young as 12 years of age to fight against the Taliban. There are other anti-Taliban alliances that have had several boys engaged in battle by the age of 13. This seems outrageous and cruel to someone outside of the Afghanis nation, but to one among the nine justices. Currently there are two judges on the court who were appointed by Clinton.

This is the same· court who opened the crucial door to Clinton's lengthy list of legal troubles when it ruled unanimously in May of 1997 that Paula Jones may purse her lawsuit, which accused the former president of sexually harassing her. The court rejected a plea by Clinton that the lawsuit be delayed until after his term was up and he left the presidency. However a lower courts ruling dismissed Jones' claim. Clinton and Jones did reach, after this courts ruling, in an out-of-court settlement to stop her appeal of the dismissal.

But Clinton's lies under oath to conceal his sexual relationship with Lewinsky led to his impeachment by the House of Representatives in December of 1998. However the Senate declined to convict Clinton, permitting him to finish out his presidency.

Hedtke said, "Many people feel that William Clinton is going to judged harshly throughout history, and they feel that this is punishment enough. However the crimes he committed, which include obstruction of justice and pruderies are very serious crimes. The punishment he receives should fit the crime he committed."

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1) Support our "8-mile Sock Safeu :

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Stop by the Wigwam Thursday, October 18. Socks are $3.00/ea. or 2/$5.00

2) Make a contribution to the AIDS Fund facing horror everyday, it is second nature and part of the norm.

According to a story in the Sept. 30 New York Tunes, many of these young soldiers are fighting because their own fathers and family lost their lives in the battle against the Taliban. A 15-year old boy who has been fighting for about a year says that his motiva- tion for volunteering was simple, "My father was killed by the Taliban and I want to take revenge with his gun." This is the case for many of the children that are battling the Taliban.

There have been many attacks against the Taliban from inside the country as well as the United States attacking from outside. Anti-Taliban citizens are outraged and wish to fight and combat the government for as long as needed. The incidences that have taken place illustrate ethnic undertones of conflict. A report by Human Rights in the summer also warned that the fighting was taking on a growing ethnic tone.

It is widely believed that the southern-based Pashtum, the largest ethnic group and one that dominates the Taliban, would not accept a government led by the Tajiks, the major group in the Northern Alliance. Wmning the support of the Pashtum elite is considered central to hastening the fall of the Taliban, and American diplomats and Northern Alliance officials say they have stepped up contacts with Pashtum leaders.

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3) Join us on the Walk!

Call Mary Laver (x8409) to register

We meet behind the Wigwam at 8:30 AM Sunday morning

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Drive caravan-style down to the Art Museum. Bring your family members and friends. or give some students a ridel

Pizza back on campus at 2=00!

For more information contact Mary Laver in Community Outreach (8409)

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