8 minute read

DIETING It Is All in the Attitude

by Leanne Pantone staff writer

Americans today want to be beautiful like celebrities. No one wants to have to work at looking good and feeling great. When the thought of working out or getting in shape is mentioned, people cringe. Stars' secrets to losing weight and feeling great are out there. And, surprise, it does not require starving oneself or doing hours of vigorous workouts. Instead, it is all in the attitude.


Bob Greene, Oprah Wmf:rey's personal trainer, argues that people do not have the right attitude. The way to deal with losing weight and keeping it off is to stop overeating and under exerc~sing. Instead Greene tells his stars to "be active, eat right and feel good today." Stop obsessing about getting results right away. If his advice is followed, the results will come.

Madonna's trainer, Ray Kybar- tas, focuses on attitude as well. Results from weight loss or exercise are not just physical but spiritual as well. If people ignore their bodies, they attract problems that weight them down like sickness and tension. However, if people exercise, they uplift their spirit as well as their bodies.

"That is why full benefits cannot be measured in strictly clinical terms. Its effects extend to the soul," Kybartas says to his stars. Exercise and being active sparks energy and keeps the soul and body healthy.

Karen Voight, who·trains Tina Turner, Elle MacPherson and Paula Abdul, also stresses the importance of attitude in her philosophy. People have to like working out, or else it will not happen.

"Find an activity you like to do, so you can look forward to your workout as a chance to play and relax your mind," Voight says to her celebrities. If people dread working out, then it is slowing

by omcanin managing edito


It is New Year's Eve at the Hotel Mon Signor. Ted the Bellhop (TlDl Roth) is about to begin his first shift. Over the course of one night, he is flung into odd situations and meets more "interesting" people than most people would never dream of. Allison Anders, Alexander Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino all tributed to ''Four Rooms." Rather than write one movie together, it is a combination of four separate plots that occur over the course o the night. Witches, bratty children, insane married couples and Hollywood directors are among the people Ted meets during his night. "Four Rooms" is a comedy that will keep you laughing and guessing as to bow Ted will get out of his predicaments. In addition to Roth. Antonio Banderas, Jennifer Beals, Madonna, Ione Skye and Quentin arantino star.

"Playingby Heart"

"Talking about love is like dancing about architecture." This is the first line to one of the most entertaining movies about love, life and relationships. "Playing by Heart'' follows the lives and loves of 11 people, all connected with one another. It showcases love and loss on all different levels, from the older, married couple to the young college students falling in love for the first time to a mother and her son. Each relationship over- weaned out of their schedules. Instead, look forward to exercising, and it will become part of your routine. By doing this, people will feel better and the results will be there before they know it.

"Hilarious!" comes obstacles both physical and emotion- of Reneer:::::,,'::urtssy al and comes to a surprise conclusion. The movie puts viewers through all of the emotions a typical relationship does, happiness, confusion, frustration and sadness. With its smart comedy and interesting characters, "Playing by Heart'' shows what the heart is

Critics claim "Playing by Heart'"is a hilarious flick. capable of. Love is real; you just have to realize what you have. Gillian Anderson, Ryan Phillippe, Jon Stewart, Angelina Jolie and Sean Connery are a few of the stars in this amazing ensemble cast.

"Find an activity you like to do, so you can look forward to your workout as a chance to play and relax your mind."

-Karen Voight personal trainer

The secrets of the stars do not lie in hours upon hours of workouts or not eating. Their trainers focus on attitude with them. With the right positive attitude, people can look and feel just as great as the stars.

Sitting through "Hamlet" never seemed like this. Tom Stoppard, writer and director, created the movie based on his play of the same name. 1\vo secondary characters from the Shakespearean play are 'ghlighted in this examination of conscious and existence. The story of ''Hamlet" is told through their eyes, as combination of their story and the original play are seen. With added humor and insight, Stopcreates a duo representative of Joey and Chandler in iambic penter. A band of traveling players adds physical comedy as well as clues as to why Rosencrantz and Guildenstem are in Denmark. It is a whirlwindcomedy; the characters can hardly tell which is which and up from down until they meet their inevitable fate. Tun Roth. Gary Oldman and Richard Dreyfuss star in this more modern take on a classic tale.

wby Richard Magda staff writer

Whether it is fine collection paint, or the fragrance of old money you are after, Ralph Lauren is your man. After all, his innovations some 30 years ago led the fashion path to '1ifestyle merchandising" and paved the way for imitators like Tommy Hilfiger. • Lauren's luxuriant advertising and widespread images that portray a rugged romance and elegance all present the seamless front of a wealthy, adventurous lifestyle.

'The first image-maker," according to New York magazine, Lauren is one of the fashion industry's most influential players. Born Ralph Lipschitz in 1939, he changed his name to Ralph Lauren, which was the name of bis first tie shop.


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for their nonconforming All-American, timeless sportswear styles. Designed for people more concerned with a lifestyle than fashion, Lauren's products have gone without undergoing drastic evolution and are still dominating the ever-changing trends of today's society.

"Whatbegan as a tie 33 years ago bas growninto •an entire world that bas~ how American style and quality is perceived," according to the Polo.com website. "Polo bas always been about selling quality products by creating worlds and inviting ourcustomers to be part of our dieam."


staff writer

Darlene Hildebrand came to Cabrini with one thing on her mind, teach the Lady Cavaliers to play basketball. It's true, the women's team already knows how to play, but Hildebrand loves to teach.

The youngest of six children Hildebrand grew up in Conshohocken and learned quickly bow to protect herself. As children the Hildebrands would practice sledding down the stairs on comforters. "One person would always end up on the bottom, that was my talent, I always came out on top."

In the 60s, "A tie was the way a man eq,ressed himself," Lauren said in bis company's website. "I believed that men were ready for something new and different They didn't want to look like they worked for mM. A

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At the age of 62, Laurenis still providing leadership in the design, marketing, advertising and operational aspects of the style business. For 33 years, be bas been atop the list of Style doctors and is still .holding that position with a fierce grip. He began bis career by creating neckties under the name Polo. In 1968, he created a men's wear line under the Polo name. With no formal design training, Lauren continued to design ties using the Polo label to suit theneedsof the identity-craving male of thelate 1960s.

Wayne resident, sports her favorite beautiful tie Wl5 an expression of quality, taste and style."

Since bis brcattbtougb, Lauren's allure has endured the test of time and public perception. His designs. from jeans to collection pieces. arcknown

"I've lived through the frenzies of over 100 designers," Lauren said. "Some make it. some don't. What I admire is consistency; a builder. Certain names don't disappear," With bis moniker reputably stamped on clothes, shoes, cologne and perfume, paint cans and towels, thenameRalph Lauren bu become a pennanent fixture among style-engrossed consumers.

Now an adult Hildebrand continues to bone her defense skills by taking karate classes. She bas been taking tae kwon doe for a year and a half. She is working towards a black belt, and currently has a green belt with a blue stripe. Hildebrand admitted, "I'm addicted to Tae Kwon Doe." Tae Kwon Doe is so infectious because it teaches self-discipline, self-defense, goal setting, respect, and responsibility, all good attributes for a college basketball coach.

by EugeneA. 1acovem staff writer

Candy and caramel apples have been a favorite of young and old around Halloween time. Caramel apples coated with peanuts have been a delicious treat for those who trick or treating every October 31. Since these candy and caramel apples are popular around this time of year, one may wonder where they come from?

The month of October is national caramel month. So just in time for Halloween are the thousands of pounds of caramel being used to make candy of all sorts.

The caramel and candy apples are believed to have come about in southern United States some 50 years ago. Within the past 30 years, they have been most famous around Halloween. Because they are so delicious and relatively cheap to make, that they remain popular amongst many even as of today.

All that you need to begin making your own batch of candied apples are:

• 10 Apples

10 Small sticks

2cups sugar

1/2 cup light com syrup

3/4 cup water

1 tsp vanilla

Wash apples thoroughly then dry them. Insert a stick into each apple; combine the water and the sugar. Heat at a low temperature until sugar dissolves. Let the mixture heat until when a spoonful of it can be dropped into a cold glass of water and the candy should be hard and brittle. This should take roughly 45 minutes. Add the food coloring and the vanilla then dip the apples into the mixture. Finally, place the apples on a piece of wax paper so that the candy can harden.

Once you have made your first batch of candied apples then you can move on to greater feats. If so inclined one can make caramel apples of al kinds. Usually caramel apples are coated with peanuts, but M&Ms,chocolate chips, and a variety of nuts can be used. So have fun and get

Hildebrand grew up with a twin sister, Arlene though they were not identical they shared many experiences. In grade school the two were as different as night and day, but as they grew older they grew closer. In college the twins bad an occurrence common to many other sets of twins, they shared pain even though they were miles apart. Darlene blew her knee out at a basketball practice at Philadelphia College of Textiles, where she graduated in 1995. The same day without L-------p-ho-to_b_y_K._at_ie_H_smso_...,n knowing of her sister's condition, Arlene was unable to practice at Ursinus due to pain in her knee. After the inci-

Women's basketball coach, Darlene Hildebrand shares her insights with the team. dent the sisters became closer than ever.

Being around basketball is the big thing in Hildebrand's life. She loves to teach the game to children and any one else who is willing to learn. She hopes to teach health and physical education to kindergarten children through eighth graders, but coaching basketball is her dream job, after years of playing she just wants to give back to the basketball community. Her face lights up when she tells of the joys of coaching. Hildebrand said, "It's such a rush when you see a child click, when you just see that they get it."

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