2 minute read
.many ·Cabrini students
look at that-be thankful you even have the car.
Aww, what did Public Safety do this week that you didn't like?
Ninety-eight percent of the residents on this campus complain that Public Safety gave them some kind of a fine for something they call "unnecessary." People think that just because they go to a private college that they can do whatever they want; break the speed limit, talk back to Public Safety, break doors and put holes in walls when they were so drunk they don't even remember doing it. I hate to tell you, but when you graduate from this school and get out in the real world, if you break a door or put a hole in a wall because you are drunk, not only do you get fined, but your butt gets thrown in jail. Why should it be any different here? I lived on this campus for five semesters and I never had any fine, nor did I ever get into any trouble. But then again, I'm 22 years-old, and I've probably consumed only two ounces of alcohol in my entire life.
I know no one will like bearing this but my opinion is that a lot of Cabrini students have their noses so high in the air and poles so far up their rear ends they should have permanent nose bleeds and continuous constipation. People punch holes in the dorm walls and get mad when they get reprimanded for it, like it was Public Safety's fault for catching them. That is ridiculous. Grow up and respect the property.
Seriously, is your life going to stop because of some stupid speed bumps? Is the world going to end because you have to walk an extra 700 feet to your car? I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure ·neither will happen. Things are not done on this campus for no reason or for the reason to piss all of us off. Everything has a purpose, despite what all of you believe. Put your complaints into perspective.
I feel I must apologize if I have offended anyone. I don't want this letter to come across as if I am accusing Cabrini as being full of snobs. This is not true by any means. There are some very happy students out there who realize what this college is all about. All I am saying is that you peed to realize what you have because it really is some good stuff. Don't get me wrong. I am not perfect. I never claimed to be. I'm no better than anyone else out there. But I do have one question for you. When any student is asked how they like Cabrini, how many of them actually say, "Oh, I love it!" Am I the only one who does?
Just be thankful you are here I know there are people out there that can't even afford to go to college and would give anything to be in your place-speed bumps and all.
Becki Carman