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Informing America about Anthrax
by Heather DILalla staff writer
America should not be scared but should be informed. That was the message given by the chair of the science department. Dr. Sherry Fuller- Espie delivered this message on Cabrini Day, Thursday, Nov. 8, to staff, students and guests about biological and chemical weaponry.
The anthrax disease that started as a small, isolated case in Florida is not a new concept of biological warfare. In fact, biological warfare goes as far back as early Greece, when in times of war, dirty and dead animals were placed into the populations drinking water to contaminate it and kill the people who drank, it. There are three ways to get anthrax: cutaneous (through an open wound), inhalation and indigestion. In 1942, a bomb that contained anthrax was dropped overhead on Gruinard Island, Scotland Scientists placed 60 sheep on the island to see what would happen to them. All 60 of the sheep died.