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Guitar is her passion, money's not her fashion

Maria Chambers ta f writer

Mm • y pa<;-.ion Wnen I have my gumrr m my hand-,, I run fearless. I am shameless I am tree. Pl3¥mg guitar is my favonte outlet for my emotions When I'm angry or up:-et my guitar is always right there for me to hold. My guitar ,s my best friend


I started playing guitar about four and a half years ago. I remember the first lesson I ever had. This old guy came to my house with his bright-blue Fender electric guitar and I was using my mom's old beat-up piece of rotten wood. Now that I think about it, it sounds really funny, but at the time it was not very cool During that first lesson the old man tried to teach me how to play "Pretty Woman." I came out with something that sounded like someone threw the guitar against the wall. After hours of practice I began to feel that learning the guitar would be a very rewarding experience. It may not get me far tn hfe-. but l know that it's t.1e one thing that will always bl! stab! for me in th:s crdzy world.

Every Tucsda) night 1 go to The Point in Bryn Mawr, where they have open mic night l ltke to get up on stage in front of all those people and play my mu,ic. There 1s no feeling like baring my soul through songs. I also like to sit back and watch everyone else play and sing. Some people play guitar, some piano and some sing by themselves, but no matter who you are or what you sing, there's always a warm welcome from your fellow musicians.

I have a passion for live music. Seeing someone play on stage m front of me really lets me feel the emotion the smger puts into the music.

I listen to folk music as well as a little-known genre of music known as punk-folk. During the month of October, I went to four concerts mclud nt Ton Amos Meli%a Ferrick and two Ani Di Franco 'ihO\\i-. The,e three artists have had sucfI an impact on my life. Die mam re.lson I listen to these women is for th~,r lyrics. I find so much mcanmg Ill the words these people sa).

Ani Difranco is my most favorite artht. Over the years, she has developed a sound that 1s like no other. She sings about everything from life and love to political issues. A few weeks ago I saw her in concert and the people there

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