Nov. 29, 2001 issue 12 Loquitur

Page 6

Student teaching in jeopardy for seniors

b.y_SbarmonKing assistant features editor

Education majors are up in anns over a new rule that will prohibit them from student teaching if. all of their National Teacher's Examinations are not passed before next semester. They will be forced to become educational studies majors until they pass the required tests. Most students are angered, to say the least, but seniors seem to be the most affected by the sudden decision.

The educational studies major was added to the available majors at Cabrini after a National Report Card, issued by the federal government under Title II reporting of certification students, showed that Cabrini was in the bottom 25 percent of "producing institutions." A poor placement on this National Report Card could result in Cabrini's loss of ability to conduct teacher certification programs. This would come as a major blow to an institution with education as its number one major.

Cabrini received a low score on this report card because, as of a few weeks ago, there were not any programs available for students who were not interested in becoming Pennsylvania state certified.


These students may be from another state and know that they are not going to teach in the state of Pennsylvania. Their certification would come from their respective states. There are also students who know that they want to do something education-related, such as music therapy or owning day care centers, but do not need a teaching certificate to complete their plans. These students may just choose to do everything else in the program including student teach. The problem comes in when Cabrini is evaluated. "If students do everything else, including student teach, then they appear to be program completers," said Dr. Catharine O'Connell, dean for academic affairs. A program completer is a student who completes the program approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education for a teaching certificate. If students are viewed as program completers, by national standards, they should have their certificates. The students who did not complete their certification requirements because of a lack of need to do so, are looked at as students who just simply could not pass the tests. By taking student teaching out of the educational studies major, the students who either cannot pass or do

not rieed to take the NTEs will not be evaluated as program completers and Cabrini's listing as a "low producing institution" should be improved.

According to Dr. Dawn Middleton, education department chair, "If we let students student teach, it means that we recommend them for a teaching certificate, which we can't do [if they do not pass the required tests.]" To assure students, Middleton said, "We aren't going to let anyone get caught in this trap. There are internships and co-ops that we are looking into right now that can be transferred into field experience credits when the student gets back on track if they choose to do so."

-continued on page 3.

faculty lower than national average

The percentage of courses taught by full-time faculty lags behind the national liberal arts college average by 20 percent. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, "private liberal-arts colleges have the highest percentage of courses for undergraduates taught by full-time faculty (79 percent)." At Cabrini, full-time faculty teaches 59 percent of the courses.

Dr. Sharon Schwarze, chair of the philosophy department, conducted a private study, approximately two years ago, based upon the statistics of the surrounding college communities and their numbers of full-time faculty members. Ursinus College, for example, employs 120 full-time faculty

members for 1,171 undergraduate students. Ursinus's number of full-time faculty contrasts with Cabrini's of 53 full-time faculty

between $1,800 and $2,200 per course. Therefore, eight courses taught by a part-time faculty members costs between $14,400 and

-Dr. Sharon Schwarze, chair of the philosophy department members for 1,281 undergraduate students.

The courses not taught by fulltime faculty are taught by a larger percentage of part-time faculty members than found nationally. Cabrini employs 145 part-time faculty members. Generally, fulltime professors teach from six to eight classes per year, whereas part-time faculty teach no more than two. Part-time faculty make

$17,600, whereas a new full-time faculty member teaching the same eight courses starts at $35,000 or more.

Full-time faculty members are expected to more than teach, however. According to Dr. Jonnie Guerra, vice-president for Academic Affairs, "Faculty members are expected to engage in professional development, the advising of students and to work on faculty and

institutional committees, as are other faculty members at institutions of our type."

Schwarze, however, has a slightly different outlook. She feels as though all of these responsibilities are wearing out the fulltime faculty on this campus. Granted, she realizes that professors have responsibilities, and she is well-ready to uphold them, but providing more full-time faculty would not only disperse the responsibilities of each individual full-time faculty member, but it would also allow for more "fun" activities to be planned for the students within each department.

"There are not enough full-time faculty members for intellectual, creative and curricular activities [to take place on or off campus]," Schwarze said.

-continued on page 3.

photo courtesy of Kerri Houseman Junior Kerri Housemanteachessecond graders at Audubon ElementarySchool.Many educationmajors will not have the opportunity to stand before a class next semester.
''There are not enough full-time faculty members for intellectual, creative and curricular activities."

Woodcrest comes of age

This December, the fall edition of Woodcrest will hit the campus. Woodcrest is Cabrini's literary magazine, a combination of the school's previous yearbook of the same name and the school's literary magazine, Cryptic. The magazine, -.yhich will be available on Dec. 6, is a biannual publication from the English and communications department produced pri- • marily by the students.

• Throughout the year, several classes work on the magazine. Writing For Publication: Creative Writing, Woodcrest Practicum and Photography For Publication all came together to publish the magazine for the fall. Next semester, Photography For Publication and Woodcrest Practicum will work with those involved in Writing For Publication: Non-Fiction to put together the spring issue.

The theme for the magazine this semester is "Coming Of Age."

"the theme is open semester to semester," Dr. Seth Freebie, assistant professor of English and Communications, said, "but this

one seems to be one the students this year have been very enthusiastic about." Freebie, who works with students and Dr. Charles McCormick, assistant professor of English and Communications, to coordinate the magazine, said the theme is a very broad topic that is always an enduring concern for all students.

Developed by McCormick and students he worked with last year, the theme also goes hand in hand with several other campus programs. It is very much related to the English and Communications department's Career Development program. Freebie and McCormick will also further develop "Coming Of Age" in certain Seminar 100 offerings this spring.

• The work produced for the magazine this fall covers a wide range of topics, including religion, loss, sexuality, learning, education, romance and fear. Freebie said that the work included asks the readers to consider the challenges and difficulties that today's youth face.

Katie Reing, a junior who is working for the magazine for a second year, is extremely excited about the magazine and is proud

of how it looks thus far. Reing, whose primary responsibility is visuals, has worked with the cover and overall photo selection. This responsibility has changed as well. The magazine now uses digital imaging for the first time, helping the magazine stay, as Freebie says, "cutting edge."

The magazine will also feature a special section relating entirely to the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States. Freebie thinks that the theme works with the feelings brought forth by the attacks and that it covers the feelings not just on campus, but also throughout the entire nation.

On Dec. 6, the magazine staff will hold a special kickoff party in the Mansion. All students are invited to join this celebration of the magazine, which will include readings from the authors of the work in the fall issue.

If anyone is interested in working for the spring issue of the magazine, they should contact McCormick on campus at extension x8467 or Freebie at extension • x8364.

Fewer classes causes problems

Registering for classes was not an easy task this semester. Scheduling for the spring semester has always been difficult but this year has more students vying for what seemed to be fewer classes.

requirements consist of competencies in English, math, science, IST, and foreign language. A student must take classes to fill both these requirements and the requirements of the major. The distribution is there to fulfill the goal of each evolving into a liberally educated person.

The history and political science department offers at least eight different introductory classes fornon-majors. Every class the department offers is open to all students; there are no majors' only courses. So even though there is not a Jot of variety, there are a lot of classes for the average student.

Other departments offer a lot to students trying to fill the core, and end up leaving their majors searching for the classes needed to graduate. The English and communications department is like this. Majors are sometimes left searching for the credits they need to graduate while a non-major sits in an English class just to fill their distribution.

The psychology department offers six different classes to fill distribution credits. Three of which are introductory level courses; all are already full. The others are 200 and 300 level courses.

Each department has to go through a selection process trying to place certain classes in differel!t time slots, scheduling the teachers almost as much as the students. Some classes are only offered once every spring and some are on a tri-semester rotation. It may not be easy to create a schedule, but there are some interesting classes in the various departments through out the school.

Cabrini offers a liberal arts education to all students, whether they have majors or not. To fill the requirements. of the liberal arts program students must take certain classes to fill the core and dis-

Some departments do not offer classes for non-majors. The education department is offering more dasses this semester than last but none can be taken by anyone other than education majors. This makes it easier for the department to offer more classes, and that makes getting classes as a student tribution requirements. The core easier.

The end result of the distribution of the core courses is that some senior and junior students are being closed out of their classes, which are required for them to have for their major, while other non-majors are registering to merely fulfill their core requirement.

Surprise! Woodcrest 2001 is coming. Dec. 6, 2001

Education: Students struggle to teach

- Continued from page 1

The way the situation works now, is that students have to declare a major by the end of their sophomore year. If all of their NTEs are not passed, students will be accepted into the educational studies major. When all of their tests are completed and passed, they can be accepted into the certifi~ation program, which will allow them to student teach. "The two programs are very permeable and there·is no second class status associated with the new major," O'Connell stressed.

The situation is slightly more difficult for current seniors. If seniors do not have all of their NTEs passed, but pass them by May, they will still graduate with a degree in educational studies. This is because all of their student teaching requirements have not been met. The student can do an internship in a private or parochial school, but student teaching credits will still have to be completed. These can be done during the Summer I session at Cabrini. The numberof credits needed will depend on how many requirements were met during the student's in-

temship. Once student teaching is completed, the student's transcript will be stamped with an approval for certification. According to Middleton, "A student who completes student teaching during the summer will probably receive his or her certificate around the same time as everyone else. Harrisburg gets so backed up that the extra time spent student teaching should not hold the student back." This means that everyone should be ready to enter to enter the job force at the same time. • Students have opinions that run the gamut from very upset to approving, but shock is the most common feeling on campus. "It's a little overwhelming for people. It took everyone by surprise, especially seniors who are right in the middle of their last year;' said Erin Maxwell, a senior education major.

This thought was echoed by senior Elizabeth Farrell: "Everyone is angry because they didn't know that they had to pass the tests by a certain date and now they are being penalized because they did not know that."

Middleton said, "No one expected there to be three changes in the

standards in 12 months. It couldn't be anticipated." She also said that students are upset because they realized that maybe something that they decided to put on the back burner was the most important thing they had to do. "The tests have been given a number of times. If students didn't budget their time and money, they are now in crunch mode."

Junior Megan Gallagher said, "I think the education division here thinks that everyone knows the procedures for testing and the majority of students have no clue."

~ometimes even the things the students are tol_dare wrong and misleading according to some angered students.

Lori Lonergan, a junior, explained a situation that happened to her. "I was told that I couldn't take my NTEs because I didn't have a 3.0 GPA, but I found out too late that I didn't need a certain GPA at all. I had to take four tests in one day and I bad to wait to take the fifth one. By that time field experience had already started."

Senior Gabrielle Beltran agreed saying, "We were advised to wait to take our last NTEs as of May 2001. When we came in Septem-

ber we were told that we had to have them all done. There were only two testing dates in the fall. By the time some people were told of this, it was too late to register."

All of the colleges in the area including West Chester University and Ursinus College still allow student teaching when tests are not completed. "Even if I wanted to go to another school to do student teaching, I couldn't do that because the last 30 credits have to be from Cabrini in order to graduate;' Beltran said.

Some students think that the rule should have a grandfather clause. "It's unfair, I think. Maybe they should've done it to incoming freshmen and let the seniors still student teach," said Kim Cashman, senior. The grandfather clause that is in effect is that if students took the old NTEs and passed them, they do not have to take the new tests that have been introduced.

Even though the overwhelming majority of the students feel that this is unfair, there are some people who think that it is a good idea. "I think that you should pass the NTEs before student teaching. If a person doesn't know enough

to pass the tests, then maybe they don't know enough to student teach," said Lisa Brogan, senior.

The educational studies major was put in place in ·order to try to boost the appearance of Cabrini on the National Report Card. If the school did not take a drastic step to reduce the "low producing institution" status, the certification programs could possibly be cut.

"Students are upset for an understandable reason," O'Connell said, "but Cabrini didn't have a choice."

Test Dates:

January 12, 2002

March 9, 2002

April 20, 2002

June 15, 2002

for specific tests go to: teachingandlearning.arg

Part-time faculty larger than national average

-Continued ft:om page 1

According to Schwarze, some full-time professors have 40 advisees, thus preventing the close • and personal relationship between students and teachers that Cabrini is known for. Until this year, some of the adjunct faculty members did not even have office space in which meetings with students can take place. They had to resort to discussions before or after class, or the informal communication of e-mailing. This year, all part-time adj~ncts were offered office space and phone extensions. Not all of them, however, took the opportunity to utilize this opportunity.

This year, 374 first-time firstyear students were admitted to the college. Because of this large

number, many course sections were added at the last minute, to be filled by newly hired adjuncts.

Statistically, these are the teachers whose chances of receiving the less enticing class times, such as 8:15's or 7:lO's, are increased. Guerra admits a reduction in numbers of full-time faculty members, but chalks it up to the fact that there were six late resignations at the end of last semester, thus prohibiting the college from filling those positions with qualifi~d fulltime faculty members. As a result, part-time adjuncts were hired in hopes of some of them moving up to full-time positions, or merely buying some time to find the right person for the long-term position.

"We can't hire a full-time faculty member without a national search.

We can't have a national search in July," Guerra said. Guerra's goal is to reach the number of full-time faculty members at which this college was last year: 59. Schwarze's goal is to increase that number still more, and bring Cabrini closer to the national average at which, she believes, it should be.

No matter the reason for the use of more adjuncts over full-time faculty, Guerra and Schwarze both emphasized that adjuncts are certainly an asset to the college, as well as the students, and should not be looked down upon simply because they are not employed as full-time professors.

Cabrini Faculty Facts:

•Full-time faculty teaches 59 percent of courses

•Cabrini employs 145 part-time faculty members

•Part-time faculty make between $1,800 and $2,200 per course

•Some full-time professors have 40 advisees .

Loquitur f , N 3 __________________ ;, EWS-------------------
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The power of love

Who said that language is a barrier? Mattie Charlene Dyer, 70 and Yang Yunkun, 71, who married in July can communicate perfectly fine without speaking. The bride is an American-born teacher who speaks only English, and the groom is a retired pipefitter who spent his entire life in China and speaks only Chinese. Dyer says the marriage is "hard to explain," but there is "an electricity and a magnetism between us."

As slow as possible

In Halberstadt, Germany, an organist kicked off a performance of the deceased radical composer John Cage's "Organ 2 as slow as possible." The piece was originally written 20 minutes, but because of the organist's imagination and technology, it will be performed over a period lasting 639 years. The first six months will be dedicated to creating an organ's first note. The purpose of the organist's performance is to contrast the piece with the frenzied pace of modem society.

Real-life cookie monster

A mother black bear and her two cubs committed a crime. They broke into a car in Casper, Wyoming and stole a bag of chocolate chip cookies. "She apparently got into the lady's car and broke the back window and stole some cookies," explained Mike Choma, the Casper game warden. A set of paw prints in the snow gave the culprits away.

Toilet talk

The toilet will be the lone topic at an international summit in Singapore. Around 200 delegates from Finland, Britain, the United States, India, Japan and Taiwan will discuss design, ventilation, sanitation, incontinence and the future of a device that is still considered a luxury in many parts of the world. One of the highlights of the convention will be the mime performance depicting desirable and undesirable toilet behavior. "We do have quite a few delegates from China," a spokeswoman for the organizer said. ''They would like to check how best to build their toilets for the Olympics."

Cookie Monster tosses his cookies

Who knew that someone could bring themselves to beat up a loveable Sesame Street character. According to accounts, Lee P. McPhatter became very upset with Cookie Monster when the muppet refused to take a picture with his daughter. After giving the monster a strong push that sent the fuzzy creature to the ground, McPhatter gave him a few kicks to the head. Police soon arrived to escort the lunatic from the building. As the man was being dragged into a police car he allegedly yelled, "I want you Big Bird, quit hiding behind Cookie Monster." He has been charged with reckless abuse of a Muppet.

Public safety alerts campus

Students at area colleges have been victims of theft from a group of people. Public safety wants Cabrini students'to be aware of credit card theft, especially during the holiday season.

Credit cards have been stolen at several area colleges and public safety wants Cabrini students to be on alert.

Charles Schaffner, director of public safety, met with the directors of public safety froro a half dozen area colleges at Villanova last week. The meeting alerted Schaffner about a group of people that have been stealing credit cards from students at colleges in the area.

Once they have the credit cards in. their possession, they max out the credit cards and have the power then to use that credit card to get more credit cards in the per-

son's name.

Alleged m~mbers of the group have been arrested but public safety still wants students to be cautious.

Schaffner confirmed that Villanova and Bryn Mawr were both hit by the group and other colleges in the area should be on guard.

Schaffner warns students to be careful with purses and wallets. He especially wants students to be careful with their driver's licenses and social security cards.

Last year, a similar problem occurred on campus. Someone came to campus and collected personal information from students. The person or people who collected information from students at Cabrini also collected information from

other area colleges. Schaffner said there were four incidents last year. Public safety turned the information they collected over to the police.

Public safety asks students to be careful, especially during the holiday season. Shaffner asks that students not carry large amounts of cash or flash money around, to be careful with their credit cards and personal information, not leave • purses unattended and to always lock their doors.

• "We're aware of this," Schaffner said. "And we're keeping our eye out for these people."

Schaffner also asks that if students are victim to any kind of crime that they contact public safety immediately.

Safety Tips

•Don't leave your personal belongings unattended.

•Secure and Lock your valuable, purses, etc. Don't leave the items under your desk.

•Limit the amount of credit cards, money or valuables that you must carry with you.

•Notify Pub)ic Safety if you have missing or stolen property.

NEWS Thursday, Nov. 29, 2001
•Mr. and Ms. Cabrini•Mr. and Ms. Cabrini•Mr. and Ms. Cabrini•Mr. and Ms. Cabrini•Mr. and Ms. Cabrini•Mr. and Ms. Cabrini•Mr. and Ms. Cabrini• Mr. and Ms. Cabrini Pageant Grace Hall Atrium 10 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 29 $2 admission, bring school ID •DJ•F ood•Raffles•Soda•Fun•DJ•Food•Raffles•Soda•Fun•DJ•Food•Raffles•Soda•F un•Raffles•Soda•Fun•DJ•Food•Raffles•Soda•Fun•DJ•Food•Raffles• .---·

An opportunity for an alternative spring break

Project Appalachia, a service project sponsored by Campus Ministry, sends groups of Cabrini students to various communities

in West Vuginia. This has been a tradition for more than 20 years on campus. Once there, the students "work with people on projects to improve the quality of life of the individuals that live there," Dr. Mary Laver, coordinator of corfimunity outreach. said.

The service project takes place in WV because they have "many pockets which are among the poorest of the nation," Laver said.

One of those places, Camp Kisnet, has been a "Cabrini alumni tradition for years. They go to help staff a little camp for kids who can't otherwise afford camp," Laver said.

However, this year, because of bad flooding this past July, students are going to Fayetteville near Camp Kisnet "to help with some rehabilitation of housing of families of

Kisnet," Laver said.

palachia in the past have gone to places like Union, WV. Last year in Union, they "helped to rebuild an old school that was closed in the '60s," John Verdi, junior, said. "It was converted into a recreational center for children. We painted the cafeteria, the hallways and the gymnasium."

This year's Project Appalachia will take place during the week of spring break, March 2-8. There will be an informational meeting during the week of Dec. 3. Students will be asked to do serious fundraising because of all the expenses that need to be fulfilled.

John Verdi, junior, paints the ceiling of an old school to help convert it into a recreation center. Verdi, along with other students, spent last spring break in Unfon, West Virginia.

Groups of students will be sent to the East Bank area in WV as well.

Students who have helped with Project Ap-

All questions can be directed to Dr. Mary Laver in community outreach in the Wolfington Center for service and leadership, ext. 8409, or to Jessica Morgan, ext. 8225.

A new face on campus: Margaret Fox-Tully

The thoughts of uniting people together as one, remaining as a neutral individual, and the good feeling that she receives from her job all pertain to Margaret FoxTully. But who is Margaret FoxTully?

Fox-Tully has entered Cabrini College this current academic year as the Executive Assistant to the President. Fox-Tully claims that she was drawn to the position at Cabrini for various unique reasons. She also firmly believes that there is a strong future here at Cabrini for the staff and students,

with also appealing energy that is generated throughout campus.

Fox-Tully originates from New Jersey, however, she currently resides in Ardmore. Fox-Tully has completed her undergraduate studies at Rutgers University. Following her graduation at Rutgers, Fox-Tully began to pursue her graduate work. She completed her graduate work at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. Fox-Tully began her career teaching high school English and following that she began to teach at the college level.

Fox-Tully had been teaching for fifteen years, before she reached the opportunity to become an Ex-

ecutive Assistant. The opportunity to become an Executive Assistant had emerged when she was teaching at Harcum College. While she was a professor at Harcum College, the former president left and a new individual took the role of president. Fox-Tully began to help the newly appointed president with a process known as middlestates accreditation. The middlestates accreditation is a process initiated by the Commission on Secondary Schools of the Middle States Association. The Middle States Association is a peer-administered, non-profit, non-governmental organization of diverse institutions devoted to the highest

quality education for every student, which is to accredit institutions and to ensure constant improvement of educational services. Through working with the President of Harcum College with this accreditation, she realized that she liked the work that was involved and was willing to apply for the available positions.

Fox-Tully comments that there are many tasks that entail the duties of an Executive Assistant. She describes how she aids the President with the trustees, the support staff, and members of the cabinet.

She also describes how her job is determined between the relationship regarding the president and

the assistant. Fox-Tully said, "In this field, you learn how to become patient, because there is never a specific routine. There is always variety."

Fox-Tully has shared many of her beliefs towards Cabrini with its strong future and appealing energy it provides. With the enthusiasm that Fox-Tully expresses towards Cabrini among its students and staff, she hopes it will continue to expose its positive attributes for many years to come.

Loquitur NEWS 5
photo by Amy Gassen children of Camp photo by Amy Gassen Students participated in numerous service projects while in West Virginia. Last year, the site in Union helped to put up the walls of a house.

Free Internet Music Sparks College Student Appeal

College students continue to swap music via the Internet even after the long-drawn legal dispute between Napster and the music industry. The idea of downloading music for free is appealing and convenient for students with little money and high-speed Internet access.

Songs can be downloaded through the Internet in the MP3 format, which makes song files small enough to move around on the Internet in a reasonable amount of time. MP3 CDs can hold 10 hours of music compared to just 74 minutes for traditional audio CDs. Downloaded files can be played on a computer, listened to on a portable MP3 player or burned onto a compact disk.

"I actually like [downloading] better because I don't like buying CDs," freshman Amanda Prostack said. "Usually I don't like most of the songs. When I download, I only do those I like and then make my own mixes."

Sites, such as, cannot legally store or distribute copyrighted material for it would be copyright infringement. How- ever, some sites discovered a different way to distribute MP3 files. Rather than storing the songs in a central network computer, Nap-

ster allowed users to swap songs that resided on the users' machines.

Napster's defense was that the files are personal files that people

Free Music Sites



3. FileNavigator: WWW.f i lenavigator.tom

4. MyNapster:


maintain on their own machines and therefore Napster is not responsible. Since individuals are usually not as concerned about copyright laws as a business would be, a wide variety of songs were available for trade to the entire . world from one's personal computer. "We've been develop-

ing a Napster service that offers additional benefits to members of the community and, importantly, makes payments to artists," Shawn Fanning, Napster founder, said.

Many recently developed imitators of the popular music-swapping site are steering clear of the superior technical architecture that constructs the Napster site. Napster is comprised of more than 200 company-owned servers connected to high-speed networks that are used to store indexes of users' file libraries and to answer search requests.

Sophomore Laura Charney, who has tried online music sharing, has decided to 'give up on the entire process. "It was somewhat confusing and a very long process," Charney said. "That's why I don't really download the music."

This centralized file-sharing network is also expensive to build and maintain. WinMX, which launched its Peer Networking Protocol in April, is among the filesharing services that have recently ditched their server hardware and are letting participating users' PCs handle the search and indexing chores.

The music file-sharing phenomenon may soon be halted due to a new encryption technology

Student accesses to download songs free of charge. Free music sites are popular amongst college students because they are more practical.

developed by SunnComm's MediaCloQ and utilized by BMG Entertainment, which represents stars such as Christina Aguilera and Carlos Santana. This technology will prevent CD listeners from converting the tunes to computer files and sharing then through websites popularized by Napster.

This prevention will not be a dilemma for sophomore Michael Toland. "I just prefer not to [download)," Toland said. "I cannot listen to something over and

over again, ~hich is what I would do if I downloaded music."

Though still in the preliminary testing stages, BMG may begin to put the technology on CDs released that reach a wide audience. These efforts may be wasted if hackers, who have worked overtime to break high-profile security systems, succeed in breaking this sophisticated copy-protection technology.

'Commedia' Comes to the Great Roam in Xavier

On Wednesday, Nov.14 at 10 p.m. there was a performance of "Commedia," in the Xavier Hall great room.

The night began in front of about 20 people when the group of students. who were performing, did their warrnup. The warm-up consisted of an energy-packed medley of ''Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes," "Swing Your Partner" and "Woosh."

The show was set in a medieval time, but it had a modem twist. The dialogue used modem English and slang.

The story line was about finding· one•s tnie love. Through out the entire performance all of the characters are trying to find a significant other. However. they encounter many obstaclt:s along the way.

The performance is geared toward the averagecollege student. There was an abundance of sexual material through out the show. Catherine Luko went to the show for .some

entertainment on a Wednesday night. "Oh my God! It was great! It was so funny!" Luko said.

By the end of the night there were about 45 people in attendance. The audience grew every time that someone passed by the doors of the great room as laughter filled the ball.

Commedia is a class taught by Neal Newman, director of the theater department at Cabrini. Commedia can either be taken as a class or as practicum credit. In fact some students who are participating in it are not even receiving any credit for it.

Commedia is currently on tour. This was their only planned stop at Cabrini. However, if they feel that the response to the show was good enough they may come back for another show.

The class will not be offered again next semester. It may be offered in the fall semester. "If it is a hit we will consider offering it again," Neuman said.

6 A&E Thursday, Nov. 29, 2001
Photo taken by MichaelA. Kazanjian OpenNap:
?Mt m

Trouble in Paradise on Temptation Island

As the television network Fox has grown, it has been known for having long- running television series and controversial series. The "X-files" and "Temptation Island 2" certainly fit into these categories.

Shake'ups Q.n.l!HJr.."X-files'> Season

One of the longest-running television shows, non- animated, has returned for its ninth season. "The X-fil~s" have returned this year with new episodes and new characters.

The tandem of Dana Scully played by Gillian Anderson and Fox Mulder played by David Duchovany was something that "X-files" fans had become accustomed to. Now it has almost completely faded away. Duchovany, after just acting part-time in last year's show, left the show to pursue a movie career. Meanwhile, Anderson's role has become lessened due to her character having a baby. Even though these characters have become a limited amount of the show's plot, now they open the room for some new faces.

Fans of the "X-files" will be happy to.know that Mitch Pileggi, better known to fans as the assistant director of the EB.I., Walter Skinner, is returning and in a full-time role. Returning this year from his strong performances in last year's episodes is the character of John Doggett played by Robert Patrick. He became Scully's partner in the last season when Mulder was missing. Also introduced in last year's season was Annabeth Gish who played a former partner of John Doggett's, Monica Reyes. The final member of the cast is Cary Elwes, who plays Assistant Director Brad Follmer.

The season premiere of ''The X-files" debuted on Nov. I 1. The show features another character, Shannon McMahon, played by Lucy Lawless. The show explains

Mulder's disappearance, ties in the conspiracy from last year's season that aliens are working in the F.B I. And on Nov.18 it will continue with more explanations, including an explanation about Scully's baby. Although the premiere left questions about the previous season, fans of the "Xfiles" have come to expect this and will probably have to wait for a movie after this ninth season to fully explain everything. A bit of good news for the fans is that Duchovany and Anderson have already agreed to come back and make a film.

Temptation Island 2: Lock The Kids Away

The last "Temptation Island" proved that sex draws good ratings. Once again, on the new. season of ''Temptation Island," four couples travel to an island off the coast of Belize. While they are at the island 26 single men and women will tempt them to break their commitments with their significant other.

The premiere of the show introduced the couples. Thomas and Nikkole are from Chicago and they have been together for three and a half years. Nikkole wants to marry and Tom does not. Also corning from Chicago are Catherine and Edmundo. They spend a lot of time apart due to Catherine having to travel all of the time with her musical theater group. Genevieve and Tony have been seeing each other for the last four and a half years. Apparently, Tony is too conservative, according to Genevieve. She is looking for more passion in a relationship with a man. The final couple has only been together for 10 months. Shannon is looking for a guy more financially stable than her boyfriend, John. John is a bartender, who thinks that Shannon is crazy for thinking that love is about how much money a guy gives her.

The second episode of ''Temptation Island 2" sees the people from couples get matched up with some of the single people. The first two single people voted off the islanc;I were John's date, Anna Maria, and Catherine's date, Oscar. After their dates, all of the guys and girls went to a swimming hole, where chicken fights ensued. There seemed to be a lot of bpnds forming between some of the people who are couples and some of the single people. As this series continues, it promises to have a lot of surprises left in store for the audience.

Beauty and the BEAST on Broadway

by Lucy Truglio

Raucci saw the production at Forrest Theaters with Cabrini staff writer "I have loved the story of Beauty and the Beast since I was a little girl, I love going to the theater but seeing a play take Forrest Theatre's production of Disney's "Beauty and the form of a beloved childhood story was especially the Beast" was available to Cabrini students on Friday Nov. thrilling and exciting to me." 15. Student activities arranged it so that Cabrini students Sophomore Kathleen Sweeney accompanied Raucci to had transportation to the theater and were able to partake in the play. Her thoughts were, "The music was beautiful I the thrilling show and experience of live tb,eater.Students found myself singing along with the actors, I especially enhad the chance to get off campus for a bit and have the joyed hearing the new songs written just for the play which chance to relive a beloved story from their childhood. were not in the movie version. Disney's Beauty and the Beast has been a long time sue- All of the tickets allotted lo Cabrini were sold out for the cess. The story of Belle a beautiful peasant girl yearning for show. "Everyone left the theater with a positive attitude, a life far more interesting and exiting then her small town this story of inner beauty captures the hearts of everyone," can provide, meets a sullen and distant prince who under Raucci said. the influence of a spell has taken the form of a hideous For more information on tickets and showtimes call beast. With the help of a few friends along the way a bon<J Telecharge at 800-447-7400 or reserve tickets online at is formed between Belle and the Beast. The story of their can also contact the Forrest Thefriendship which eventually develops into a deep respect atre at 215-923-151, which is located

and love for one and other has captured the hearts of many. 1114 Walnut St. Beauty and the Beast will

Disney's first venture with the story was with the movie, the

which was later followed up by a play.

Loquitur A&E 7
Photo retrieved from Tony and Linda are testing the waters on Temptation lsland's second season. in Philadelphia at
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Photo retrieved from be performed at The website provides infor- Forest Theatre until Nov. 25. mation on a variety of Disney plays currently on Broad- Sophomore Melissa

INXS: MichaelHutchericeIn Excess

A band that had it all and was ready to conquer the world was unfortunately cut short a few years ago. INXS was a band that was around for twenty years and had numerous albums and countless hits. INXS is still around todiiy, but they are definitely not the same without their fearless lead singer, Michael Hutchence, with his sexy, tantalizing voice and sultry ways.

They come from the land down under. Farriss and his brothers Jon Farriss and Tim Farriss were always involved with music and were playing instruments since they were young ,boys. Finally, they decided they should form a band. This band, originally known as The Farriss Brothers, consisted of Andrew Farriss, Jon Farriss, Tim Farriss, Garry Beers, Kirk Pengilly and Michael Hutchence. They started out as being a pub band in Australia. After a name change, they became one of the biggest bands of

their time.

Many people agree Michael Kelland Hutchence had the stage presence that made people notice him. He is often compared to legends Jim Morrison and Mick Jagger. Born on January 22; 1960 in Sydney, Hutchence was the lead vocalist in the band.

In 1978 The Farriss Brothers spent ten months writing, rehearsing and playing at local pubs in the western part of Australia. In 1979 they returned to Sydney and started playing at least six or seven nights a week in local bars. They also grabbed the attention of Gary Morris who was the manager of Midnight Oil, a popular group during this time. The Farriss Brothers toured with Midnight Oil for a short time, they then dropped Morris as their manager and were signed by Chris Murphy to a top label. During this time the band decided to change their name from The Farriss Brothers to INXS meaning "In excess." The newly named band made their live debut in September of that year in New South Michael Hutchence and INXS went from small Australian pubs to MTV.

Wales. This first concert started off a long succession of the band and numerous hits.

This band sold over 20 million records, played thousands of shows, had numerous hits, MTV Video Awards, British Awards, and Grammy nominations in 17 years, but all this happened with the same six men that started this band in 1977.

Even though lead singer, Michael Hutchence had his depressive moments, no signs were showing in November of 1997. The band was in Australia celebrating their 20th anniversary and just about ready to head off their "Lose Your Head Tour" on November 25.

On November 22, 1997 Hutcbence was found banging in his hotel room. He was only 37 years old. It is suggested that this was a suicide but many do not believe that be was capable of taking his own life. His girlfriend, and mother of his baby, did not accept the fact that he took his own life and believed there was foul play involved. However, a blood analy-

sis revealed that he had cocaine, alcohol and Prozac in his system. Family, friends, band members and fans were in complete shock regarding this news. Hutchence is missed by many and even though INXS still plays shows, they will never be the same. He was a beautiful individual inside and out and could magically transform words into magnificent lyrics. It wasn't just his captivating looks, his stunning curly hair, his gorgeous smile and mesmerizing eyes, it was who be was and what he wanted to conquer in life. Even though he is no longer with us, he is still on the top of my list, right under Eddie Vedder.

In Michael's own words, ''Hate baby hate, when there's nothing left for you. You're only human. What can you do? It'll soon be over. Don't let your pain take over you. Love baby love, it's written all over your face. There's nothing better we can do than live forever ... well that's all we've got to do."

Christmas is right around the comer and the shopping begins. If you are looking for a reasonable and memorable gift, Color Me Mine might be just be what you are looking for.

Color Me Mine, located at 109 W. Lancaster Avenue, is a ceramic store where anyone can go in and customize a piece. The pieces range from kids, birthdays, holidays and more. The three most wanted pieces are the mugs, the cupcake jars and picture frames.

There are six simple steps in this process. First, choose a ceramic piece, next sketch your design, select your colored paints, then paint your piece to your desire, the piece is fired overnight in the kiln. Finally you can pick up the finished product. The whole painting process usually takes from an hour to an hour and a half. The smaller pieces are usually ready to be

picked up in a week. The larger pieces take from 10 to 12 days to be done and ready to take home to enjoy.

The prices of these pieces are reasonable. They are generally $10 to $15. The ornaments are only $5. The most expensive item in the store is the "turkey plate" priced at $55.

Kellie Dunn, studio manager, said that business has been picking up since the holidays are corning. "We are now open seven days a week with extended hours due to the holidays," Dunn said. After Jan. it will be closed Mondays. Hours are Tuesday to Thursday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday 12 pm. to 9 p.m.

The holiday section bas a huge selection of items including santas, snowmen, angels, stars, trees, teddies, stockings, mittens, wreaths, dreidels, kiddy cups and more.

A new item is coming in, a Menorah with Noah's Arch wrapped around. The

most popular Christmas item is the lighted Christmas tree. All pieces are led-free, nontoxic, dishwasher and food safe. Microwave use is not recommended.

The last day to get a piece back is before Christmas is Dec 16. The store is closed at 3pm on Christmas Eve.

"People are always in making something, no matter what age. Anything in here is the best gift no matter bow old or how young you are, it is made from the heart," Dunn said.

If for some reason you do not think you have talent there are books, magazines, stamps, stencils and painted samples in the studio for you to use. You can also look through 20,000 images on the computer in the studio, print them out and paint it on to your piece. There are over 75 colored paints to use on 300 different items not including holiday items.

"A handmade gift is sincerely priceless," Dunn said.

8 FEATURES Thursday, Nov. 29, 2001 '
photo by Justine DiFilippo Personalized pottery is a great gift to give during the holiday season.

Alexis Strlzzlere which is located next to the lower that started with the letter 's' so assistantfeatures editor athletic fields off of Radnor we •could switch it to the word

Welcome to the jungle, where there is fun and games and a whole lot of paint and paintbrushes. Radnor High School would like to ask all its seniors who believe they are made from the best stuff on earth to report to the field house ~d plan to get messy. It's that time of year again. Time to create a work of art that has become a tradition amongst RHS seniors.

A vision of catchy eye candy to view when driving past the field house, this freestanding building used mostly for storage has become the sketchpad for RHS seniors' artwork. Every year the seniors gather together to design a theme that best represents the graduating class. This year's theme: "Seniors, Made From the Best Stuff On Earth" and "Welcome to the Jungle."

Possibly ·o~eof the oldest traditions among RHS students, Mike McBride, senior class adviser and adviser for the mural, can remember when he was in high school and students would sneak onto RHS grounds late at night to paint on the field house,

Chester Road.

"Although it was illegal and if you were caught by the police you would get into a lot of trouble, students would organize them~ selves and sneak over to the school late at night to paint messages on the field house," McBride said. About 10 years ago after so many years of illegally painting on the building, the tradition was accepted by the administration and they decided to make this tradition legal and for the seniors.

The class officers organize about 25-30 seniors who volunteer their time and energy to paint the field house. They use money collected from fundraisers to purchase paint and supplies. Twice a year the field house receives a fresh coat of paint and a new theme.

"In the beginning of the year we paint the field house with a message that .represents our class and in the spring we repaint the field house with a goodbye message right before we graduate," senior Ashley Mahady said. "We wanted to come up with a slogan

'seniors' and plus we liked the 'Welcome to the Jungle' theme," Mahady said. Madahy said that origin1illyin addition to the Snapple theme the plan was to paint McBride's face on one side of the field house but due to the tragic incident of Sept 11th they decided to paint an American flag instead. Plans fell through, however, due to lack of supplies and hands and they advertised for Lower Merion week to gather spirit among the students instead.

Lower Merion week is the precelebration of a hopeful victory for the bigge&tfootball game of the RHS football season. This year celebrated the 105-year anniversary of the oldest-running public high .school football ·game in the countcy, RHS vs. Lower Merion high schO(!l.

'Toe top of the field house is currently in the process of being redone. We started to paint over the already-done Snapple theme to paint an inspiring message about America after the incident but this plan also fell through too because we discovered it cost too much to completely repaint the

The field house at Radnor High School will forever be a memory to the students who took part in painting it. • top of the field house and plus we didn't have enough student help," Mahady said.

"I think what the school has allowed these students to do is great. The students don't have to worry about getting caught illegally painting the field house and it's a great class activity for them. I believe it also helps to raise the students' spirit for the school because there i_sso little of it in any school these days," McBride said. Without a doubt the mural painted on the field house does raise the- students spirits. Every

senior who has taken part in this activity has painted his or her name on the back wall of the field house. The rest of the walls are covered in jungle print with wild animals and on the front of the field house lies the inscription 'We've got fun and games" and "Caution, seniors on property." It is easy to see how much time and dedication it takes to complete a project like this. Being made from the best stuff on earth isn't easy but these seniors have proved it is worth the while.

The time has come. Fall semester is winding to a close and finals are here. As the days progress and winter break grows near, Thursday night partying begins to give way to all-nighters and library cramming sessions. For students at Cabrini College, effectively studying for finals often includes some of their longtime friends, the Campus Comer delivery guys.

"l'd rather have Campus Corner than any food on this campus," freshman resident Anthony Pepe said. "I always order before studying. It gets me through my work." Another benefit of order-

ing from "Campus" as it has become affectionately nicknamed, is that their hours are convenient for late night hunger pangs. "Studying can make you hungry, and campus is always there." Pepe said of his favorite food delivery service.

Another location for convenient one-stop food pick-ups is Wayne's very own Wawa. A popular spot for Cabrini students, the local Wawa oper~tes 24 hours a day serving everything from hoagies to ice cream to chips and ·pretzels.

Krista Stella, sophomore and avid fan of Wawa, said this about her favorite food spot. "I prefer junk food when I'm studying. If I have something small to snack on

I can keep my mind on my work and I study longer, without becoming distracted. I'm personally a fan of the cheese doodles and chocolate Wawa has to offer." Stella isn't alone. Out of 20 students polled, eight would prefer to hit up Wawa than to order out or make something themselves.

" I don't eat while-I'm studying. Making something takes too long," Matt Tooley said of his study food preference. "I like to go out rather than order because it gives me a nice break from my work." Many people agree that food and studying do not go together and that if you're hungry, a break is definitely in order.

Food is not the only release for the frustrated student working

®ffhard toward good final grades. Listening to music is a generally universal release to the stresses of hitting the books. It is well known that classical music can have a •calming effect on the senses. However few students at Cabrini make use of this form of musical therapy.

"I don't really listen to music while I study," Stella said. "I get distracted and find myself singing and then I lose sight of what I'm trying to do. I don't have a lot of classical music so I don't listen to that too much either."

Stella is not alone. Out of the 20 students polled, only two listened to music at all and not one ever thought to pop in a classical CD to aid in their study sessions.

There are a few students who like their study time to be musically accompanied however. Junior Sean Atwell enjoys studying along to his favorite music. "I listen to music while I'm studying. It's nice to have the noise in the background, but when I have to really focus, I usually turn it off."

"Studying for finals is a stress. There is so much to worry about and just making it through them is a miracle. The real miracle though, would be making it through without gaining ten pounds. All that snacking can sure add up," said Stella. "Thank God for the gym."


Senior year and still learning

Education majors are thrown a curve ball

Education majors are feeling the effects of Cabrini's new policy regarding their certification. Shannon King's article on page 1 explains the logistics in great detail. In short, when it comes to certifying graduating students who will pursue a career in teaching, Cabrini is ranked among the lowest with competing schools.

As a result, all students must first pass the Praxis tests before they are able to do their required student teaching. In the past, students were able to do their student teaching without taking the test. Students could also graduate with a degree in education. Many seniors this year have yet to take the tests.

With this new policy in effect, many seniors will be unable to student teach next semester and will not graduate with a degree in education. They will, however, graduate with a degree in educational studies, a degree Cabrini has concocted to allow these students to graduate on time. Their student teaching and their certification will be put off until later.

Who is to blame for this confusion? Students claim that they were ill-advised by their earlier advisers to wait until their senior year to take certain sections of the tests. If that's the case, then how do you explain the seniors who have already completed and passed the tests and are ready to start their student teaching next semester?

Advantages abounded for students who took the tests early because if they failed any of the tests they would have an opportunity to take them again. Also they could space out the tests so that they wouldn't have to take all of the tests (up to seven) at once.

If Cabrini continued to allow students to graduate without certification it could lose its ability to certify students in the future. This could result in a big drop for future admissions. While Cabrini s_avesits reputation among the ranks of other colleges, what does it leave for the students? Students who will graduate with a degree in educational studies this year and do their student teaching in one of the summer. sessions w_illhave less time in front of a classroom than students who were able to teach in the spring semester. So instead of Cabrini graduating students without passing the tests, it will be sending future teachers into the working world who lack the practical experience needed to teach. It is a gray area between what the students were told and what they actually heard, but the decision on Cabrini's part is final.

In the midst of this controversy it should not be forgotten ·that Cabrini offers an excellent program for those interested in the education field. The good news is that after this year passes all of these kinks should be worked out.

The Loquitur editorial board voted for this editorial with a vote of 10 to 4 in favor of this editorial

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.

I remember when I was in high school, my mom told me to cherish it because my high school years "would be the best years of my life." So, when I graduated high school, I recalled my mom's words and never imagined my four years at Cabrini would be able to top "the best years of my life."

It felt like only yesterday when I was dragging an overstuffed trash bag up to the third floor of Woodcrest. Who would have thought four years of college would pass in the blink of an eye? It's funny. As a freshman, I was so eager to complete my four years of college and become a member of the "real" world.

I wanted ~at nine to five job more than anything. After all, that was why I went to college in the first place, to earn a degree and begin a promising career. I didn't want to struggle and scrape for money for the rest of my life; so I

Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to Theloquitur or The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087

•Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters and a phone number must be provided.

figured pursuing my education would guarantee my future success.

I completed my first year of college with that frame of mind. Sophomore year came and went as well.

I was determined to be a success and decided what better way to be a part of the "real" world than to take an internship position my sophomore year.

I was ahead of the game, right? Wrong. The internship did pay well and I was gaining applicable experiencein order to build my resume and prepare myself for that nine to five job I always wanted but the internship came and went just like sophomoreyear did.

I continued to work, work, work and began to forget about myself. I could not understand how people took their education so lightly.

Did they not realize that college was designedto prepare them for the "real" world, not help them beat the new TonyHawk game for Play Statiqn?

Junior year arrived.

I walked into that year with my eyes wide shut also. I continued to work two jobs and carry a full class load. I couldn't grasp the idea that everyone was sitting back, acting as if these four years would never end.

One day it hit me. I've .been working so hard throughout the

majority of my college career that I forgot to stop and look around me. I asked myself, "Why am I in such a hurry to graduate and experience the working world, when I have never given myself the opportunity to experience college life?"

For every freshmen, sophomore, junior and even first semester seniors, enjoy your time here because before you know it, you will be struggling to put the final touches on your resume I kept up with my studies and began to enjoy being a college student my junior year and it wasn't bad at all. I met a lot of people and formed new friendships.

I am now approachingthe final semester of my college career. I can almost hear that nine to five job calling me and I want nothing more then to put it on hold just one more semester.But that is not realistic. I am comfortable here. I know all my professors and I am surrounded by my friends. Cabrini is my bubble and I don't want to burst it.

However, I know when May comes, I will receive that diploma I worked so hard for and close this chapter of my life, while beginning a new one. Looking back on it all, I can honestly say, "these have been the best years of my life."

The Loquitur


Editor in chief: Michael A. Kazanjian

Managing editor: Renee romcanin

News editors: Beth Ann Conahan and Amy Gassen

Sports editor: Tracy Timson

A&E editor: Geri Lynn Utter

Perspectives editor: Renee DiPietro

Features editor: Jill C. Hindman

Photography editor: Justine Difilippo

Copy editor Joe Holden

Web editor: Charles La Coune

Ad,iser: Dr. Jerry Zurek

Slaff Photographers

Sean Atwell Jeffrey Hardy

Marcel Bassett Catharine Hernsoo

Jennifer Brunner


PERSPECTIVES Thursday,Nov. 29, 2001 James
Michael Paolucci Diane Wizimirski Staff Writers Kenneth
Colleen Connor Michael
ranya McCausland
is a laboratory newspaper written. edited and produced by students registered in COM 346. 350, 351. 353 and 354. Members of lhe campus community arc invited to "''Orkon or submit stories for Only students registered in the abm~ classes, however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per )"Carand is included in the benefits secured 1fl tuition and fees. UXJ.uiturwelcomes letters to the editor. Letters
is establishedas a forum for Stu• should be signed and the authorship known 10 the cdi· dent expression and as a voice in the tors. ~ame:s are withheld only in unu~ual circumstan~ uninhibited, robust, free and open discus- appro,ed l,>Ithe euitor m thief. Letkrs 10 !he edi1or sion of , ., , , , ; , , t' , 1 1 1s~uld be ,ubmi~~ by noof on ~\1on'?.r5: , ,., .•
Maria Chambers Tim Gordon Amanda Howard Marianne
Mc Quire
Broomall Ryan Mulloy
Paolucci Vincent DcFruscio
Roswell John Delsordo-Tarlecki
Schweizer Catherine Dilworth
Spriggs Jennifer Dalvano
Strizziere Catherine l--lemson
Tranchitella Eugene Iacovelli
Truglio Shannon Kiag Sharvon Urbannavage • Richard Magda
Wagstaff Melissa Modes ti

Remembering all forgotten

Most of us get stressed, perhaps at times too stressed. We often times lose sight of what we should be focused on and get caught up in our own self-doubt. I have always believed that when things get too tough and I feel as though I want to give in, I let go and let God.

If yori do not believe in God or maybe do not find the same level of trusting comfort as I do in God, read on anyway because I am in no way about to preach about any religion or personal beliefs.

This Thanksgiving was the first holiday since my grandfather passed away and that my family would be spending it without him. For this reason. I knew that this was going to be a very stressful holiday before the homework even piled on.

Looking around the table at Thanksgiving Day dinner I found

myself asking out loud, "Where is grandpop?" and with a sick feeling in my stomach I needed no answer. Then I began to wonder why, why my grandpop and of course I began to question my level of trust in God. I am not entirely clueless and I knew the holiday would be tough to get through if this was all I thought about. At that moment I decided to think about some other things such as remembering the things I should be thankful for.

Making a mental list in my head of all the things I should be thankful for, which I often forget, started somewhere around here a college and a room on campus to go back to because that meant I can afford to go to school and I have friends here to live with. I remembered my ability to love, trust, think, reason and care because this meant I was alive. I remembered how thankful I should be for the food I have because this meant I was not hungry. The clothes on my back because this meant I bad clothes, plenty of clothes. The car I drive, the air I breath, the things I see through these two brown eyes and the people I talk to as I pass by are just a few of the things that I should be and am thankful for.

Remembering how thankful I

was, when he was alive, to have such a special grandpop as he was, it hit me that I should be thankful for having him than to not have bad him at all. I bad never thought to look at it that way. I finally looked past my selfish indulgence and I began to remember just how lucky I was to have a family and a home to go home to.

At most points in my life, I become so engaged in the world around me that I forget to sit back, relax and enjoy life for its simple pleasures and think about all of the things I should be thanking someone I have. The appreciation of material objects and human beings goes so unnoticed at times that sometimes we don't realize how grateful we should be until we are reminded. I vowed to myself to be more aware of the gifts I have sitting in front of me and to stop thinking about myself. That's what Thanksgiving is about anyway, right?

Well in my quest, however, to better remember all of the things I have forgotten about to be thankful for, I remembered one thing. As long as a person's memory is kept alive in your heart, their fire will burn on for all of eternity to see and for this remembrance I am most thankful for.

Varsity Club created to break stereotypes

school and work. They choose college first because it is their first priority. Why should these people who are unable to participate in extra curricular activities not get the attention that an athlete receives?

Si.sterlylove valued and not forgotten

stayed at Beth's side. My mom was crying and I knew something was wrong. I finally asked the dreadful question, "Where's Beth?'' It was followed by an unforgettable answer, "Marianne, Beth passed away." After hearing this my whole world started to crumble.

I am writing in response to Jill Hindman's "No one understands you like a sister."

I believe it was the first story that I ever read in the Loquitur that has made me cry. The reason why I got so emotional reading her story was because it was so touching to see such a wonderful connection between Jill and her sister, one that I will never be able to have.

Trying to cope with something as devastating as losing a sister was near impossible. However, life must go on. What intrigued me to write this was reading how Jill always thinks of her sister when hearing Bette Middler's tune, "Wmd Beneath My Wings.'' I, like Jill, think of my sister, but for different reasons.

Sports players have special privileges no matter what anyone says. It is almost impossible to ignore the special treatment that athletes receive from teachers and fellow studelds. I happen to be an athlete, who understands both sides of the story.

On the one hand, college is for learning. Some people would like to play sports or join clubs but they are unable to because of

The athletes here represent Cabrini when they play other schools. They display leadership, determination and sportsmanship. Besides going to class and studying, athletes have to do additionally workout and make time to for practice and games. There are more things expected from an athlete than from an academic student.

Even though expectations are high for an athlete, they do not wish to have special treatment In fact, all of the sports teams have come together by making a club called the Varsity Club in order to eliminate the stereotypes and atti-

tudes that the sports teams are receiving.

The Varsity club is working extra hard by doing community service, running charities and most importantly supporting each other. The Varsity Club is trying to regain the lost school spirit and to allow teams to unite for each other instead of against one another.

The non-athletes should consider gaining more school spirit by attending home games whenever they can. Instead of criticizing sports players, they should encourage and support the team.

I have never be given any individual treatment as a result of being apart of a team and I don't expect it, but it would be nice to hear a non athlete say "Good luck in your game today, I'll be rooting for you."

It started years ago when my sister, Beth, my flesh and blood, was diagnosed with Leukemia. Her disease took us to Seattle, Wash., where we lived for a short time. She was at a cancer research center and received a bone marrow transplant. The bone marrow was from my brother, who was a perfect match.

Things were looking up and she was in great spirits and was finally able to come home. When we flew back to Hanover, Pa., I started school in the fall and so did she. In October, she bad a relapse and had to go down to NIH (National Institute of Health) in Maryland, where she spent time before our trip out to Seattle.

On Oct. 12 of that same year, I'll never forget, my dad was at the hospital with Beth when my mom, brother and I received a phone call from him. I didn't know what was going on, but my mom left in a hurry and was gone for hours. When she returned home she was with my dad.

This was unusual to me be-. cause one of my parents always

Beth wasn't in my shadow but always was and forever will be the wind beneath my wings. Even though she is not here to share special moments, or everyday activities with me, she has made me a stronger person.

It's hard for me when I see sisters together, sharing such trivial things, like shopping with each other. I often wonder what it would be like to have her here. I can only imagine the joy she would bring to my life. She would have just turned 26 on Nov. 13 and I'll be 22 in December. I'll never have her physically here with me ever again. I know that she is always with me though. She helps me in her own special way everyday.

I wish she was here, but I know my wish will never come true.

I loved her so much. We rarely fought. She was the ideal sister. I still love her and nothing could ever change that. It's bard to lose your best friend. It's like a piece of me is missing and that gap will never be filled. I'd like to dedicate this article to my sister, Beth. She was the best friend that I unfortunately lost. You were truly the most special girl and best sister in the world. I love you.

MarianneMcKim staff writer

Enjoyment gone and patience lost on Black·Friday

However, the vibe in the atmosphere was one that said, "Lets get what we need and get out of here!"

Black Friday to me means that just one day out of the year every woman in my family can get together and go out for a day of just pure bliss. I guess you can say this year was not the pure bliss that I had been waiting for.

Any person who shops on Black Friday will tell you that you can never find a parking spot any time after 8 a.m. To start our day off, it was not the usual mile walk to the front door, but instead we ended up getting a front parking spot and waltzing across one street to the entrance yet we were greeted by armed guards opening the door. It was then that we realized that this day that we had waited for all year had not •only changed, but was putting a damper on the tradition that we have shared within my family for years.

I must say that the service in the stores was very good. The sales people did every thing they could to make this shopping trip as normal and enjoyable as possible. The majority of the people looked as though they were at least trying to enjoy themselves.

The tradition is broken. The men still watched the games but the women lost their day of shopping. We returned home from the mall that day by noon. In previous years we would not have returned until five at night. It is really hard to realize that all of this fear has been caused by terrorists. They have not only torn the heart out of our nation, but have ruined little things like traditions for families everywhere.

The Sept. 11 attacks have not only torn families apart by losing loved ones, but it has also changed families across the nation. The present fear no longer allows us to function as a normal nation. My grandmother, who is almost 75 years old and has shopped on this day for 70 of those years, was scared to go to the mall. My mother was afraid to use paper money, in fear that1errorists might have put anthrax C?nit. My aunts were scared to bring my little cousins in case the armed guards would scare them to the point of hysteria.

Honestly, I was scared too. I would have never thought in my lifetime that any one of these problems would have ever been a factor to my family, but now I live in these fears each day. The nation is trying to come together and fight the terrorists in any way they can; I just don't see any change happening.

protect me from snappy parents who didn't want any parts of my help. People were brushing me off before I even had a chance to welcome them to our store. I'm sorry but since when is a little kinc:tness such an offensive gesture?

I wasn't scared unlike my shopping counterpart. My Black Friday at the mall consisted of being treated badly by rude customers. I work in a teenage clothing store in the King of Prussia mall. I come from an area a lot like Radnor in fact, so I am used to some of the attitudes that come along with the zip code.

However, there is no excuse for the way that some of the children and their parents treat salespeople who are just trying to help their shopping experience to be an enjoyable one.

If people were being rude because they were afraid, then all I have to say is "stay home." If you are so terrified of the mall that you are going to be looking over your shoulder all day, then you probably shouldn't be shopping. Go home, relax, and wait until the crowds die down or your unreasonable fear of being attacked fades away. Living in fear is no way to live and it's especially, no way to go shopping.

I didn't see any armed guards on Black Friday but I would have liked some on either side of me to

I think that people have been trained throughout their experience to view salespeople as pushy, obnoxious, liars who are only out for a buck. This is definitely not the case, at least not in the store where I work.

I work there because I know what I'm talking about and most ; of the customers do not. This is what I do for a living, please do not yell at me for trying to be helpful. A person works to pay the bills and to hopefully in some way benefit society. That is all I'm trying to do at the mall.

Some people were a little more willing to offer a smile and a "thank you" but it was unfortunately a rare occurrence. Maybe the cause for all the hostility was the having to park in a different time zone and pack a lunch for your walk from your car to the mall. Maybe it was because people were afraid. Or maybe it was simply because people have no appreciation for some good old-fashioned customer service.

I don't know. All that I do know is that if Black Friday was any indication, our livelihood could never depend solely on the kindness of others, or we would never make a dime.

It was a long day's work, but not as bad as expe~ted

However, this year, I was on the other end of the Black Friday madness as a cashier at Rampage, in the King of Prussia Mall.

until closing, it was crucial that I park somewhere in the vicinity of Nordstroms that is located near our designated employee exit.

up customers' purchases. Fortunately I was prepared with a spare pair of shoes that I should have just worn in the first place.

On most Black Fridays in previous years, I have been apart of the anxious mob awaiting any and every sale to occur throughout the Philadelphia metro area.

Since I was already aware of the massive crowds that pack into KOP every weekend, I was somewhat prepared with what to expect and acknowledged that it would most likely be multiplied.

Though it usually only takes me 30 minutes to drive from my home to the mall, I planned to leave an hour and a half earlier due to the pending battle for a parking space.

Since I was scheduled to work

My search for a spot involved a half an hour of figure eights throughout the three levels of the parking garage and resulted in practically stalking two women to their car in order to retrieve their empty spot.

Of course, my need to be trendy and my inability to follow my manager's' directions, I wore boots with heals that began to feel three sizes too small after about five hours of continuously ringing

The customers in Rampage were a lot more pleasant and patient that what I had expected. My co-workers and I managed to do a great job with keeping our lines flowing smoothly and approaching any and every customer that entered the store.

Though Black Friday was a lot more hectic than any other day in the mall, the anticipated negative attitudes were not present at Rampage.

However, the most unpleasant part of the day was the appearance of our store once all the customers had cleared from the mall at 10 p.m. Due to this factor and the large amount of money that needed to be counted from the day's sales, closing the store lasted two hours as opposed to the regularone hour closing routine.

After 10 hours of work, I exited the mall at midnight I was relieved to see my lonely car sitting on the second level of the parking garage outside of Sears.

12 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Nov. 29, 2001
Melissa Modesti feels that terrorists have ruined the joy of shopping while ... Jen Smith feels that terrorism is no excuse for rude customers

Eagles players cited for multiple offenses

Four players from the Philadelphia Eagles have been in legal trouble over the past week. On Friday, Nov. 16, three Eagles players, safety Terrence Carroll, defensive back Darrel Crutchfield and lead rusher Correll Buckhalter were detained on charges of marijuana possession.

Eagles Coach Andy Reid suspended Buckhalter and Crutchfield, but released Carroll from the team. The players were taken into police custody when officers detected the smell of marijuana in their sport-utility vehicle during a routine stop. Officers found a small amount of marijuana upon· search of the vehicle.

Carroll was charged with misdemeanor possession and released. Buckhalter and Crutchfield were released without charges.

Meanwhile, safety Damon Moore has been charged with animal abandonment. Police say that Moore abandone~ his three-

month-old Rottweiler puppy in a soccer field near his home in. Voorhees N.J.

Police and the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals traced a microchip embedded in the dog to Moore. Moore bought the dog from a mall pet shop.

"I made a bad decision," Moore said in an interview, stating that he never harmed or hurt the dog.

"I wish I would've taken more time to think more clearly and now I have to deal with the consequences from Andy (Reid) and the law. I can't go into detail.

"I just wish I could've rethought my decisions and used better judgment," Moore told reporters.

Reid responded a bit more harshly to the media, stating, "I don't like it. I expect more out of guys than the things that have happened."

Reid told his team to act like they are number one both on and off the field, and to conduct themselves in a better manner.

Keeping the holiday pounds off

It is often feared and loathed. It stands completely straight, sitting in dust until it is stepped on then clank. The scale is in use.

It is time for the annual Weigh to Go contest, a contest that weighs participants before and after winter break, to promote healthy diet choices. Tracey Greenwood, the promoter of the program, has found that it has been a great success in many schools, including Cabrini. According to Greenwood "It is a fun program." In boy-scout style, participants are equipped with a food survival guide, then are let loose into the world of holiday cakes, treats and goodies. The people who haven't gained weight over the break are rewarded with T-shirts.

"The joy and satisfaction of a good meal doesn't compare to a T-

shirt." said senior Crystal Boodoo, as a group of students discussed whether or not they would participate.

''Most of us have no initiative as it is." Josh Taggart, third year student, joked.

"Moderation is good," Boodoo said "But it is good to have a little fun sometimes. Especially if you are from on-campus where you eat the same thing everyday."

Both Boodoo and Taggart stated that Weigh-to-go comes at a time of the year that clashes with hunger drives. Both felt that the program could be changed have a more benevolent holiday nature.

"Instead of spending money on God-forsaken T-shirts," Taggart said, "spend money for people who need it."

"Eat less then save the rest for the poor," Boodoo agreed Supporters of the Weigh-to-go however, expressed holiday en-

Men's soccer season ends with trip to playoffs

thusiasm. Former student Greg Wood stated that Weigh-To-Go had a Grinch theme last year that was very popular. This year the program is planning to recycle Tshirts from previous years, causing the partial theme to be resurrected. Wood then continued to praise both the program and Greenwood. "Tracy has been doing a great job," he said. "Shy individuals should come out."

The program is open to all community members, students, faculty and staff covering the base of the Cabrini community. Members and non-Dixon Center members alike are all welcome to participate. Even the Public Safety officers are invited. "I'm allergic to scales," joked Officer Gallagher.

Initial weigh-in dates took place on Nov 20 and 2. Final weigh-in dates are Jan 16, 17 and 18. All Weigh-ins will be held in the fitness center.

The men's soccer team had a great season this year. The team made it to the first round of the playoffs, where the team defeated by Misericordia in a score of 2-1. "We had a great year. There are still some things, we need to work on for next season, but we will do fine in the PAC:' Eric Lucach, the men's assistant soccer coach, said. The team's season ended with a record of 8-10-1. "We need to work together as a team more," teammate Sean Dugan said.

Next year is looking good for Cabrin's men's soccer team. It is losing only one senior this year. Michael Braun was the lone senior on the team. Braun played the position of center forward and will be a tremendous loss to the team next year. "Mike was a star player and he was all attack," teammate Dan Jelleyman said.

"Our team should do pretty well next year because we are only losing one player."

The team has a good chance at making it far in its conference. With only losing one player, the team will be comfortable with each other and be able to grow together as a team.

The key to the success of the soccer team is team unity and working together to make things happen on the field. Lukach said, "I see good things for next semester. I think we will do fine."

As of now, there are no known recruits locked in to play for the men's soccer team next year. Lukach says that there should be some new freshmen coming to join the program next fall. With the dedication of the players, the team will be mentally and physically ready for a winning season next year.

Loquitur SPORTS 13
photo by MichaelA. Kazanjian Animal technician Mitzi Alston goes over her patient with a microchip sca_nner.If the ani"!al has had a chip placed under its skin, all neccesssary information needed to fmd the owner will appear on the scanner.

Thanksgiving weekend games reviewed

Thursday, Nov. 22

Green Bay 29, Detroit 27

The Packers held a 16-point lead midway through the fourth • quarter, and then had to hold on for a 29-27 victory over the Lions on Thanksgiving Day. Green Bay won in the Silverdome for the first time in five years and for just the second time in the regular season since 1992 to close within a half-game of Chicago in the NFC Central. Ahman Green ran for 102 yards and a touchdown·and also caught a 35-yard TD pass

The Lions rallied late on Thanksgiving Day but fell short to the Packers. Detroit made up all but two points of a 16-point deficit in the final seven miriutes with two TDs and a two-point conversion. Rookie QB Mike McMahon, who almost led the Lions in a remarkable comeback, threw an incomplete pass on a two-point conversion with 10 seconds left that could have tied the score.

Denver 26, Dallas 24

The Broncos nearly blew a fourth-quarter lead for the second straight week, but held on for a 26-24 Thanksgiving Day victory at Dallas. Jason Elam kicked fom field goals to help build a 23-point lead heading into the fomth quarter. Then the Cowboys, who hadn't scored a touchdown in nine quarters, scored three times.

Sunday Nov. 25

Atlanta 10, Carolina 7

The Falcons were limited to 239 total net yards, but 99 of them came on their only touchdown drive, as they held on to win 10-7 in Carolina. After a successful goal-line stand gave the Falcons the ball at their own 1yard line, Bob Christian's careerlong 53-yard run moved Atlanta

from its 8 to the Panthers 39 yard line. He scored eight plays later to push Atlanta's lead to 10-0 late in the second quarter. The Panthers were held to 24 7 total net yards and failed to score on a pivotal goal-line stand Sunday en route to dropping their tenth consecutive game.

Cleveland 18, Cincinnati 0

What better way to respond to a team that beat you earlier in the year than by shutting them out?

That's exactly what the Browns did Sunday, dropping the Bengals 18-0 at Cleveland Browns Stadium. Kevin Johnson caught six passes for 113 yards and a score to give the Browns a boost. In an attempt to shake things up, Bengals coach Dick LeBeau utilized three quarterbacks Sunday against the Browns. It didn't work. Bengals QBs Jon Kitna, Scott Mitchell and Akili Smith combined for 125 passing yards and five interceptions.

Miami 34, Buffalo 27

The Dolphins overcame a 2717 deficit in the final eight minutes, with the winning score set up by Nate Clements' fumble on a kickoff return. A week after throwing three INTs in a loss to the Jets, Jay Fiedler and the Dolphins bounced back in thrilling fashion. Fiedler threw three TD passes, including a 32-yarder to Chris Chambers with 48 seconds remaining, to spark the Dolphins to a 34-27 road victory over the Bills on Sunday. It was Fiedler's fourth fourth-quarter comeback of the season and sixth of his career. The victory lifted Miami into a first-place tie with the Jets in the AFC East. The Bills have lost five straight this season, and have lost eight in row at home, matching their longest home losing streak since 1983-84.

Pittsburgh 34, Tennessee 24

As the Steelers keep rolling, their latest victory over the Titans in Tennessee being a big one, talk about how far they can go has begun. Steve McNair's 334-yard, two-TD performance

against Pittsburgh Sunday was thrown away when an errant pass fell into Chad Scott's hands and· was retmned for a Steelers score in Tennessee's 34-24 setback.

Kansas City 19, Seattle 7

Priest Holmes did most of the dirty work ( 190 yards from scrimmage), but fellow running backs Tony Richardson and Mike Cloud got the glory. They each scored a rushing touchdown to lead the Chiefs past the Seahawks 19-7. Shaun Alexander caught six passes for 62 yards and a touchdown, but was held by Kansas City to ·43 yards on 13 carries. The Seahawks were outgained 433-204, including 18865 on the ground. The Chiefs won for the first time at home this season in five tries.

San Francisco 40, Indianapolis 21

As if they didn't have enough trouble beating recent opponents, the Colts contributed to their latest loss. Peyton Manning threw three second-half interceptions, and the 49ers turned each of those gifts into a touchdown. Manning was 31 of 51 for 370 yards and one TD but threw a career-high four INTs. The 49ers scored 23 points off Colts turnovers en route to a 40-21 victory at the RCA Dome and dealt Indianapolis a third consecutive loss overall and fourth straight at home. Garrison Hearst ran for 106 yards and two IDs, and Jeff Garcia completed 14 of 22 passes for 179 yards and two TDs. Terrell Owens caught six passes for 103 yards and TD. Hearst averaged 8.8 yards on his 12 carries.

Washington 13, Philadelphia 3

With a 13-3 victory over Philadelphia at Veterans Stadium, Washington became the first team in NFL history to win five straight after starting the season 0-5. The victory moved the 'Skins to within one game of the NFC East-leading Eagles. After scoring 84 points in their previ-

ous two games, the Eagles were shut down by the Redskins in Week 11. Philadelphia was limited to just 186 yards and seven fust downs. The Eagles got skinned. Washington used tough defense and ball control to stifle Donovan McNabb, and company. Washington held the ball for more than 37 minutes while limiting Philly's offense to 186 yards and seven first downs.

Colts threw for two IDs, ran for one and hadonly three incompletions, threw only one scoring pass on Sunday. Tom Brady, who earlier in the week was named the Patriots' starter for the rest of the season, threw fom TD passes to lead New England to victory.

Baltimore 24, Jacksonville 21

After scoring 21 unanswered points, the Jacksonville Jaguars gave up a long drive and a touchdown to the Ravens, giving them a 24-21 win at Alltel. Mark Brunei! played very well, passing for 259 yards and a score in a losing effort. Stacey Mack added two touchdowns on 50 yards rushing.

Oakland 28, N.Y. Giants 10

Arizona 20, San Diego 17

The Cardinals won back-toback games for the first time this year when Bill Gramatica kicked a 42-yard field goal with one second left to give Arizona a 20-17 victory in San Diego. Twice the Cardinals answered a fourth quarter Doug Flutie touchdowns pass with a score. David Boston had six receptions for 121 yards and a touchdown. After watching Wade Richey's miserable performance against the Cardinals, Chargers general manager John Butler called ex-Bills kicker Steve Christie. Christie flew to San Diego to take a physical exam and perform a tryout for the Chargers. If everything goes well for Christie, he might replace Richey, who would be relegated to doing only kickoffs. Christie suffered a groin injury during the preseason and has not played since.

New England 34, New Orleans 17

Coming off a 34-20 win over Indianapolis, the Saints hoped to keep the momentum going in New England. But instead, the Saints fell to .500. New Orleans suffered a 34-17 defeat to the Patriots in the rain at Foxboro.

Aaron Brooks, who against the

The Raiders didn't take long to make themselves at home in the Meadowlands, scoring on three of their first four possessions before disposing of the Giants 2810. Rich Gannon continued his MVP form, completing 13 of 20 passes for 221 yards and three touchdowns. Oakland improved to 8-2. New York has now dropped five of its past seven games. n,e loss puts Big Blue's playoff hopes in serious jeopardy.

Chicago 13, Minnesota 6

Any confidence the Vikings gained in their Week 10 victory against the Giants was greatly deflated Sunday night when the Bears scratched out a 13-6 victory in the Metrodome. The Vikings were held to two secondhalf field goals, and the tandem of Randy Moss and Cris Carter collected only nine catches for 70 yards. Chicago came into the game with the most passing yards allowed in the NFL, but held Daunte Culpepper to 209 yards and no touchdowns. Jim Miller had only 97 passing yards, but Terry Allen rushed for 107.

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Campus roller hockey teams battle it out

The newly formed roller-hockey club at Cabrini has been growing in popularity ever since its •creation by seniors Anthony Contipodero and Frank Plum, junior AntJ;iony D' Aleo, and first-year student Rob Cain.

Originally they planned to only have a single team in the Villanova Skating Center Adult League. Howeve~, because of the demand to play hockey, two clubs were formed. Cabrini I and Cabrini II are the names of the two teams thar represent Cabrini in the Villanova hockey league.

Many people were excited about the creation of the club. "I was

very excited to play," first year student Peter Schauster said. "I never played on a team before, just a lot of street hockey. It was a great way for me to meet people and get involved."

On Sunday, Nov. 18th, the two Cabrini teams meet for the second time in a game that promised to be hard fought.

Although Cabrini I beat Cabrini II the first time they met, the confidence level of Cabrini II remained high. "Losing the first game against them was rough," Schauster said. "Since then we've come together and have played better as a team."

Cabrini I came out strong in the first half of play. Mike Fineburg, graduate student, scored the first

goal of the game for Cabrini I. Cabrini II answered right back with a goal of their own to tie the game 1-1. Cabrini I scored a few minutes later. The goal was scored by Anthony D' Aleo who played an excellent game, and was a constant scoring threat. Cabrini II kept the game close however, with the score 3-1 at the end of the first half of play. Both t~ams were very physical corning into the second half. The tension between both teams mounted on players from both sides and continued throughout the game to play fast and physical. Cabrini II continued to play catch up throughout the entire second half. With 10:33 left in the game, Cabrini I scored a short-handed

goal. to make the score 4-3. D' Aleo scored the final goal of the game, accomplishing a hat trick, and sealed the game for Cabrini I with the final score being 5-3. Both teams competed fiercely with each other. "I felt like I was breathing harder and harder between each shift," Fineburg said.

''The game was extremely fast paced and very _quick."" I expect"ed a good game that would be close," D' Aleo commented. "It was a very physical and competitive. Cabrini II has improved since

we've played them last. Both teams wanted it bad; but in the end only one team could win." Cabrini II, disappointed by the loss, tries to continue to improve and looks at the game as a learning experience. "We've come together more and felt that we set position well and have had better shots on goal," Schauster said. "We were disappointed by the loss but what is done is done. Cabrini I played an excellent game and hopefully we can learn from them."

Grass Country season runs to the finish on top

The women's cross country team had a terrific season. Five of their top runners from last year were lost making this year a challenge. "This year was a rebuilding year," Tom O'Hara, head coach of the Cross Country team, said.

The returning members who were the mainstays of the team were Kristin Zielinski and Andrea Dragone.

Zielinski was not only the top runner, but the she ser\Cedas captain of the team. "Much of the success of the team this year can b directly attributed to Zielinski' s leadership and her ability to run.," O'Hara said. Zielinski achieved many outstanding performances

during the season including second in the PAC Championships and first at the Cabrini Invitational.

Dragone also helped the team by making All PAC and earning most improved runner on th~ team. Her performances all season made a major difference in the team's standings.

Jen Przasynski had a great season. She made All PAC. Dragone and Przasynski will serve as cocaptains next year.

The top first year student of the team was Jackie McGuckin. "The • former All Philadelphia Catholic runner made an immediate impact on the team this year," O'Hara said. She was the fourth member of the team to make All PAC for the ladies.

The team finished second in the PAC, which was considered a major accomplishment. There was one injury brought upon first year student Beth Wooten, which O'Hara believes 'to have cost the ladies their first place position in the PAC.

Some of the ladies' highlights include finishing third at the Marywood Invitational, second at

the Arcadia Invitational, seventh at the CTC (out of 45 teams), second at PAC to the defending champs Misericordia, and first at the Cabrini Invitational.

The men's team was an even bigger rebuilding year. Just about everyone from last year's team was lost this year. They only returning top five runner was Ryan Jones. He was hurt most of the season and only ran in two races.

The biggest contributing member was Patrick Hutton, who returned after a year's absence. Hutton was the top runner for most of the meets and made All PAC.

''The progress of the freshmen Shaun Smith, Marcel Bassett, Matt Dzuryacho and Michael Sitiritchie made it possible for the team to have a successful year;'

O'Hara said.

The men had gone into the PAC Championships having won four straight championships, and everyone wanted to beat Cabrini.

"In an effort that was nothing less than spectacular, the men finished second to a very strong Misericordia team," O'Hara said.

O'Hara earned PAC coach of the year. This was a tribute to the team's efforts this year.

It is far too early to look at who might be coming in next year, but there will need to be some good recruiting for next year in order for the team to grow. "Zielinski, Hutton and Jones will be hard to replace."

: SPt>'RTS-------------··- 15
photos by Justine Di Filippo Right: The official jumps out of the way as the players fight for the ball. Top: Players hustle down the rink to score.
"Much of the success of the team this year can be directly attributed to Zielinski's leadership and her ability to run."
-Tom O'Hara, head coach of the cross country team
• '

Men's basketball defeats Widener University in double overtime

A&E editor

There was no rush to go watch the Bucs vs. Rams football game on television Monday night, when the men's basketball team went into double overtime against Widener University.

People were sitting at the edge of their seats after the Cavaliers went into their first overtime against the Widener Pioneers. "Go 29 30

•Christmas •Paella Social Bingo, 9 p.m., Wig- (Spanish Dinwarn ner), 7 p.m.,

•Mr. and Ms. New Residence Cabrini Pageant, Hall 10 p.m., Grace Hall •Battle of the Atrium Bands, 7 p.m.,

•Flag football, Dixon Center 5:30 p.m., Upper field

white" and "Defense" were some of the chants shouted from the people in the semi-crowded bleachers in the Dix on Center.

Ty Teasley, first-year forward, had no hesitation slamming baskets every chance he was given, while the Cav's tough defense fought off the Pioneers' aggressive offense.

Dave Cloud, junior, said, "I was debating on whether or not I should go to the game; however, I

was glad I went because our basketball team put on a really good show."

After evening up the score in the first overtime, the Cav's managed to go into double overtime. At this point in the game, victory could have been declared by either team, but the Cav's fought back and beat the Pioneers by three points.

It was a back and forth battle between the two teams until the

What's up on campus?


very end; however, Cabrini shoved Widener into a bitter defeat with a minute left in the game.

John Ferrise, senior, said, "It was a really intense game, and our team performed extremely well to the very end."

......,' 2 3

-Outlets trip to •Trip to Christmas Lancaster, Light show,

An entire game and two overtimes later, the Cav's strolled off the court with a final score of 95 to 92, after Monday's game against the Widener University Pioneers. 4 .5

•Woodcrest Dance, Lounge, 9 p.m. lOp.m.

•Gift wrapping party and cookie

• Yule log in Mansion Courtyard

•St. Nicholas Day (leave your shoe outside you~ room at 9 p.m. for candy) 10:30 a.m. 2p.m. baking in New Residence Hall

-Co-ed Volleyball, 8:30 p.m., Dixon Center

•Flag football, 5:30 p.m., Upper field

•Squash league play, 4-6 p.m., Dixon Center

•Men's basketball vs. Wesley College, 8 p.m., Dixon Center

I. I I I "
The men's basketball team played Widener University on Monday, Nov. 26. Above left: Junior Tim Maddox, number 22, shoots from the foul line while first-year student Ty Teasley, number 44, fights off Widener players. Above right: Maddox dribbles around Widener player sophomore Carl Hess, number 32.
• t.

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