1 minute read
Commuters search for irreplaceable lounge
I am surethose of you that are resich•s IJl8}' think of a commuter lounge and think. "lounge smounge."but for all of us thatdo commute, the lounge is a as vital as having a cigarette bctwm. JOur classes. There nccds to be a place to do this so called "1oongjng" when we have say. a three hour break because oar sdwdales are not the best out 1llcK..
While the COlllltJaAiou done over in Widencl' is glorious within itself, they forgot k> rq,lace on thing: the lounge. Sure.there is a small musty roomlakingits place over by the mack ma:hines, but whr:lcis our big 9Clmt T.V.? It may bt..scwwluc sit and twiddle my thmnbs, butlet's be honest, I could do thaton the couches in Founders Hall. We commuters need entertainment The occasion' al person ditching class and roaming the halls only holds us for so long.
In talking with some commuters I found a couple of interesting things. The first is that some people, such as Sara Wise, did not even know the original lounge existed. In asking her what she was going to do now that the lounge had been tore down, her reply was, ''What lounge?" this thought that many are getting by without it, may calm some of you who were truly starting to feel our pain. The other reply I received was frustration that now there is nowhere to bang out at school in between classes. Sure, there is a hole in the wall but nowhere to "do something" (and I am not talking about homework).
The question now is where do we go from here? Protest until we get our room back? Or shall we simply lie down on our backs and take it along with much of the nonsense that goes on. It is question that only we, the proud students, commuters or not, can an-
14.The Spanish writer who died on the same day as Shakespeare
l.Famous guitar player of U2
2.Greek philosopher who studied under Plato
3.Another word for wigwam
4.The most loved department of Cabrini
5.There is no word that rhymes with this color
6.A dangerous growth at '"" Cabrini
7 .Most lipsticks contain these
8.Michael Myers is _
9.Santa has nine and we have the white version
10.A Christmas carol
11.There is no word that rhymes with this color
12.Something surrendered swer my friends. Do we want to see our brothers, sister and friends tossed to fend for themselves out there in the woods of Cabrini? I don't think so.
Amanda Howard guest writer
The writers of the Woodcrest magazine presefUtheir work tonight in the Mansion at 7 p.m.
The magazine Fall 2001 issue will be for sale during the reading and the proceeds will go to the Red Cross. There also will be free food.