2 minute read

Housekeeping cleans up after · campus

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With ice and snow on the ground, who wants to risk breaking a leg venturing down a steep hill to throw away their trash? When the trash hauling service comes through the campus, they'll pick it up, right? Wrong.


Holden pointed out that the most disturbing thing is the occasional insensitivity toward custodial workers. "Certain behaviors exhibited clearly violate respect for fellow man. More appreciation should be shown for the custodians' thoughts and feelings because it's not an easy job."

The job of the custodians does not stop at the residence halls. The rest of the buildings on campus need just as much work as the residence halls. Some workers are here until the "wee hours of the night" preparing classrooms for 8:15s the following morning. And they cannot forget about the administrative offices either, not to mention bathrooms throughout the various buildings.

On the weekends, the number of working custodians is less, due to the fact that classes are not in session, but their work does not become any less challenging.

Holden emphasized that if students or faculty feel that they are not receiving adequate service from the custodial staff, do not confront the custodians. Instead, they should feel free to call him at ext 8240 to voice complaints.

Letter to the Editor

We, housekeeping, are a part of this college campus as well asanyone else. We try to keep this campus clean mornings, noon, nights and also on the weekends. The litter problem is the fault of the kids, yes, I will call them kids because they act as if they're still in elementary school. It's not hard to clean up after yourself. Everywhere you walk on the campus there's a trash can, yes, a trash can for trash to go in it and not on the ground.

I'm pretty sure that you students have had some type of home training. If you start cleaning up after yourself you would not have to worry about kicking the trash around or it blowing around the campus. It's a known saying that women mature faster than men but it's a different story in the ladies restroom, The men's look .ahell of a lot better_Ladies please, please start using the brown bags that are in the white bins. Yon are not supposed to put your used sanitary items in the bins. They are to be put into the trash cans not on the floor, walls or the back of the toilet.

You act is if you're animals, winating in the trash cans. kitchen sinks and father of God, Public Safety's jeep. Even defecating on bathroom floors and walls. I've never seen anything like this in my life. The only people on this campus that are not nasty like you students are the adults in the offices. Don't just get your education from rl them, learn how to keep a clean environment. We should not have to go around picking up someone else's trash in or outside of thebuild" ings. Me, myself, I clean up after myself, and make sure others around me do the same.

• Housekeeping and Public Safety deserve some respect around on campus. I went to Cabrini's web site. Everything and everybody was talked about but nothing was spoken of the housekeeping. We are the people that keet7it clean, neat and looking nice for the people of the campus and also the people that visit. I think I speak for myself, the managers and the rest of the cleaning crew.

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