2 minute read

Science department to expand due to new grant

by Catharine Hernson tified of approval from NSF, the Jabs. Most of the equipment will ture research. Also the department NSF Fast-lane. Students and facassistant perspectives editor grant was funded in full. be delivered to the new science will acquire an electroporator to

The NSF grant is different from building, scheduled to open in the study DNA. The National Science Founda- other types of grants; it is awarded fall of 2004.


Fuller-Espie is very excited

• New building; Fall 2004

• New major; Biotechnology

• Upgraded chemistry and biology equipment

• New digital camera to fit with the microscope ulty can all follow the progress of the department online as well at www.NSF.com. The site allows tion_ awarded a large grant to with the knowledge that the col- The chemistry department will about one purchase in particular. users to find out the most recent Cabrini's biology department. The lege will match the donation. This receive two new pieces of equip- The departments will be buying a acquisitions and other u_sesof the $84,176 grant was received by bi- is a cost sharing strategy that ment that will utilize over half of digital camera to fit to the micro- grant money. ology and chemistry department forces an institution to help its the grant money. The new pieces scopes. With the camera, students chair Dr. Sheryl Fuller-Espie on own department become better. are a high-performance liquid will be able to photograph their Jan. 15, 2002. Cabrini more than matched the chromatograph and a gas chro- work and integrate it into lab re- Science News: Fuller-Espie applied for the NSF grant by $124,876, making matograph. These items will be ports. grant in June and had to endure the total amount $169,052. used to further study the compo- The main function of the grant is the six-month wait to be notified if The money will be used to ere~ nents of liquids and gases. to help the college as a whole. the application was approved. She ate a new major in the biology de- The biology department, though Right now the sciences are in a was contacted in October for addi- partment, to be called Biotechnol- not getting the majority of the cramped area of the school, but tional details and to include a bud- ogy. The new major was devel- money, will be receiving a laundry soon they will move to a new get for less expensive microscopes oped as an undergraduate labora- list of new equipment. Much of building and have all new equipin the application. After the tory-based program for the next the new instrumentation will t>e ment. The new materials will, as changes, Fuller-Espie had a good stage in the post-genomic era. The used in cell cultures. The depart- Fuller-Espie says, "Hopefully erefeeling that the grant would be ap- field requires very specific, spe- ment will obtain three new Lami- ate a wow factor for perspective proved but was worried that NSF cialized laboratory equipment. nar flow hoods, two inverted mi- students." would only supply a partial The grant money will be useq in .rQs~s and tw9-£aivt¥1dippde,.. Tile. p-ant.was applied for com- •.., •.~.•.• • •••••••• , _amo~~t9f_t1!_e_$!:_3!!1:..Y~t_\\_'.h~!1_ n~- - -bQlQ_t1l_e - c.PIE.IJ!is_try_ ~d - bJologx - •!;Il~U~ators,_ all f 6!j~e_r~·:.e~r ~ur- j>l~t~Ix_o~e~!11:!n_tern<:_tTh!o~~h--

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