2 minute read

World News in Brief

by Justi'ne Di Filippo

Directionsto ' Neumann College:


•From 476- Exit 5 (US 1; Springfield /Lima Exit).

•US 1 South to left at Route 452 to five points intersection.

•Right onto Concord

•Road to College entrance t/2 mile on right.

•To take the van: sign up in the Career and Co-op Services office.

• If you are interested in drivingthe van contact Career and Co-op services.

Princess Margaret dies

Princess Margaret, the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II died Saturday at the age of 71. Friday the princess suffered from a stroke in her home. She laid down to rest, later on in the night her breathing became heavy. Early Saturday mourning the family rushed her to the hospital. She died later that mourning while she was sleeping from the complications of her stroke.

The president of Crime stoppers commits crime

Alan Ralf McNutt, the former president of Crime stoppers in Nova Scotia was charged with stealing. After an investigation police found out that McNutt stole over $5,000 form Harris Enterprises Ltd. McNutt was forced to resign from his job and is now awaiting trial on March 15.

Prime Minister asked to resign

In the Bahamas Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is being asked to resign because he is no longer the leader of the majority of the house. In the Constitution of the Baham'as it says that the prime minister must be a leader of the party, which has the majority of the seats in the House of Assembly. If he does not resign the Governor General is bound to fire him and take over his position

Six Months

Students in the Accounting income tax class will be available to prepare individual federal and state tax returns FREE OF CHARGE!

Contact: Ann Servey, coordinator of Accounting program and income tax professor at (610) 902-8322 orann.servey@cabrini.edu

"Some people may not realize it, but security has become a little more relaxed at the airport," Pesce said. "Right after Sept. 11, no one could do a curb side check in. Passengers would be in the airport for how ever long it took. The lengthiest delays were six to seven hour waits." However, there are new standards at the airport that all passengers are expected to follow. Cars can only park in spaces that are 300 feet or more away from any building. Passengers are now expected to arrive three hours before an international flight and two hours before a domestic flight. "Random people will be pulled out of line when boarding a plane and thoroughly searched, All passengers will be matched to their luggage." Pesce added, "United States Marshals are on flights, but the Federal Aviation Administration will not comment on which flights the marshals are present on or anything else about the marshals, including if they carry weapons aboard the plane."

Dr. Hal Halbert, professor of English and communications, endured thorough searching while continued from page 1 traveling. Before boarding a plane in Philadelphia Halbert was searched. Halbert said, "I forgot to take off my watch, didn't know there was change in my pocket, and my belt was made of some kind of metal. l was pulled to the side stood on a pad and had to have my belt and watch removed. I was then frisked and had to turn down the top of my pants in the front and back." Halbert endured a strange security procedure at the Long beach airport. 'The security was much tighter. They had national guardsmen there with their M-16's at the ready, which means they were presumably loaded weapons." Halbert added, "Overall I think the security was thorough and fair, but the unslung weapons were really bo,!hersome."

Chrissy Remley, a freshman accounting major, said, "I think the precautions are necessary, if I had to fly, I would feel safe."

Beauchesne is not as sure as Remley. "I would fly, but if someone was trained in hand-to-hand combat, they could probably take the plane without needing a weapon."

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