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Boot Camp class at Dixon Center
could be heard in unison throughout the entire arena when Johnson jogged his last victory lap waving to his audience with a grin.
This year athletes of all kind, from grade school to Olympic competitors, will be striving for the same excitement and success of breaking old records and setting new ones.
To purchase tickets for the carnival before the opening contact the University of Pennsylvania's athletics ticket office at (215) 898-6151. Tickets may also be purchased at the gates.
by Gina Roswell staff writer
On Thursdays, for those who enjoy a good workout, a new fitness class has been added to the schedule in the Dix-on Center called "Boot Camp." Instructed by Tracy Greenwood,fitness director, this class is held from 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Dixon Center aerobics room.
This 30-rninute strength and agility training session for the upper and lower body consists of a fast-paced workout, using only one's body weight. ''Boot Camp" is intended to parallel a military boot camp, though it is, obviously, not as intense. Those who participate do push ups. sit ups. relay races and lunges, among other types of exercises. "I love it!" Shayla Hasic-Stamps, Assistant Director of Residence Life, said. Participants .arenot only getting a good workout, they have someone there to push them to do the work. Greenwood, herself, parallels a type of drill sergeant, urging her class to push themselves to the limit to achieve personal success.
"She's great," Hasic-Stamps said. "She's tough but that is the way she motivates the class. You want to keep going just to prove to her that you can do it."
For more information, call Greenwood at ext. 8318, or attend the class to see what it's all about