2 minute read
Radicone reveals plans for service
by Renee DI Pietro staff writer
Jeanne Radicone. is the supreme extreme of good people. She is of course only hwnan, but if there is a parallel that one could cross as a reward for being more than just merely human, she is at that crossing and might not even know it.
Radicone is a senior double major, elementary education and special education, and is ready to take an unusual journey after receiving her diploma this month. Radicone has always had a natural instinct of service and in two months she will be dedicating 11 months of her life to service. Lumberton, NM , which is three miles from a Jicarilla Apache reservation, will be Radicone's new home while she teaches tlie second grade at a small private school.
"I'll be teaching in a self-contained classroom," Radicone said, which means she will be teaching her students every subject from gym to history, all in the same classroom. The principal of the school told Radicone that 95 percent of the children in the school are of Spanish descent, which enthralled Radicone because she is also a Spanish minor. "Hopefully after l l months, I will be fluent,'' she said.
When askedabolltbow lihe lQ her decision to do service work before starting her career, Radicone smiled and said, ..I love doing service. You benefit so much from doing nice things."
The idea came to her at the start of her ju- nior year, and then just "continued to build," she said.
Jeanne Radicone.graduating senior. is continuingCabrini'sservice teamingand education of the heart after graduationin Lumberton,N.M.
Radicone was involved in many of Cabrini's community service events, including Project Appalachia and the Border Experience. These service projects were a factor in her decision to continue with service. "After doing Project Appalachia, I kind of felt there was something more I could be doing," Radicone said.
Radicone wasn't scared to tell her family and friends about how she would be disappearing for the next 11 months. "I have a very supportive family and supportive friends. My brother was so excited for me. He said, 'I had a feeling that you would do something like this.' He's proud of me and is going to miss me," Radicone said.
A quick glimpse of Jeanne Radicone
Birthday:Apnl1, 1980
Originallyfrom: Long Island, NY
Currentlyfrom: Reading, PA
Cool Facts: Traveled to 10 countries, went skydiving.
Hobbies: Hiking, Dancing, cooking, roller-blading, traveling Favoritefood: "Awwthat's vicious. I love to eat. Food is a beautiful thing."
Future plans: "I want to be happily married with a teaching job in special education and have children of my own."
Lauren Kitchen, senior psychology and educational studies major, went on Project Appalachia with Radicone last year.
"I really admire Jeanne's decision to do service and teach in New Mexico," Kitchen said. "It is a tough decision to follow your heart and leave home. She is a true and beautiful person and I am J?fOUdto be her friend. People like Jeanne are hard to come by these days."
Kitchen has thought a lot about service work but has not made the commitment like Jeanne.
Radicone said she can already see her loving New Mexico for the landscape and scenery but she says the biggest thing she will love is "the children, definitely, the children."