September 5, 2002
Vol.XLVIX Number One
• 10 years with President Iadarola, page 2
• Radio station expands style, page 7
• Stayin' alive survival guide, pages 8,9
September 5, 2002
Vol.XLVIX Number One
• 10 years with President Iadarola, page 2
• Radio station expands style, page 7
• Stayin' alive survival guide, pages 8,9
Student life was revamped over the summer, bringing in six new staff members, including an acting Vice President of Student Development.
Dr. Richard Neville was the V.P. of Student life at Villanova University for 18 years before he retired. Neville worked for Villanova in total for over 30 years. Neville was a part of huge growth on Villanova's campus, as eight new residence halls were built during his tenure.
Neville is taking the place of Dr. Myrna Grandgenett, who went back to her position of being special assistant to president for mission integration. Grandgenett was filling in the void left by Dr. Laura Valente, who left in May. The school will be doing a national search for a permanent replace- The new Residence Life staff, from left:Tricia
ment for the position.
There is a new title for the assistant director of Residence Life, now called the Resident Coordinator. Angie Hodgeman has taken on that role and the job of Resident Director of the apartment complex. With the restructuring of Residence Life, the two positions will remain in the hands
of one person. Hodgeman graduated from St. Laurence University in New York and was a coordinator at Hesser College after graduation. Now she comes to Cabrini with a positive outlook on Residence Life, trying to make the Cabrini community the home away from home that college is supposed to be.
Woodcrest, Xavier and the Houses all have new Resident Directors. Kymber Lovett, a native of Newport News, Va., has taken over Woodcrest after graduating from James Madison University this past May. Before starting at Cabrini, Lovett worked for College Summit in Washington, D.C. to help low income high school seniors prepare for college. Lovett is hoping to enhance the sense of community all over campus, not only in
Woodcrest. As well as being the RD of Woodcrest, Lovett is taking graduate classes in social work at Bryn Mawr College.
Xavier's new resident director is Mike Quickel from Gettysburg College. He was an RA and a resident coordinator, which is the student equivalent of an RD, at Gettysburg. Quickel will be the advisor for the new Residence Hall Association. The goal of the association, and Quickel, will be to develop a group of residents to create a positive experience for all resident students.
Returning to Cabrini is Joe Johnson, the new RD of the houses. Johnson graduated from here in 2001. While he was attending Cabrini, Johnson was the RA of House 6. He also worked for WYBF the college's radio station. Johnson was living and working
in his home state of Conn. since graduation. "It's good to be back in the area, going back to some old spots.,,
The new coordinator of student activities, Jason Bazzone, is coming from Penn State - Abington, where he was coordinator of student life programmmg. Bazzone graduated from Kutztown University with an undergraduate degree in secondary education, social studies and a concentration in political science. He then went on to get his graduate degree in college student personnel - student affairs from Bowling Green State University. Bazzone wants to be an "advocate for the students in learning development and growth.,, He is very excited about the student involvement on campus, looking for student leaders to perfonn in community service and
other student organizations to make all the students of Cabrini successful in whatever they are trying to pursue.
The new staff is all very student oriented, coming in with smiles and ideas to make Cabrini more of a community.
If the point of college is to learn how to take control of your life and learn to deal with the consequences of your actions, personally and in the community, then Residence Life and Student Development are taking extra steps this year to provide students with a way to make sure that Cabrini alum are not shortchanged.
The student handbook this year has been divided into two separate books.
"The first book is the student handbook and is meant to be an informational resource for student use,,, said David Carpenter, director ofresidence life. "The second book is a book of community stan-
dards and includes school policies along with student rights and responsibilities.,,
In an effort to encourage students to take more responsibility for the community in which they live, a Residence Hall Association has been incorporated into the new community standards book.
A trial RHA was initiated last semester in the houses. A house senator was chosen to be a representative of the community who would report any student concerns to the Resident Assistant and to the Administration. This year there will be 26 elected representatives from all residential housing areas who will come together to form a new student run RHA.
The RHA will function as a programming group, coming up with suggestions for programs
that will also involve commuters, as well as serving as a conduit for suggestions to be made to the administration. According to Carpenter, "If a group of students are concerned about the food service on campus, we would sit down with the head of dining services and try to work out a solution.,, With the efforts that have been put in place, it should be easier for students to voice their concerns around campus and begin taking a more assertive stance in their community. The new handbook is currently available in the mailroom. Simply take the slip that is in your mailbox to the mailroom window to receive your copy. The community standards handbook will hopefully be available in the mailroom by the end of the week.
enrolled and the number of campus residents increasing, the need came for additional housing. In
In her ten years as president, 1998, the Cabrini Apartment Dr. Antoinette Iadarola has helped Complex was built to accommoCabrini grow from a campus with date the growth. challenges of adversity to a cam- With the first renovations to pus with challenges of opportuni- Founder's Hall complete, Iadarola ty. turned to the students and faculty
"It is no longer a question of if again. Boosted by The Hamilton we succeed. Now we know we're Family Foundation's $1 million going to succeed. The question grant, the communications wing now is bow will we succeed,,, was built, including videographic Iadarola said. classrooms, a journalism news-
Another wild-andcrazy college night jam packed with reality television and bad pizza. Get a Life!
(we can help.)
The shift in challenges did not room, radio station and faculty happen without change. After offices. Completed in 2000, the falling in love with campus during revamped communications wing her final two helped enroll a days of inter- "I wouldlove to have record l,218 fullviews with 1,000 studentsliving time students. members of ,, Once again, the on campus. Cabrini's soci- growth led to a ety, Iadarola need for more was appointed Dr. Antoinette Iadarola campus housing the sixth presi- and the New dent. Among president Residence Hall her missions, ~~========== was built.
the first was to survey students, This year, the Third Strategic faculty and staff to prioritize Plan has been unveiled. The goal goals. The results of the survey of the plan includes the construebecame the First Strategic Plan, tion of a Science, Education and which primarily involved moving Technology Center, a campus centhe physical plant and Children's ter, additions to Holy Spirit School to new locations to make Library and the Cabrini room for the Dixon Center.
"Clearly the athletic complex was the number one priority identified by faculty and students, then the need to renovate Founder's Hall,,, Iadarola said. "We have always done a wonderful job with sports but we had no place for athletics, so we handled that first.,, While construction was underway on the Dixon Center, renovations to Founder's Hall were also in process. Starting in 1996, renovations included equipping the Colameco Social Science Laboratory with the latest digital technology, air conditioning, a new heating system, new windows and sprinkler system.
By 1997, the First Strategic Plan was complete. The new renovations and reinforced goals of the college attracted more students. With 994 full-time students
Apartment Complex and construction of two residence halls. Iadarola expects to be breaking ground for the Science, Education and Technology Center during the spring semester of 2003.
Iadarola hopes that with the additions of the new plan, more students will enroll in future classes. "I would love to have l ,000 students living on campus. I think that would give Cabrini the critical mass of students to run Loquitur and the radio station and other student activities,,, she said.
After ten years as president, Iadarola continues to search for ways to promote planned growth and school pride. "We have come a long way. We continue to grow,,, she said. "We are about where a young college should be. I'd even say we are a little further ahead.,,
Walking through the Widener Center has become a new experience for.students this year. It is no longer a dark building with a bunch of offices, but a place where students gather to enhance their artistic abilities.
Widener is now a bright building that welcomes students. Instead of the Fine art classes being held in the basement of the library, they are now held on the upper level of the Widener Center.
Although the downstairs portion of the building is widely used by both the students and faculty, the upstairs was virtually deserted. Except for the residence life office.
Now students who do not participate in the fine arts classes can see the working environment and the actual work that the students make. When the classes were held in the basement of the library most students did not have the opportunity to see what their peers were working on.
The old art classrooms in the basement of the library still hold some evidence of their prior use, but they will not be used for art
classes in the future. All of them will now be held in the Widener Center.
There is a mural at the bottom of the stairway in the library that
has been in the making for the last few years and is still not completed. Professor Lisa Leamer is still optimistic that the mural will get done. However, it is now out of
her hands as to whether or not the department has the permission to complete the project.
The Fine and Performing Arts Center has only completed the
first phase of renovation. There is another phase of which the people involved will be done sooner rather than later. No date has been set for the completion of the final phase,
The Fine Arts professors had the opportunities to work with the designers of their new facility. "They gave us whatever we asked for,,, Learner said.
When in the old location in the library, the entire fine arts faculty shared one big office. Now there are several offices that are more accessible to the students. "Now I can •,have lunch with people. Peop~eare always stopping by and asking me to get something to eat. The only problem is that I am not used to so many people, and I do not get my work done,,, Dr. Adeline Bethany said.
Both teachers agree that being in their new location is much more exciting than their old one. They are especially grateful to see people in their entirety rather than just their feet when they look out the window.
Bethany said, "We went from being moles in a cave to butterflies with this move.,,
Dr. Laura Valente is no longer with Cabrini College as the Vice President for Student Development. The announcement came as a statement from President Iadarola's office on May 28.
The statement, which was emailed to students, staff and faculty, was also posted in offices around campus.
Mary Theresa Fosko, Director of Human Resources, says that Valente resigned. "Dr. Valente has officially resigned from her position at Cabrini College.,, When asked about a reason to Valente's resignation, Fosko said, "No reason was given.,, Valente was hired in July 2000 to supervise several offices on campus, including Residence Life, the Dixon Center, athletics, counseling, student activities, diversity
initiatives and health services.
Controversy was no stranger to Valente's office, as many questioned the quality of the job she was doing. With the recent termination of several RAs, and the housing situation of 2000, many people are happy to see Valente go.
Liz Graham, a junior marketing major said, "I felt unwelcome, and that she wasn't receptive to student's needs.,, Graham continued,
"Now, I feel welcome in the Student Life Department.,, Still, not everybody on campus has an opinion on Valente. When asked to comment on Valente's resignation, senior education major Lori Lonergan quipped, "Who is Laura Valente?,, One junior education major wondered, "Who is Dr. Valente? I've never heard of him.,, Dr. Myrna Grandgenett, the assistant to the President for
Mission Integration, had been working with Iadarola in the interim. Dr. Richard Neville has since been appointed as the Acting Vice President for Student Development.
According to a press release, sent by Iadarola's office, Neville will "provide leadership in the Student Development area while [Cabrini] conduct(s) a national search for a permanent vice president.
Athletes and siblings help residents move into Woodcrest.
Cabrini College opened its gates to the largest incoming freshman class in its history on August 24. 490 first year students were matriculated into the Cabrini coi;nmunity later that day. 370 of which are living on campus.
In addition to the number of freshman living on campus this year, 456 returning upperclassmen also call Cabrini "home,, for the 2002-03 school year. making a grand total of eight hundred and twenty-six students residing on campus.
In spite of the large numbers, David Carpenter. Director of Residence Life, is optimistic. " I'm very excited and looking forward to a positive year. We're thrilled to see students in the Student Development office again,,, Carpenter admitted.
After being introduced to the regular biology curriculum last year, Biotechnology is now the latest addition to the Cabrini list of academic majors.
Combining the studies of biology, chemistry, physics and bioinforrnatics, the biotechnology program will help students to develop a foundation for a career in the pharmaceutical industry or placement into a research-based graduate program.
"It actually was a thought four years ago when I first came to Cabrini,,, Dr. Sheryl Fuller-Espie, biology department chair, said. "I was asked to dt:velop a three-tofive-year strategic plan to introduce new biotechnology classes to the curriculum.,, This was not a difficult task for the professor. According to FullerEspic. the expertise required to
teach s·uch courses was readily available at Cabrini. "We had the skill foundation already in place,,, she said.
Adding such a program to the academic majors at Cabrini will help the college to keep up with larger colleges and universities, and also bring more interest to the new science education and technology building that is in the making to be built on the school's grounds.
"It was about brining something different and unique to the new building,,, Fuller-Espie explained. "We are going to have a state-of-the-art, cutting-edge facility, so we are bringing some-
thing new, fresh and relevant to the program.,, The program's curriculum is identical to that of the biology program for the first two years. After completing four semesters, students may then decide to enroll into the biotechnology program. Currently, one full-time student and one part-time student are enrolled in this major. "I don't think we are going to sec the numbers at the freshman level just yet.,, Fuller-Espie said. "If in three years time we don't see at least half a dozen students in the major. then we'll be worried.,, "It's a rigorous program.., she said. In addition to the traditional biology studies, the four-year program requires a chemistry class each semester, a full year of physics, an internship during the summer before senior year, and a senior thesis focussing on laboratory-based or library-based research.
"The new Residence Hall Association is a great way for the resident students to have their voices heard and to get involved,., Carpenter added.
The freshman entering Cabrini's community had positive first impressions of our school. "It's an awesome place, everyone is very open,,, said Chris Friel, a first year elementary education major. ''You can't walk IO feet without someone saying hello to you.,,
"It's good, friendly people,,, agreed freshman Ray Croce "And the R.A.s are fun.,, Other freshman had concerns about the rules in the residence halls. "I hope it's not like this all year,,, said Kristen Tharoa "It's very strict; complete lockdown.,, Other first year students seem overwhelmed. One freshman. which preferred to remain anonymous said, " I have mixed feelings. I guess can survive.,.
Over the summer, the Cabrini College staff lost someone who had been here long enough to be considered part of the very foundation that this campus is built on. Ruth Richardson, one of the librarians m the Holy Spirit Library, passed away after over 20 years of service to the school. Richardson dedicated her life to the campus working several pos1t1ons. In the library, Richardson mainly worked with technical services. Richardson also worked with the libraries latest acquisitions, getting the opportunity to see the latest acquired works that would be implemented into the catalogue of books and information found in the library.
Linda Roccas, one of Ruth's fellow librarians, described her in one word-generous. "[Cabrini and the community] was her life,,,
Roccas said. Richardson was the head of the Social Committee and one of the most active employees on campus. At one time, Richardson was even a Resident Assistant in the Woodcrest dorm.
"I imagine she was a great RA.,, Richardson's generosity was always given back to the community at the end of the school year when she would volunteer her house for a special get together for Cabrini's family. She would invite students and librarians to her house, which was only minutes from tJle campus, for a student and library barbeque. To prepare to make the "Student and Library Staff Picnic,. a success and a pleasure for all of her friends and co-workers, Richardson set up the grill, the tables, and even mowed her lawn for guests. Setting up everything for the picnic by herself for the day, Richardson would hand out hamburgers and hot dogs "like a
drill sergeant.,, Richardson continued to work for the Holy Spirit Library until her health problems eventually kept her from making it to work. It was in summer when Roccas heard the news.
" I was on vacation and the head of Public Services called me where I was,,, Roccas said. Richardson was hospitalized over the fourth of July weekend and her passing came very suddenly. Friends, family and students who knew Richardson and would like to pay tribute to her are invited to attend her memorial service this Sunday at 11:30 a.m. at the St. David's Golf Club in Wayne. A reception will also be held at the same location from noon U{ltil4 p.m. Anyone else who would like the memory of Richardson to live on is welcome to make a donation to the Ruth Richardson Endowment Scholarship Fund at Cabrini College.
Over 400 students of the incoming freshman class attended this year's ninth annual day of service, Monday, Aug. 26. Sites the students· attended included the Ronald McDonald House, Project H.O.M.E. and the Inglis House.
This year, the freshman attended their sites with their college success classes. Faculty and staffers were all a pivotal part of the day of service.
Many students were skepticaleven afraid - of having to do the volunteer work. Lauren Sanford, a freshman in Vicki Maumus' college success class said, "I thought it was going to be a weird experience.,, However, at the end of the day, Sanford said, "It turned out to be one of my best experiences.,,
"It's an emotional experience,,, said Christina Cerminaro, a freshman business administration
major. "You learn how to accept it better.,, David Chiles, the coordinator of service learning resources, was in charge of this year's day of service. Chiles said that many of the groups that went on day of service are planning on returning to their sites in the future.
Some of the freshmen were excited about volunteering in the area. Kristen Parks, a freshmen elementary education major, has no problem being required to participate in day of service. "l think it's a good experience,,, Parks said.
Jessica Morgan, campus minister, was pleased with the outcome of the day. "It seemed like everybody had a good time and learned a lot about service.,,
Students who participated in day of service received a warm welcome back, as staff members were waiting to serve them Rita's Water Ice. All in all, the day went
from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Peggy Haley, director of volunteers at the Inglis House in Philadelphia, appreciated the help the volunteers gave the residents. Speaking about the students, Haley said, "They were enthusiastic and friendly. They fit right into our community.,, Students at the Inglis House were assisting physically challenged residents at the nursing facility. Haley said, "lt was like they've been here before.,, Many of the locations, including the Inglis House, are constantly looking for volunteer~ to help them out. Students interesting in volunteering at these locations can contact campus ministry.
For next year's freshman class, Megan Farley, a freshman accounting major said, "Don't be scared of what you're about to experience. I came out of it with a big smile on my face.,,
To commemorate the year anniversary of 9/11, Cabrini College will be holding two days of events. Wednesday, Sept. 11 will be a day of prayer and reflection. The following day will give students a chance to make a difference in the world.
The goal of these events is to "mark the day in reflection and prayer and dedicate ourselves to commitment to the local community, country and world,,, Dr. Mary Laver, coordinator of community outreach and partnerships, said.
Sept. 11 is the day of"prayerful reflection on the tragic and violent events,, that took place one year earlier, Laver said. There will be
three services held in the chapel. The first will be helQ at 8:48 a.m., the exact time that the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center. Bells will sound across the campus signaling a moment of silence.
The largest event of the day will take place at 3 p.m. The campus body is invited to meet around the peace pole and receive a flower. There will then be a procession to an outdoor labyrinth that will have been made on the grass on the far side of the chapel.
"The labyrinth is a 2-D maze created on the ground,,, Laver said. "It is an ancient tradition that reflects the journey of life and it is a tool that assists will prayer and reflection.,,
Jessica Morganand her
College Success students created the labyrinth out of rope on the ground. "The theme is 'journey inward' toward remembrance, and 'journey outward' toward commitment and action,,, Laver said. Jt will remain outside of the chapel until the end of Sept.
Once students have journeyed through the labyrinth, everyone will proceed into the chapel for a short prayer service with scripture readings and remembrances.
The third event of the day will be a candlelight vigil around the peace pole at 9 p.m.
On Thursday, Sept.12 there will a Caring Citizens Volunteer Fair held in the Widener Center from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. This is the day that the community is invited to move from prayer
to action and commitment to the world, Laver said.
There will be many opportunities to volunteer and get involved with service. The History Club and League of Women Voters will be hosting a booth that gives students the opportunity to register to vote and/or get an absentee ballot or participate in a voter registration drive.
There are drives held in Norristown and Philadelphia.
"This is about getting involved and learning about issues and exercising our democratic right to be heard,,, Laver said.
The Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Norristown will be working with Cav-Pride, which is a student organization dedicated to serving the needs of children. These two
groups will be recruiting people who would like to be a buddy or mentor to a child in Norristown. It is a way to meet a child to encourage and be a friend to him or her.
The Don Guanella School will also be hosting a booth to sign students up who would like to work with children who are developmentally challenged.
Campus Ministry would like to "encourage everyone to come out and get involved this year,,, Laver said. "The world is crying out for the energy of caring people to rededicate ourselves to work in the community in response to the tragedy of Sept. 11.,,
World-renowned jazz musicians play at the Philadelphia Art Museum as part of its "Friday Evenings,, schedule. The museum extends its hours until 8:45 p.m. for visitors to enjoy and appreciate this combination of jazz and art.
Jazz musicians from around the world and local areas play in the Great Stair Hall, which is the central main area, from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. On Friday, Sept. 13, Izaline Calister will be the performing artist at the museum. She is a vocalist who was born in Curacao and she will be interpreting "traditional Antillean and Afro-Caribbean songs backed by the percussive rhythms of her homeland,,, Norman Keyes Jr., director of media relations, said.
According to Keyes, other
scheduled performers include The Bill Charlap Trio, featuring Bill Charlap, Peter Washington and Kenny Washington, an alto from Boston, Rebecca Parris and Orrin Evans, a Philadelphia native.
Also during these extra hours, there are many other appealing options for visitors. "There is a wait staff to place orders for appetizers,,, the office of public relations said. "All galleries remain open during these extended areas and some gallery talks are held.,, There are also "guided tours at 5:30 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. that focus on different aspects of the collection and exhibitions,,, Keyes said.
Highlights of tours feature "the nationally touring documentary exhibition 'Indivisible: Stories of American Community' that features North Philadelphia's Village of Arts and 'Munakata Shik: Japanese Master of the Modem Print' that surveys the contributions of one of Japan's most renowned artists of the 20th century,,, Keyes said.
"Friday Evenings,, at the
Philadelphia Art Museum is starting its first full fall season and will run until December 27. The evening is free with regular Museum admission, which is $10 for adults and $7 for students with 1.D. Interested?
Two words, file sharing, have become synonymous with the Internet. File sharing, which was made famous by Napster, continues to grow. Now, any person with a fast Internet connection can download more than just music before the official release date. movies, video games and television episodes can be downloaded with the mere click of a mouse.
Peer-to-peer file sharing is when an individual puts a stored file on a hard disk and shares them directly with other people. These people connect to each other through a network. The network then searchesfor media by the user typing in an IP address, which is a 32-bit number. The machine where the 32bit number is entered then connects to other machines that it is connected with and puts through a request.
"Napster was not a true peerto-peer file sharing program,., Ryan Dixon, a junior management information systems major, said. "Napster had a central server, which indexed all of the songs that users would have on their hard drives ., Napster had to remove its central server during a court order.
Dixon said. "Other file sharing programs that run on the Gnutella network are considered to be true peer-to-peer file sharing programs.,, These are programs like Morpheus and WinMX.
Conor McLaughlin, a freshman philosophy major, said, "I download music videos, and 'The Simpson's' television episodes from Kazaa. The most important thing is to have an updated virus protector on your
computer.,, Matt McGlade. a freshman business administration with finance major, said, "T use WinMX to download the band Tool's latest videos and music that bas not yet come out.., Dixon said, "Music is still the best thing to download using a peer-to-peer network. Movies that you find are usually of poor quality and are much better on DVD. I do know a lot of people prefer to watch music videos online because MTV does not play them anymore ., Dixon continued. "The peer-to-peer world is the last place to be if you do not have an updated virus protector. Firewalls only keep your computer safer from viruses and I have a linksys router acting at home, instead of a software firewall.,, Dixon recommends that if you need a firewall to use Zone Alann. "It's free and very easy to setup and use.,, Internet connections on campusus are bot spots for these music and movie lovers. Students of Delaware County Community College may not have the opportunity to live on their campus, but one student's connection at home allows him to get whatever he needs. "I use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to download movies that have not come out in the theatres or on film. Most of the films from movies at the theatre are taken by camcorders, however some are reel-to-reel and have a DVD like quality.,, He continued saying, "Some movies I was able to download before they were in theaters were 'Signs' and 'Austin Powers 3. '., He was also able to download various Playstation 2 games before they came out.
The new fall season for WYBF "The Bum,, has officially begun. This season marks many changes for our college station. including new shows, promotions and giveaways, and a new executive staff. •
New shows to this season's lineup are "Brutally Honest,,, a talk show hosted by WYBF's own general manager Krista Mazzeo, "Hear and Now,,, a
the discussion of sports will be returning to its 6-7pm timeslot on Mondays. Joe Stevenson' s progressive rock show, "The Pit,,, will also be returning, as well as shows featuring Gospel Music and the playing of upand-coming local bands.
The station also plans new promotions and giveaways for its listeners. Among some of the gifts for the station's loyal listeners are Bum T-shirts, music posters, stickers, and CDs. More live broadcasts and games at live remotes are also
Summer is a time to relax, kick back and take a well-deserved break from the craziness of the winter months. For students especially, summer is a time to turn off their brain and clear out space for the barrage of information that the coming semester has to offer.
During the summer people, anticipate summer blockbusters, catchy music, beach books and reruns. Among some of the new CD's to hit stores this summer was Philly's own EVE with her CD Eve-Olution, Dave Mathews Band, Dirty Vegas, Lin.kin park, Angie Martinez, Aerosmith and, an old favorite, Bruce Springsteen. Music is a big thing in the summer.
The latest sound must be blaring out the widows of your ride while you cruise the strip. It also plays a big part at the club scene, when the clubs are most populated and attended with the least amount of clothing. On the beach, it is a must for good tunes to be heard to accompany the surf, sand and volleyball.
there were the movies. An air-conditioned getaway with $5.00 snickers bars. This year's summer blockbusters were aimed for the younger crowd below the age of PG-13.
The theaters were crowded with kiddy movies like "Scooby Doo,,, "Spirit,,, "Lilo & Stitch,,, "The Country Bears,, and "Hey Arnold.,, While only Scooby Doo, Spirit and Lilo & Stitch turned a profit the rest seemed taste less to young movie goers like the kemal of popcorn that never popped.
For those audience members able to buy their own tickets at the box office, there were many movies to choose from. "SpiderMan,, and "Austin Powers in
unexpected as well. I hate when the previews give all the plot and comedy away.,, Along with the "Austin Powers in Goldmember,, sequel, there was "Men in Black 11,,,which accompanied the comedy scene with Adam Sandler's "Mr. Deeds.,,
Some air conditioner seekers however, were not looking for a laugh. The theatres were also packed with drama and action flicks. "Signs,, was ranked number one for its opening week and was a hometown movie, filmed in rural Pennsylvania. "XXX,,, where it was as not a blockbuster, did draw a crowd with Vin Diesel as the main character. "Vin Diesel could get on the screen and breath and I would pay $8.00 to go see it,,, Salkowski said.
MariaChambers,trainingdirectorfor the station, works hardin the productionroom to preparefor the year with 89.1 WYBFFM.The new fall schedule hasgoneinto effect
talk show similar to the former "Burning Issues,., and (Insert Your Own Name) Here,,, a listener based talk show hosted by the station's assistant operations manager Julian Smoger.
In addition to these talk shows, new music shows are also debuting. A specialty show on Sundays will feature Indian music, a show geared towards classic rock is scheduled, and finally, a show dedicated to the playing of live acoustic music will also be in the lineup.
Some old favorites wifl also be re!:Umingto the fall broadcast schedule. "Sports Source,,, a show dedicated to
planned in the future. ''We're trying to have a bigger presence on campus,, said Krista Mazzeo.
• Training for the new radio staff will begin in about two weeks. Those students who are interested in joining the WYBF staff should see Krista in room 256 of Founder's Hall as soon as possible.
"WYBF is trying to make the world a better place, one listener at a time,,, says Mazzeo.
For more infonnation about WYBF ''The Bum,,, check out the station's.brand new website at •
For those not into the party scene or just taking a break from it, there were books. Beach reading has become a very popular activity. "It is something about the sound of the beach and the waves and the warm sun that make a book easier to enjoy,,, Nicole Salkowski said. "Plus you get a tan while being entertained by your own imagination.,, A rave review was given to a book read by Beth Galmster over the summer. "I read 'Brethren' by John Grisham. It was a great book to read about felons and the CIA. I don't want to ruin any of it for anyone, but if you like to crawl up with a book with mystery and thrills, this is your book. It is also an easy read and does not take long to get into or get to the last page.,,
For those entertainment seekers who couldn't stand the heat waves of the summer of 2002,
Goldmemeber,, rocked the movie scene with number one ratings for each movie.
'"Spider-Man' not only appealed to the comic lovers, but the regular moviegoer as well,,, Kelly Handy said. "I enjoyed the movie even though I could not tell you one villain or characteristic about "Spider-Man,, before I saw the movie. It was a plot you could enjoy without knowing the complete history and owning the "Spider-Man,, comic second edition.,, "Austin Powers in Goldmemeber,, did not do it once, not twice but three times and still kept audiences coming back for more. "I loved it. I laughed the whole movie,,, Lori Longergan, senior, said. "It was cool to see so many cameos in the movie, and
"Road to Perdition,, was another summer hit with Tom Hanks. Megan Gallagher, senior, gave it most excited thumbs up as she said "I liked it. Anything with mob theme I usually enjoy.,, Gina Roswell, senior, caught "The Sum of AU'Fears,,, a Tom Clancy novel made into movie involving Jack Ryan, one of Clancy's common characters. The movie, about national defense and nuclear war, starred Morgan Freeman and Ben Aflleck. Though it was a departure from the book, the movie still was rated excellent by Roswell.
To bring the summer to an end was the movie "Blue Crush,,, which rode a pipe on a short board all the way into surfers heart everywhere as well as posers. "I thought 'Blue Crush' rocked,,, said Ashley Heyes. "It has been awhile since there has been a chick flick that guys would enjoy too. It was a good date movie it has something for both of you and your boyfriend, who'll be too busy looking at the bikini to realize the female dominant message given.,,
So there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Please discard all trash in the bins provided and proceed to the nearest exit, summer has ended. Roll credits.
"I enjoyed the movie even though I could not tell you one villain or characteristic about 'Spider-Man' before I saw the movie."
Brownie's 23 East - Ardmore
Wednesday- "Sink or Swim,, $.50 drafts/ $.75 drinks 10 p.m.- midnight
Friday- $5 Happy Hour- Free Buffet 5-8 p.m.
Maddie's- Lancaster Ave, Frazer- (610) 6876565
Barnaby's- West Chester Pike- ( 610) 789-1885
Boat House- Malvern- .(610) 251-0207
Bennigan's- (610) 337-0633
Chili's- King of Prussia- (610) 992-0899
Pizzeria Uno- Conshohocken- (610) 825-3050
John Harvards- Wayne- (610) 337-7737
Abby's Grill- St. Davids- (610) 688-5800
Thursday, September 5, 2002
For a night off campus, a dinner out and a movie might be what everyone needs once in a while. There are five main theaters not too far from campus.
United Artists King of Prussia Stadium(610) 290-1361 Adult - $8.50
Anthony Wayne Theater- Lancaster Ave(610) 225-0980
Adult- $8.25
Student- $6.50
Matinee- $5.75
AMC Marple 10- Springfield- (610) 3285348
Adult- $8.00
Student- S6.00
Matinee- $6.00
Regal Cinema- Ridge Pike, Conshohocken(610) 940-3893
Purchase tickets on
General Cinema- Plymouth Meeting Mall- (610)397-0784
Looking for a job? The Co-op and Career Services office is here to help. Whether you're looking for an internship or a baby-sitting job, there should be something for you, even if transportation is a problem. Co-op and Career Services is located in Grace Hall and postings for jobs entailing everything from dog-walking to raking leaves are included on the "Job Squad,, bulletin board. For more information about Job Squad or Career Connections, a service offering help with posting resumes, you can contact the Co-op office with the following information.
Nancy Hutchison- ext. 8305 Kristie Conway Beucler- ext. 8304 Sue Farrell- ext. 8306
Fitness Center Hours:
Monday -Thurday: 6 a.m.-10 p.m.
Friday: 6 a.m.- 9 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Pool hours for recreational swim
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m.-10 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.rn.-9 p.m.
Saturday: noon- 5 p.m.
Sunday: l p.m.-4 p.m.
Intramurals and Activities
Office Hours:
Monday- 8:30 a.m.- 7 p.m. Tuesday-Friday- 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
To set up your Cabrini account. visit U for some reason your infonnation does not work, contact the help desk at ext 8366.
Six-on-six flag football, ultimate frisbee., instruction in Swing, Salsa, Disco and C] Inner Tube Water Polo are some of the a< that can relieve some of the stress of jug,E college life. All of these are available in Dixon Center during the fall. Contact th.i desk for more information about intramu: year-round activities at ext. 3901.
Personal trainers are available for anyone: who is interested. If you would like to ti more about this service, contact Tracey C wood, fitness director, at ext. 8318.
The &okstore hours are as follows:
Monday and Tuesday: 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
For tlie first few weeks of the semester, the bookstorewill be open until 7:30p m. MondaythroughThursday.
If any studenthas a a creditbalance on theirfinancialaccount.they can obtain a credit voucher in the BusinessOffice to buy books.
No longer do you have1o trek across campus to find • out the library does not have the book you need. With : • "Access from Anywhere,, you can check book availj Wablilty a;; well as read journal articles al_l~rom the com-
puter in your room or at home. Cabnm students not ! _ only have access to the campus library, but also to over 1 - 30 libraries in Pa., N.J., and Del. Local campuses in - which Cabrini students are welcome are Rosemont, Eastern University and Valley Forge Military Academy and College.
A studentsearchesfor booksIn dte bookstore beforethe start of dasses.
When studying gets to be a bit too much to handle, grabbing a bite to eat from one of these places can be a welcome distraction.
Library Hours:
To visit the library on the web, visit Or call the library at ext. 8538 with any questions.
Cabrini is booming.
As we welcome the largest freshman class in the histozy of the institution1 the administration is P.lanning its third wave of construction and UP.grades.
Il is true, of course., that with the good comes the baa. Besides the mconvenience of losing a few trees this coming spring due to the ground breaking of tlie new Science, Education and Technology building, students are being crammed into small rooms while the college is building revenue to grow. The general student reaction is that of discomfort. Immediately, ~ipes and complaints can be heard echoing
through the halls from everyone who is experiencing the change as it happens.
What is often neglected, however1 is the view of the big picture. Cabrini is s_tilla young college. Qf course it is trymg to attract more senous students each year. Of course it is tuition driven. Of course we don't have the multibillion-dollar endowments of the lyy Lea~e institutions.
What we do have that they don't, however, is the excitement of new growth and fresh J:?ride.Cabrini is growi~g larger and better each year. Sure, 1t may mean a few students feeling uneasy for the first few weeks. But the sacrifice of the stu-
Albert Einstein
dents now will undoubtedl;_:benefit them in the future. Cabrini s reputation is growing as the school is getting bigger and more technologically advanceo. This can only mean that once we graduate and the changes are complete, our degrees will be much more valuable than they were before, just as those who graduated before us are _fee}ingthe positive effects now. While 1t may seem that things could be running better, in reality they could not. We should rather suffer through the minor details and reap the benefits in our careers as our degrees become that much more valuable as Cabrini prospers in the future.
editor in chief Richard Magda
managing editor Sharvon Urbannavage
news editor Vince DeFruscio
news editor Leanne Pantone
a&e editor Ryan Mulloy
features editor Shannon King
perspectives editor Catharine Hernson
sports editor Alexis Strizziere
sports editor Cheryl _Wagstaff
photo editor Katie Rieng
Staff Writers
Mary Adam, Heather Dilalla, Melissa DiPietrantonio, Jana Fagotti, AndrewFindlay, Jaclyn Freese, Lauren Gatto, Rosemarie Gonzalez, Cristin Marcy, Antonio Masone, Stephanie Moritz, Kendall Neil, Ryan Norris, Jermaine O'Neil, Gina Peracchia, James Peterson, Christina Piselli, AmandaSnow
Staff Photographers
MaryAdam,Beth Beswick, AmyChan, KimClayton, Kristina Cooper, Michelle Crowley, Kit Dewey,Jenna Lewandowski, Stephanie Matiz, Kendall Neil, Tiffany Platt
Summer is about having fun, not working. So why, as smart college students, do we feel it is necessary to have a job? I worked nearly everyday myself this summer, for no real reason other than I felt as though I was needed. It
offices doing filing, some find jobs at the mall, and others somehow get away with mowing a lawn or two for a couple bucks a day.
The first of my many summer jobs was actually in the New Castle County Sheriff's Office. I worked for the sheriff, as hurts me to look back on all the things I could have
in a supermarket in my hometown, they liked me there and I liked them also. I even liked slicing cold cuts for the old folks who came in on weekday mornings. I was all ready to go back there for another summer when I decided to stay living up here instead.
dinner at least once a week or ritaybe not that much.
So I wasted my life away at another summer job, that I enjoyed and might do again next year. The only problem is I want to go places, I don't want to be stuck.
?A- ·n-tA-P)INe- i--te:-F')N~ON
~?11Ve-~ f::.,t7lj'OP,
what they like to call a clerical done and-dido 't because I had to work.
Every year around March, businesses open their eyes to new applications for summer workers. Every year some young kid just at the legal working ages is suckered into their first summer job. Some start at supermarkets, others in
intern. Basically I filled summonses for two and a half months of my short life.
There were even better jobs that followed, too many to talk about. It sounds funny coming from a 20 year old to have had "too many" jobs, but I like to keep things fresh.
If you visited www.tbelo- room for the Ieuer, we will print last year, the website it in the paper, as well as a copy was successful; however things of it being online. are going to change to make Next, if you register with the website more than just the site, not only will yo11 the paper reprinted ooline. be able to participate in the • For anyone new to Cabrini, forums you will also be or out of the loop, the registered for the online online addition is updated updates. This way, as soon on Wednesday ......._ as the site has nights. The reg- PA-UL- vll...,l..,IA-M~ been placed ular in print ve,e;> eorf OP, online, you addition anives will get an at Cabrini on email telling Thursdays. you that the site bas been updat· Frrst, here are some features ed. The email will give you the on the site that youmay not have headlines of the stories as clickrealized are on there. The site bas able links that will take you to message board forums where the story you want to read. you can tell us what you think of Next, there are special feathe site, even if you think it tures that we plan to add to the sucks. Jf a writer spells your site with extra help and time. name wrong or happens to make This year, instead of just reading a mistake with a detail of his or an A&E story about a band, you her story, you can address the will be able to hear the band and writer with their name in the sub- their song~. If there is a live ject line. If you do not like the video of a band, a lecture or anydirection the paper is heading, if thing else that is video taped, it there is a story that we are miss- will be streamed from the site. fog, you can send a Jetter to the As with all things, they take editor in the form of an email to time. We will get the new Please updates up as fast as we can, but make sure this letter contains the website st.affprefers quality, your name, phone number and a as we are sure the users of the valid email address. If we have site do also.
In high school most my friends had the same job for almost all four years. They stayed in touch with their employers through the school session and went back to work the next summer. I on the other hand hopped from job to job looking for the right one. I still don't think it exists, I don't really like to work. In 7 years of being legally allowed to work in the U.S. I have worked a whopping total of 15jobs, a little over a job every six months. That might be a problem. The best job I had was, no there was no best job. They were all fun while they lasted and I wouldn't say no if I was asked to come back, unless something better came along. I had a good job as a deli clerk
So it was time to find another job. My mom was really happy about it, or not so much. "Why do you have to get a job up at school?" "Because I need to make some money." "What do you need all this money for?" "I have to eat somehow." "You could stay at home." "No."
Needless to say my mom did not like me not living at home for the whole summer, but I did go home and visit her all the time, for
There were so many trips I could have gone on, not that the job held me back. I could have taken a day or two off to go if I wanted. But it is hard to do in the summer because everyone else wants to take off too. And sometimes you just have to suck it up and stay working. Maybe next year I'll get to Virginia or New York or wherever the road takes me.
Being the shop-aholic that I am, I enjoy the convenience and ease of online shopping. Having the power to make purchases with the push of a button without having to leave the house is great, especially for hard-tofind items.
PayPal in order to transfer payments from the buyer to the seller.
it card fraud and ID theft.
Look for the security lock - If you do not see the little yellow padlock in the bottom right-hand comer of your browser's page, do not enter any personal information.
card. Of
course, I was one of these people.
However,during the week that I purchased my items, PayPal had a discrepancy in its billing system that caused them to double charge anyone using a V i s a ~A-P,vON ~A-NNA-VA-~ credit or However, there are MA-NA,~ e-t'lj' OP, c h e c k downsides to making online purchases, such as credit card fraud, identity theft, false advertising, and just general bad business practices. I became victim to one of the downsides of online shopping this past summer.
Rather than just complain about my personal situation, I have decided to share some tips to help readers prevent themselves from ending up with my same dilemma.
First, my situation - I decided to utilize to find faceplates for my cell phone, as I could not locate them anywhere for the phone model that I have. I was lucky enough to find more than enough colors and designs for faceplates than I had ever expected.
Ebay uses a service called
After the incident occurred, PayPal immediately contacted its customers to notify them of the problem and stated that it would reimburse those who suffered any fees due to the duplicate charges. Since I only had enough in my checking account to cover the purchases that I made, I was subject to four individual $30 overdraft fees for each of the purchases that I made, and after five weeks of continuous contact, I have yet to see any of the money from PayPal. I have now left my complaint in the hands of the Better Business Bureau, and hope that a resolution will come soon.
Now, although my situation may not be one of frequent dilemmas to online purchases, there are ways to avoid things such as cred-
Look for reviews - Sometimes there are directories for a particular type of product, such as a laptop, where companies are compared for prices, and customers can rate the quality of the service. Search engines may bring up such directories when y~m search for your item.
Do Research - If it is a business that you have never heard of, go to If they don't belong to the Better Business Bureau, then I would suggest that you not do business with them. Should you need a third party to settle a dispute, it may be more difficult.
Contact the BBB - The Better Business Bureau is there to help customers get the quality service they deserve, and prevent businesses from taking advantage of people. For any consumer complaint about a purchase, whether it be online or not, contact the BBB.
I cannot walk on water. No matter how hard I try or what tools I use to help me, I simply cannot do it. As a matter of fact, no other human can do it either, except one.
Only one person can walk on water and did. That person is Jesus. I know this is true because it is written in the Bible. I do not believe that it is some story passed down from generation to generation that was exaggerated over time. I believe that this actually happened for two reasons.
The first is when you consider Hebrew culture. The people of that culture grew up memorizing things. That is how they learned and passed things along. There was little room for error. Memorization was a way of life during that time, like hunting was a way of life for the Native Americans.
The second reason is that the Bible is God-inspired. Jesus himself said that it was infallible (John 10:35). Since Jesus is the Son of the Living God, He wouldn't lie about that.
By taking a literal interpretation of the Bible one will consistently see a pattern of glorification of God. Take away such an interpretation and man is glorified. By saying that the miracles that Jesus performed are simply hyperbole, one will see a way for man to be enlightened. Glory is taken away from God and applied to man. What hope is there then for someone who believes in God but denies the reliability of the Bible?
Of course there are metaphors and parables in the Bible. For example, when Jesus says He is a gate or a door, He isn't really. It is just a metaphor. However, the miracles that were said to have been performed I believe were indeed performed. I have no idea how they were performed, nor can I understand everything that God does. All I know is that God is greater than me, and even if He tried to explain Himself to me, I wouldn't understand. Look at it
this way, as presented in the movie, "The Mothman Prophecies," "you are greater than a cockroach. but have you ever tried to explain yourself to one."
More proof that the Bible is accurate lies in the visual results of the miracles. Actual witnesses of Jesus' time died because of their faith as a result of what they saw Jesus do. I'm sure there aren't many people willing to die for something that can't be seen.
I've also heard that the parting of the Red Sea is a natural occurrence, which happens every 17 years, and God's people were just at the right place at the right time. The answer to this, I was told and believe, is if this really is true and the sea is shallow enough to walk across at a certain time, then how was it that all of those people drowned in such shallow water.
If the Bible really was not accurate, then there would be some dissention between the different manuscripts. However, there's 99 percent agreement among different manuscripts of the Bible, which is far more than any other ancient writing. Also the gospels were written within 40 years of Jesus' death and resurrection. There's even some research that suggests they were written within four years. That does not leave much time for stories to get twisted and distorted. The manuscripts of Plato were written 900 years after his death, why is it that his writings are not under as much scrutiny as the Bible?
Finally, the biggest and greatest argument for the Bible being historically and literally accurate is that Jesus was God. God can do anything. I am God's creation. Who am I to say that the things that Jesus and God did weren't actually done? It would be very arrogant of me to say that the Bible is false, that creation didn't really happen or that something like Jesus walking on water was impossible. Of course it is impossible, but only for you and me, not God.
If Adam and Eve were banished from paradise, how come the dinosaurs didn't eat them?
Okay, so maybe you think that's not really proving my point, but you might want to read the rest of what I have to say, whether you have a strong belief in the Bible or not. We do know that the dinosaurs existed and it was before man, but how come the Catholic Church and the Bible claim that Genesis is the beginning of all time. Last time I read it, they said the world was done in six days and then God rested on the seventh, but the dinosaurs existed 65 million years ago for a pretty long time.
But this is not about dinosaurs. This is about the Bible. My feeling that maybe parts of the Bible are not real stems from many things. Growing up I believed the stories of Adam and Eve and the wicked Snake, played by the ugly Satan. When I got to about sixth grade, the teacher shocked me in telling me that the creation story was just written to explain man's free will. I refused to believe it.
Freshman year in high school, my teacher, a nun, told me the same thing. But instead of telling us and getting to the next subject, we were given many reasons why Adam and Eve was pure fiction. I am not saying it is a bad story. It is good, and a rewrite would give us more than we need. It is simple as it is, but it is too simple.
Science and the Bible do not mix. I guess you can call me "Doubting Thomas," because while I have faith in God and his Divine plan, the facts and theories of evolution prove to be the way to go. Sure, God may have created the first life on Earth, but the first thing close to man was a friggin ape. Was Adam an ape? Was Eve his ape girlfriend?
The stories are just too simple and the facts outweigh the faith. For instance, the opposition mentioned the 17 years fact about
the Red Sea. It is fact. The sea could part for at least a mile and it apparently happened every I 7 years. It is my opinion that while God can perform miracles, He gave us free will. It is our job to get things done, and He is just a guide. It is my opinion that He told them where to go and when to arrive at their location.
There was also a fact about a disease that killed off children in Egypt. The disease killed off young children in their pre-teen years. But no one knew about it for the longest time so the best way to explain it would be to call the disease the Angel of Death. Like any good fiction as well, the heros need to survive, so you take something strange like a lamb's blood, something no one would suspect to be good, and you use it to save the good people.
After a Jot of soul searching, I have come to the realization that there are just too many gaps in the Bible for it to be believed word for word. The Bible is just too simple of a book for my faith and understanding. For instance, why is there not coverage of the young adult years, those years before we pick up on him at the age of 30? What are we misSiT)g out on? I would think the gaps would scare the faithful readers because I have always believed that Jesus was just like any other kid, just not knowing He was the Son of God. And how much would it shake your faith to the foundation to find out that maybe Jesus was afraid of being the Son of God.
The Bible is a fine tool to follow if you want to know how to live your life. The stories, and the parts that I believe are an excellent example on how to live your life if you want to be a good person. Other things are there to explain, like Adam and Eve. And the end of the Bible, the Book of Revelations, is enough bloodcurdling fiction to scare you straight. (Who predicts anything, really? I remember Y2K.)
The Bible is filled with truth meant to teach or The Bible is supplemental meant as a learning tool I
Anthony Bennet
Kyle Esterbrook
Charles Epps
David Hall
Bill Leahy
Zdravko Markov
Badir McCleary
Chris Mccraken
Laval Pickney
Kris Pittman
Bill Rookstool
Zeb Thomas
Dave Westenberger
Dan Bachman Saleem Brown
Dan Clemens
Nick Forschi
Tim Maddox Brandon Millwood
Messiah Reames
Ty Teasley
Brian Wood
MANAGING EDITORCabrini's men's basketball players had the opportunity to participate in the Puregame Media Men's Summer League this summer.
The league, founded in 1981 by Jumbo Johnson, provides local talent with the chance to play basketball in an organized environment. Cabrini entered two teams into the league, consisting of 23 players total.
One of the teams was sponsored by United States Liability Insurance. Thomas Nerney, for whom the Dixon Center gymnasium was named, is the president of USLI. The games were played at the Tri-States Sports Arena in Aston, Pa.
"It was good competition,,, sophomore Dan Bachman said. "We played against alumni from other colleges, like Penn.,,
This was the second year that Cabrini participated in the league. Although, for some incoming freshmen and returning players, this was their first year on the court with the Puregame players.
"This was my first time playing with Puregame,,, junior Laval Pickney said. "We didn't have any practices. We just showed up and played. The coaches decided who would play together, but we got to know the incoming players.,, However, lack of practice may have hurt the players. The Cabrini team playing for the east division, USLI, ended its season with a 010 record. The Cavs playing for the west division finished 4-6.
"It was about team chemistry,,, Pickney, of the east team, said. "At the end of season we started to get better and compete more as a team, but we couldn't get over the hump.,,
Although the Cabrini teams did not finish at the top of the league's standings, they displayed drastic improvements as the season progressed and more games were played. Under the pressure of having coaches and scouts from major NCAA colleges and universities courtside to recruit new talent, the Cabrini players were there to condition themselves for the upcoming basketball season and have fun.
"It kept us active over the summer,,, Pickney said.
Entering Cabrini College as a freshman, not many students know what the school's mascot is. The mascot is the Cavalier.
Dr. Jolyon Girard was the person who chose the Cavalier as the school mascot. At the time he was e ketball coach. The school had just gone coed but still did not have a mascot. So Girard told the basketball team that they needed to come up with a mascot that they wanted. When he got back to them they still had not decided what it should be. So the matter of assigning one was put on his shoulders.
Being the history teacher that Girard is, he took into account the schools religious affiliation and went all the way back to King Charles I reign in Britain. The cavaliers were the supporters of Charles' who wanted to bring Catholicism back to the monarchy.
A cavalier is an armed horseman who supported the Catholic Church in 17th century Britain. The group would later be called Tories. Cavalier men wore pantaloon breeches, high boots, a broad, falling lace or linen collar and cuffs and a full cloak. This was much like the style of the Puritans. It was not until later in the century that the styles became more extravagant with the use of ribbons and feathers.
Cabrini's Cavalier is dressed in the school's athletic colors, which are blue and white. These colors were already established before men attended the school and still remain. The Cavalier can be seen at several sporting events throughout the school year. He can be spotted from time to time at soccer games, but the best spot to find him is at a basketball game.
The Cavalier does not make too many public appearances throughout the year. In order to see him you have to have a lot of school spirit and go to the games.
Anyone interested in trying out for the Cabrini College rnen's or-women's tennis team is asked to contact Coach Day as soon as possible at 601-527-1211(H), through the athletic office, or at the tennis courts during practice (3:30-6:00 M-F).
Women's Soccer
Adrienne Baldwin
Jennifer Culligan
Krista Fetsick
Lauren Grecco
Christina Kedra
Angela Mourer
Nicole Niedermeier
Sara Player
Mary Remoli
Christina Shelley
Chrissy Weney
Jackie Wilcox
Bishop Shanahan/ West Chester, Pa.
Holy Cross/ Willingboro, Nj.
Cape May Technical/ Woodbine, Nj.
Paul VI/ Glendora, Nj.
Little Flower/ Philadelphia, Pa.
Conwell-Egan/ Bensalem, Pa.
Cardinal Dougherty/ Philadelphia, Pa.
Cape May Technical/ Woodbine, Nj.
Bernards/ Bedminister, Nj.
Cape May Technical/ Woodbine, Nj.
Little Flower/ Philadelphia, Pa.
St. Hubert/ Philadelphia, Pa.
Women's Field Hockey
Erin Cheyney Chichester/ Boothwyn, Pa.
Michelle Kebel Benards/ Bernardsville, Pa.
Dana Malmstrom Ridley/ Milmont Park, Pa.
Megan McCourt Cherry Hill West/ Cherry Hill, Nj.
Melina Moore Phoenixville Area/ Phoenixville, Pa.
Mariel Murtha Ridley/ Folsom, Pa.
Mary Proietta St. Hubert/ Philadelphia, Pa.
Amber Taylor Atholton/ Howard, Nj.
Women's Cross Country
Danielle Dorsey Gateway/ Monroeville
Danielle Glaves Kinnelon/ Kinnelon, Nj.
Lindsey Kleiner Mercy Academy/ Milway,Nj.
Tricia Smith St. Catherine/ Kingston, Jamaica
Women's Volleyball
Kristen Boone
Janelle Custer
Tiffany Glass
Casey Green
Katie Kapovic
Jen Scapaletti
Amanda White
Women's Tennis
Lizzie Chadick
Patrice Doyle
Carrie Kauffman
Rachel Shore
Tracey Stabler
Men's Cross Country
Crestwood/ Mountain Top, Pa. Norristown Area/ Norristown, Pa. Plymouth Whitemarsh/Conshohocken, Pa.
Cardinal O'Hara/ Springfield, Pa.
Marple Newtown/Broomall, Pa.
Joel Barlow/ Easton, Conn.
Williamstown/ Williamstown, Nj.
Cardinal O'Hara/ Friends Central/ Chichester / Chichester, Pa.
Matt Serfass Solanco/ Christiana, Pa.
Calvin Smith Deptford/ Wenonah, Nj.
Men's Soccer
Jason Arnold
Andrew Brady
Dave Carron
Frank Fonnato
Casey Marshall
Dan McDonald
Don McMonagle
Vinny Sofia
Spring-Ford/ Collegeville, Pa.
West CathoJic/ Philadelphia, Pa.
Methacton/ Trooper, Pa.
Conwell-Egan/ Bensalem, Pa.
Tabernacle, Shawnee, Nj.
Roman Catholic/ Philadelphia, Pa.
Archbishop Carroll/ Philadelphia, Pa.
Salesianurn/ Swarthmore, Pa.
Ron Jaworski, former Philadelphia Eagle, will venture into the world of the Arena Football League. A majority of the AFL games will be televised on NBC. The AFL is looking to be an alternative to other mainstream sports.
PAUL WILLIAMS WEB/COPY EDITORRon Jaworski is coming back to football in Philadelphia, but he is not playing with the Eagles or broadcasting for ESPN. Jaworski and business investors have a partnership to bring the Arena Football League to Philadelphia.
The rrew Philadelphia team will begin play in 2003, along with the rest of the AFL, after the National Football League's season 1sover.
The team will play its home games in the First Union Center. There will be a campaign for the team's name, and the team colors will be chosen later. With the AFL adding three other teams besides Philadelphia, the league will
undergo a realignment of its divisions.
The differences between the NFL game and the AFL game are vast. For starters, the AFL field is 50 yards long, while the NFL field is a 100 yards long.
The expectations of the kicker in the AFL hitting a long field goal is diminished because the goal posts are set nine feet apart with a 15-foot-high cross bar. The NFL posts are lO feet high and 18 and half feet apart. If there is a missed field goal or a kick that hits off of the nets behind the uprights, a player can play the ball off of the net.
Chris Hall, a freshman diocesan scholar who currently plays football at Archbishop Carroll, said, "The arena game is much
different than the NFL because there are no sidelines. It is like hockey in a sense, because a player can be slammed into the boards that align the field.,, "Every arena football team is looking for what every NFL team looks for. An offense with a smart quarterback, and a defense that can make the offense one dimensional,,, Hall said.
In the AFL, there are not as many players on the field. The only players who are not on the field during the entire game are the quarterback, the kicker, a kick returner and two defensive specialists. The other players on the field must play both offense and defense throughout the game. Every team has about 20 players in uniform for each game. There
The women's soccer team has a new coaching staff, head coach Ken Prothero and assistant Jess Huda are looking forward to a well-played season. The team is carrying 11 freshmen and two captains, Kelli Romano and Heather St. Amour. Prothero felt that the team looked good in the Franklin and Marshall tournament though they lost both games. It was the team's first real game experience with all the new players. "We outplayed a team that we normally lose to,,, Prothero said.
Head coach Doug Meder and assistant coach Dan Keane are trying to put some wins together this year. The team played well at a tournament this past weekend, even after losing their first two games. "We played well but made a couple of mistakes. They were able to capitalize.,, The
teain bas six freshman coming in and are lead by senior captain Mike O'Riley.
Cross Country
Men's and women's cross country are trying to rebuild after a surprising season last year. Tom O'Hora, head coach, has lost many of his runners due to injuries and illnesses. The women's team is returning two key athletes, both seniors, Andrea Dragone and Jennifer Pryzinski made the All PAC team last year. However, nine of his women are unable to run this season. The men have two new runners, one freshman and one sophmore, O'Hora says both have potential but need to adjust to college cross country.
Three senior captains, Maureen McQuade, Megan • Chipman and Colleen Connor, will be leading the Cabrini field hockey team under the coaching of Jackie Neary and new assistant coach Carrie Lambert. Even with
are only eight players on the field at one time for each team.
Katie Tiberio, a junior special education/elementary education student, said, "I do not see the AFL getting big in Philly. There are four main sport teams that people follow. Unless one of those leagues goes on strike, it will be hard for the team or the league to have a big following.,, Michael Toland, a junior psychology major, agrees with Tiberio.
"I think the arena team will probably be grouped with teams like the Philadelphia Wings and the Charge. An arena team will not get the same attention as other teams in the area,,, Toland said. "People will want to see them live at the First Union Center, but they
will not draw big ratings from the Philadelphia television audience.,, The AFL will be forming a partnership with NBC, and it hopes this will give the sport the exposure it needs to succeed, according to
NBC has been trying to compensate for losing their broadcasting deal with NFL. NBC first tried to substitute their loss of the NFL with taking a risk on the XFL. Now NBC has lost its rights to future broadcasting with the NBA and is taking another chance on theAFL.
In addition to the AFL being shown on NBC, longtime AFL broadcasting partner TNN will also show about seven games this season.
injuries the team was able to rebuild, Neary actually pulled freshman goalie Shannon DiCave out of her dorm room to play • after an injury. The team is now looking toward winning their first PAC title.
A new coaching staff, Tricia Arnold, head coach and Lou Becht, assistant coach are trying to turn around the women's volleyball team. Lead by captains, Alexis Strizziere and Alissa Smith; the team is working with eight freshmen on the 12 player roster. Arnold says, "this team is ready to show the PAC what Cabrini volleyball is all about.
Women's Tennis
Coach Reggie Day has three players returning on a very young team. After finishing 11-6 last season Day feels that his team has more depth than last year. A solid core of returners and seven good new players, Day feels the team will do well this season.
September 5, 2002
Number One
Cabrini College's Student Newspaper
• 8-ball summer league, page 13
• Introducing the Freshmen Athletes, page14