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SAC requirement for athletic department


Collegiate athletes have their own affiliation called the Student Athletic Committee, which is based on a three fold focus: standing up for the rights and needs of athletes, getting involved with campus activities and working on volunteer duties in the community.


The SAC is a n_ationalorganization required by the NCAA. Due to its obligations and responsibilities to collegiate athletes, the NCAA requires the SAC to be a part of every college campus for the sake of athletic rights. This way they also have established a common institution that can monitor college funds, making sure athletes are properly provided for, equally.

"The SAC is for the students and is suppose to give them the direct effect of what quality experience is about. Right now they are a little too loosely organized but they seem to be off to a good start," John Dzik, athletic director, said.

With SAC at Cabrini for about a year, athletes are given the chance to voice their needs and concerns. The Cabrini SAC currently has about 16 representatives, or two per team. Their hopes are to get more people to support this committee in the upcoming years.

"We try to look into issues like whether or not other teams are talking trash on each other and how they can be fixed so there is a little more respect held amongst the different team members," Tim

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