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Laptops available for students in library


The Holy Spirit Library has purchased brand new laptops for students to check out. Checking out a laptop is free of charge, but students must be eligible patrons. The requirements include a valid Cabrini College identification card, a driver's license and being a registered borrower at the library. If•.anything is overdue in the library, students will not be allowed to borrow a laptop. Students must also have a domain account and know their password in order to operate the computer. Library Director, Bobbi Jacquet, wrote an LSTA Grant. After the grant was administered, 20 laptop computers were purchased.


Upon checking out one of these brand new computers, a liability statement is required to be signed. If a laptop is returned late, the charge is $10 per hour, $75 maxi- mum fee, and a $2,000 replacement fee if the computer is not returned, lost or stolen. The borrower will be held responsible for the cost if the laptop is not in the same condition.

The Internet can be accessed with the labtops. [f a ft le needs to be saved, it can be saved to a disk or on the H drive, which every student has.

The computer may be kept for a maximum of two hours. However, it may not leave the building. "There are times when every computer is being used," librarian Rosemarie DeMaio said.

"I think the main advantage is to just go somewhere else a little more quiet and with more room. Also, being able to use it with more people for group work is an advantage. There can be four people on one computer working on a power point presentation together."



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