2 minute read
SGA president shoots back
Dear Editor and Staff of the Loquitor,
I would first start out by saying what an honor it has been over the last semester to represent the Student Body. As the S1UdentGovenunent Association president I would like to just simply share with the Student Body SOA's mission and goals for this current semester. I would also like to say that SGA is composed of many strong and amazing leaders. As your President I ; believe that SGA has accomplished a great deal during this current• semester. We have made some changes to better serve the students. SGA is made up of 26 members, which are Executive Board and the Class Boards. SGA's mission is to represent the Student Body's needs and concerns. SGA strives hard to uphold the student's concerns, issues, and also the Core Values of cabrini College. Some of our goals for this year have been to increase School Spirit, to estalr lish better communication between students and administration, and most importantly to foster respect between each other and the administration.
Here are some things that SGA has accomplished so fat this year:
A successful Midnight Madness full of School Spirit, contests, food, raffles, giveaways and prizes. Over 400 students attended this event.
Safety Walk around campus to address the lighting and other safety issues that students have.
SGA is also working with Jason Bozzone at re looking at the Posting Policy.
Library hours have been extended.
Jamie Jaskiewicz, who is the Academic Board Chair, is on a task force with other faculty members to re-write the academic honestly policy.
Jesse Gluckman, who is the Parliamentarian of Executive Board, has done a great deal of
Sign Language to be accepted at Cabrini as a foreign Language.
The Sophomore Class under the leadership of Ryan Norris programmed and organized a successful Mr. and Miss Cabrini Pageant. Where they crowned John Verdi and Laura Cover.
The Junior Class has an event coming up on Saturday, which is SingledOut.
The Senior Class Board under the leadership of Alexis Strizz:ierehas planned a wonder-ful 100 nights celebration for seniors with special guest Coach Boone from Remember the Trtians.
RHA also has worked extremely hard in addressing the voices of the residentstudents.
SGA is now in the process of rewriting and approving a new Constitution, which will enhance the student's voice on campus.
I am also excited about the positive change in the Student Life Office. The office had become a more student orientated. It has been a pleasure to work with Dr. Neville and Jason Bozzone. I think it also important to say that administration is listening to student concerns. That is why it is so very important to contact SGA with concerns or issues. It is SGA's job to voice for the students and I am more then willing to address any concerns that the students have. The first place to start is either with the class board officers or with executive board. Starting next semester you can attend General Assembly Meetings once a month to voice your concerns. You can also contact me directly at hazelnut_doughboy@yahoo.com or you can slide anything under the SGA office door, which is located next to the Mailroom. I will be happy and excited to hear from you. It has been a great semester and I am hoping for an even greater second semester.
Respectfully Yours, Bernadette Hazel