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Despite protests, Bush stays on war path

One day before a massive winter storm covered Philadelphia in thick snow, the city streets housed the echoes of anti-war chants. Over 10,000 protestors gathered last Saturday in the City of Brotherly Love for one purpose - peace.

People around the world joined the Philly protestors. February 15 is now in the history books as the day of the world's largest peace rally. But even with the worldwide opposition of the United States' invasion of Iraq, President Bush is still pushing for war.


Our country is in a difficult position right now. Over 300 cities across the globe were filled with protestors last weekend. Citizens of the world want peace, not war with Iraq. France and Germany, historically two of our stronger allies, are making a strong stand against war.

In response to the massive protests,

Bush simply reminded his peopre that being able to come together and speak freely is the beauty of democracy. He politely disagrees with the millions who oppose his hawk views.

At this time last week, the Bush administration planned to release its resolution plan by now. The reason for the wait was to hear over 50 countries in opposition of the war speak at a United Nations debate on Iraq.

In the week since then, the administration has run into a wall. Remember that France is against this war with Iraq, and that France has veto power in NATO. The United States has over 150,000 troops stationed in the Middle East right now. But they need critical geographic points in order to stage an effective war against Iraq. Bordering Iraq to the north is Turkey, one of the key points and a friend of the United States. But, in order for Turkey to feel secure with American troops crossing the border to attack lraq, Turkey needs financial aid. When Turkey turned to NATO for help, it was declined. For the first time in the SO-yearhistory of NATO a country was declined aid. Thank you, France.

The United States is still strong enough to take care of Iraq. Even with the setbacks and the world of opposition, Bush is steady on the track to war, full steam ahead.

Last week Arts and Entertainment editor Ryan Mulloy and staff writer Ryan Norris argued in a point-counterpoint whether or not the United States should go to war with Iraq. The question they did not answer, however, is what will be the result of our certain victory? Will we be better of having won?

What did you do on your snow days?

"I slept, watched "I went out and "I went skiing in "I jumped off a TV and relaxed. snowboarded Seven Springs." roof of the mansion Then I caught up on behind Xavier. I and got stuck in a SGA work and also jumped off the snow mound." homework. I also Widener Center played in the snow roof." with my dog."


Mary Adam.Andrew Findlay,Jamie Knobler,RyanNorris,Jermaine O'Neil,, Amanda Snow staff photographers

Nicole Anista, Adriene Baldwin, Kryten Bradley, Rob Cain, Justin Coe, Nate Day, Matt Difalon, Cecelia Francisco, Meghan Franzese, Greg Kerr, Steph Mangold, Holly Orlando, Jim Peterson, Shaun Smith, Annie Turco, Katie Wright

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