3 minute read

Welcoine to the cloned age

Paul argues

Science Technology



Science must go on; it is not a vain pursuit, but a quest for a better understanding of the world around us and who we are as humans. The future of science involves controversial subjects, but the possibilities that can come from these controversial subjects surely outweigh the damage that they can potentially cause. The United States has to take an active role in new science and technology because the United States has the most money to bring science into a positive fruition.

Cloning, you have heard all of the negative prospects about it but what about the possible positives that comes from cloning for all humans. Cloning can end world hunger. Imagine humans cloning chickens, cows and other animals, that can be given to people who do not have enough food to eat. On a lighter note, Kentucky Fried Chicken will not run out of wings during Super bowl Sunday. God bless cloning.

Genetic engineering and stem cell research can stop diseases like diabetes, cancer, sickle cell anemia and HIV/AIDS. If embryos are killed that's OK because it is for the greater good. There was some guy in history who died for the greater good, oh yeah his name was Jesus. Killing embryos isn't so bad, it's not like you are keeping a person alive on a respirator only to have them die shortly after. If you are killing a person before he or she can breathe on their own, it isn't as bad as killing someone who is breathing and walking down the street. Plus it will save more lives in the future. Although it has the potential for creating more diseases, maybe they are diseases we can actually find a cure or vaccine for, unlike the diseases listed above.

A person going into space is essential because it can tell us more about our world than we know. ls the earth changing? Satellite pictures have told us how the earth has changed and it can tell us how the entire universe can change. Astronauts who risk their lives do it because they know the importance of it. Astronauts are doing the same as fire fighters and police who risk their lives everyday; it's because they want a better world. '

With the United States government taking science and technology as far as it ""' can go, the United States can make the world a better place to live in through its resources. Money is a big factor and the money of the United States government can not only fund the research but also control it for good. That way something crazy like 20 Bill Gates walking around does not happen.

The pursuit of this knowledge is not vain or immoral, but can be socially acceptable because over time it will make life better for everyone.


The pursuit of scientific knowledge is a vain pursuit. While we are only human beings, we cannot understand that kind of knowledge to its fullest or even in its entirety. Yet, we relentlessly continue to try to figure out such things like stem cells, cloning and space, as we casually sacrifice precious human life in the process.

As far as I understand things, stem cells are found in a human embryo and in adult bone marrow. However, in order to experiment on embryonic stem cells, the embryo is destroyed. I would like to know who gave these scientists the right to use this human life as carelessly as they do. The forced sacrifice of the tiny human life seems to come so naturally and lightheartedly to these scientists that is makes them seem heartless. Also, as far as creating things with these, or any, stem cells, the power of creation does not lie in our hands. It lies in God's hands and only horrific things can come from assuming such power as His.

Another form of creation, cloning, is also not in our jurisdiction as human beings. We are fallible human beings who will never be able to perfectly duplicate unique living creatures, such as animals and human beings. And not to mention, how is it humanly possible to create a soul, which a person needs in order to be alive? Therefore, I do not understand why scientists keep trying to clone organisms in the animal kingdom. It is a futile attempt at playing God.

Finally, space is infinite. There is no possible way that we are going to ever be able to understand and explore the expanse of the universe. The lives that we sacrifice in order to attempt the impossible is wasteful and vain. Our finite minds cannot understand the infinite, which is the vastness of space. Why we are willing and continue to risk and destroy life in the process is beyond my realms of understanding. What is the final goal? Is it to say that we conquered space and that all of the people who have died in the process are just building blocks to that victory? Because, that sounds like a vain and shallow ideal to live for, like the experimentations with cloning and stem cell research.

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