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ou Speak ...
How well do you think the school promotes "Cabrini pride" on campus?
walking across the Dixon Center parking lot overwhelms the lot's daily automobile traffic.
Of course, the growing spirit of Cabrini is not the result of an unknown blessing. It is the result of the dedication Cabrini has to building a unique community with intriguing events, including com• petitive athletics.
The college has been searching for an answer to the question of how to recruit more well rounded students. This past year should serve as a starting point. With the recent flood of spirit and enthusiasm boiling over, the college has its sight set on a Cabrini that will be attractive to a diverse group of people who will see the pride and character of the college as soon as they set foot on campus.
It is important to note that these examples are just a few signs of Cabrini's prospering spirit. Although it would be nice to list each of the year's spirited events, the best part is that 16 pages is not enough space.
Vince DeFruscio
Leanne Pantone
Shannon King
Catharine Hernson
Alexis Strizziere
Cheryl Wagstaff
Katie Reing Paul Williams
Dr. Jerome Zurek
Dr. Harold Halbert
Heather Dil.alla,Melissa DiPietrantonio,Jana Fagotti,KellyFmlan,JaclynFreese,Lauren Gatto, RoEiemarieGonz.alez,.JennaLewandowski,CristinMan:y,Antonio Masone,Lauren Mineo, Stephanie Moritz,Kmdall Neil,Gina Peracchia,Anne Marie White staffwriters
All I hear about school spirit is during basketball season.
Not very well. The only way is sporting events. Cabrini Idol was very good.
Brian Wisniewski, sophomore
Lisa ESposito, junior
They give attention to various campus activities, different types of things, not just sports games. Sean Gracey, junior
At basketball and lacrosse games, everyone gets involved.
Cabrini Spirit Day gets people involved. The community service is great.
MaryAdam, Andrew Fmdlay,Jamie Knobler,RyanNorris, Jermaine O'Neil,, Amanda Snow staff photographers
Nicole Anista, Adriene Baldwin, Kryten Bradley, Rob Cain, Justin Coe, Nate Day, Matt Difalon, Cecelia Francisco, Meghan Franzese, Greg Kerr, Steph Mangold, Holly Orlando, Jim Peterson, Shaun Smith, Annie Turco, Katie Wright
Students upset by lack of hate talk results
When I was told that there would be a meeting in Xavier hall to discuss the racist incident that occurred I was very happy. 1 thought it would be a chance to actually talk about how it made the community feel. Instead, I just sat through a 90 minute joke. After the introduction, which was well planned out and raised my expectations for what would be discussed, the students were told to look at the different posters on the wall. Each one was a blank sheet of paper with a large word on the top.
Gay, White, Black, Hindu, Straight, Muslim, and Christian were some of the titles of these. The students were then asked to walk around and write the different stereotypes they had heard about each of these categories. Right then and there I knew that this would not be taken seriously. Still, [ tried to keep my hopes up and prayed that maybe this would be used to show these people that they take prejudice. After everyone was done, what was written was not even discussed.
So, after an ,hour of listening to people laugh at different stereotypes and write funny comments on their worksheets, as well as people who don't even live in Xavier talk about it is everyone's responsibility to stop these things before they start. Everyone who brought up the actually incident of racism was either cut off or their question went unanswered. I don't know who I am more disappointed with, the speaker and his inattentiveness to address any actual issue, or the people who brought him to Cabrini and made it mandatory for the students who were already punished enough by racism to sit through something that trivialized it.
Conor McLaughlin
Alum proud of project's long history
Since I attended one of the very first outreach programs to Appalachia during Spring Break of 1980, I was very interested to read the article entitled "Project Appalachia." In my opinion, Ms. Gonzalez should have mentioned the previous outreach trips showing the history behind this Cabrini Campus Ministry service program.
It would have been interesting to read how long Cabrini Campus Ministry had been participating in the Project Appalachia programs and how participation in this program has changed over the years. I. Her article leads one to believe that this is a new experience for the Cabrini Community, which it is not. I am sure that if one searches the archives of Loquitur, one would find several articles on this event dating back to 1980.
If memory serves me correctly, it is about twenty years since Cabrini Campus Ministry's first outreach trip to Appalachia. Wouldn't it have been interesting to see how the present day outreach tnp differed from the first and !1ow the experiences of today's students differed from the original participants.
As a Project Appalachia past participant, it is a marvelous sight to see, as well as read about, young people deciding to spent their time helping others rather than partaking in the normal spring break activities of drinking and self-indulgence.
Kudos to those who attended this spiritual and eye-opening experience. Kudos to Cabrini Campus Ministry for continuing Project Appalachia giving students an alternative to the normal activities.
Deborah Gherrity Class of 1983