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How do you feel about the vandalism that has been occurring on campus?
New policy needed
It was a move Cabrini needed to make.
The college recently adopted a new Academic Honesty Policy to replace the old one. The new policy promises to uphold the values of academic integrity and create more trust between the faculty and staff.
The old policy was not uniform-professors took it upon themselves to decide what the punishment was for dishonest students-with little guidance about appropriate punishments for different violations. Students commiting the same violation could receive widely different punishments, or no punishment at all. Some faculty would submit an Academic Honesty Violation Form to the Academic Affairs office while others did not, despite the written guidelines that stated the professor had to.
The new, uniform policy provides fairness to the student and the professor. The professor is not put in the compromising situation of playing favorites and is given guidance on appropriate punishments for a first offense. The student automatically fails the course for a second offense and must appear before a hearing board, which could result in suspension or expulsion.
The effectiveness of this policy transformation has yet to be proven, but it's a step in the right direction.
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"If you're going to vandalize then you should be creative about it."
"I think it should definitely be cleared upand taken care of right away."
Jaclyn Freese
Jana Fagotti
Kelly Finlan
Rosemarie Gonzalez
Kendall Neil
Cristin Marcy
Gina Peracchia
Anne Marie White
Antonio Masone
Stephanie Moritz
Heather DiLalla
Jenna Lewandowski
Angelina Wagner
Dr. Jerome Zurek staffwrile!S
Mary Adam,Vmc:eDeFruscio,MelissaDiPietrantonio,AndrewFindlay,Lauren Gatto, CatharineHemsoo.ShannonKing,JamieKnobler, RichardMagda, LaurenMineo,Ryan Mulloy,RyanNorris,JennaineO'Neil,LeannePantooe, Amanda Snow,.Ale,a,Strizziere, SharvonUtbannavage,Cleyl Wagstaff,Paul \'n1liams staff photographers
Nicole Anista, Adriene Baldwin, Kryten Bradley, Rob Cain, Justin Coe, Nate Day, Matt Difalon, Cecelia Francisco, Meghan Franzese. Greg Kerr, Steph Mangold, Holly Orlando, Jim Peterson, Katie Reing, Shaun Smith, Annie Turco, Katie Wright Loqultur ts III laboratory aewspaper wrinen, edited and produced by the of COM 351. 352,250 aad 251. S..bsc:ripttonprice ts $25
Chris Wagner junior