3 minute read
PAC stats April 23-29
Women's Lacrosse: Women's Softball cont: Men's Lacrosse cont. Team Record: Cabrini ranked 51st in Las test Honor Roll: Laxpower.com Computer Poll
Cabrini College (J 0-3, 9-0 PAC) is the highest rated PAC team in the latest college computer rating from Laxpower.com at 5 I st out of 150 teams
Team Record:
Calendar of Events
Thursday, May 1
Rita Horning, SR, 1B, Cheverly, MD/St. Vincent Palotti. Hit .530 (15-28) with four doubles, one home run, eight RBI, two SB and IO runs scored in an 8-0 PAC week (swept Wesley, Gwynedd-Mercy, Cedar Crest, Misericorclia).
Team Record: 11-4 Overall, 10-0 PAC 30-4 Overall, 21-1 PAC
Women's Softball:
10-3 Overall, 6-0 PAC
• Mass, 12: 15 p .m., Bruckmann Chapel of Saint Joseph
• Dinner and A Database, 5 p.m., Holy Spirit Library
Friday, May 2
Cabrini Takes Top Seed in PAC Softball Tournament
Men's Lacrosse: Honor Roll: Cabrini clinched the top spot in the 2003 PAC Softball Tournament as a results of sweeping Misericorclia (22-10, 16-4) on Sunday
Rory Friel, SO, A, Ridley Park, PA/Ridley. Had four goals, three assists and two ground balls in 1-0 PAC week (def Wesley) Team Record: 11-4 Overall, 6-1 PAC
Men's Tennis: Scott Giblin (Sr, Turnersville, NJ/Washington Township) was named PAC Player of the Year. Giblin was 16-3 overall this season and 7-0 in PAC matches at first singles. Entering the Tournament, Giblin was a three-time PAC Individual titlist at first singles and has not lost a set in four years of dual competition. He is the first seed in this year's tournament.
Attention Graduating Students
Did )'IMI IUI-Off :tl'JIIMI.!fOU ~n ,...dlil'N'
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Tbli;; UJQ}' bC::lfl ~'<)JJ t.-n m~ne y()p_f imc:o:,me k...-el Lo )-our R!IP&)'lmlHd ..~.
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• Student Leadership Awards Banquet, 5 p.m., The Mansion
Saturday, May 3
• Spring Fling
• Movie Series: "8 Mile," 9 p.m., Widener Center
Lecture Hall
• Men's Lacrosse PAC Finals, TBA
• Women's Softball PAC Tournament, TBA
• Women's Lacrosse PAC Finals, TBA
IM~ It M__,, '\'\•.,._ l:.)q Ob~ hJ C ul'llllllelldlal1t'?
Yr::,i;. If )]Of,il .Ne 1(11 E')f¢1UNe: (or :l:i.JTc reccntf)· ~WIied) rtiming is crwh,,al u,. mru;imi::.-loa, •k .am('IOftt. ) oai l:Mlt save Tfilh < oa~n. If you w11it lt;)L..'\ l~ns II(, appl_y IQ#I' DDl'l5ffl~ you might aii.u. 01III oa, tk ~--Y .w:,~e tk tm~
7outr 1.oans by O.~.
'Wllat - Cw.rl. loCIIIOI! rS bilr?
Tkre JR: O('I f~tiJ Of" Cfle!dh-¢tk:,i::k;t, WM' a iJliER i11fi7 penalty for «nrl7 ft1)11aymem -nt :,.~, oommk'blL<Ol!I~a. Note t11>WC''>'l!.T, tlu.L can onl:,QC)mOHd!ate (.IM(: 1110dieotu.:a~ti,JMkto ~" a~<I <eda:ia deform.nl1 and ~elr.rt~n he{W'f1111,;~.::di u.iffl lloian5. f'c.- ITUXl!I call a kwao cou.n.seJor • t-8,66...JJ 1...tt:r,'6 or cliclr: an l,)Ul[':N m www.ithdf.lqpnw:~ ~.r;.;:e-1.t' :,.IOU (lllfll:ify f'IX' WM.W:IDY~.
.Arc .:,om .-IJoul le Grradalllr"?
·•'.¢It ir-;.u,, by 1reeh1•rinJ.l w:t-.b 121,:: Studm:a!i l...,cua, Consol~ Pn:.,gmm rSLCP-t. r, tln'::1!!"n4 101-"0l\d m,. ollllip1ion. SLCP will .sinrp~y pro-v·ji;:je Jou ,...iffh tnf'~lo-• l'.ffl 11J.'h.ot con:smid'am:;;n is all and ~t ) OU! ntt.¢1 ur.adu.111t.i<to1'(> r~nd )'i;,,'YQ ,.-d I.ft! o;ppc:..rtwmty ID eda:e :,oar intffl."51 O<•D:'1-t•U.:l.rtmi;~,•.
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Sunday, May 4
• Mansion Tours, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
• Spring Choral Concert, 3 p.m., Grace Hall Atrium
• Mass, 7 p.m., Bruckmann Chapel of Saint Joseph
• Movie Series: "8 Mile" 8 p.m., Widener Center
Lecture Hall
• Women's Softball PAC Tournament, TBA
• Senior Athletes Awards Banquet, Grace Hall Atrium
Monday, May 5
• Cinco de Mayo
Tuesday, May 6