2 minute read

Trish Arnold resigns

KENDALL NEIL A&E editor kmn722@cabrini.edu

Area Coordinator Patricia Arnold has resigned from her position at Cabrini College to start a new position once the strike is over at Cardinal O'Hara High School in Springfield. She will be in the social studies department teaching sophomore World History and junior American History.


Posting Guidelines for the Office of Student Development and Student Activities:

1. A copy of the notices must be stamped prior to making copies.

2. Notices must clearly state the organization or sponsor.

3. Posting Places will be established in each building.

4. Posting in the residence halls requires prior approval from the Office of Residence Life Staff.

5. All notices will bear the following stamp with a removal date.

6. Flyers making any reference to alcohol, drugs, sex or tobacco will be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Development.

7. Sidewalk chalk must be written on the ground. Absolutely

Arnold graduated from Cardinal O'Hara in 1997 and coached there for 6 years before becoming the women's volleyball coach here at Cabrini so it is a familiar place. Arnold will still be coaching at Cabrini this season.

Arnold says that she will miss Cabrini and has trouble finding the words to sum it all up. "So many people have made such a heartfelt impact on my life while I was here. I will miss my colleagues, the students and the strong sense of comno writing can occur on buildings. Individuals must submit the wording used for the message to the Office of Student Development and/or Student Activities.

8. Campus groups will be responsible for posting their approved notices. It is also the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to have all notices removed by the stamped date.

9. Notices are to be posted only in approved areas. Notices are not to be posted on windows, walls, doors, lamp posts, trees, trash cans, etc. Placing flyers on cars is not permitted unless previously approved.

10. Banners may be suspended from trees or building only with advanced approval from the Office of Student Development munity the most. I am proud to say that I am a Cabrini College graduate and I am so excited to graduate once again with my Masters in May 2003.

One thing that I will take with me from Cabrini is the message of the education of the heart. It brings together everything that Cabrini stands for and it is what makes leaving Cabrini so hard. To live is to give, and I plan to carry that message with me in the future wherever life leads me." and/or Activities.

11. Off-campus groups may have materials posted in designated areas.

12. Off-campus postings must receive special approval through the Student Development and Student Activities office.

13. The staff of Student Life will be responsible for the following: a. Approving/stamping the original notices to be posted b. removing notices not approved and/or in the wrong places c. monitoring and enforcing this policy within student organizations and departments.

14. Students may have access to the glass cases located in Founders and Widener.

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