2 minute read
Davis recall raises questions in Calif.
was in the 1914 election with 48 candidates.
perspectives editor amw724@cabrini.edu
The California election recall of Governor Gray Davis has put the citizens of the Golden state in an uproar. Davis' ordered a recount of those running for office as governor after his Thursday, Aug. 14 realization that there are 135 candidates on the ballot. This would create a 39-day delay in finding the victor of the race. The last time so many candidates were listed
Davis' credibility and ground for re-election is shaky with the varied backgrounds of his more appealing republican and democratic counterparts. Supporters of Davis' expulsion pinpoint his shortcomings on his inability to administer and report honestly what the correct amount of the state's budget was.
The estimated cost of the special election will cost between $42 million and $55 million.
Davis' primary democratic opponent would be his own Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante. Bustamante, in a news conference
Through Prayer And Action
Thecampu$ activities listed belowwill take pla,::eoo Thursday, 5eptember 11th.~ ate Wekom41to partkipate,a$ ,ooK(tiEdule---permiU. for furUwJnf~,plNsecontact Campu$Minister Frederidc Pratt (>(8225)or Coordinatorof Commlllity OutreachMaryLaver(><8409).
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1HJOM..21110PM said "he entered the race, even though he opposes the recall because Davis' viability is in question and Democrats need a strong alternative.
France and Germany refused a draft proposed by the U.S. Thursday, Sept. 4. The plan set forth in the U.S. draft included the use of mufti-national troops in post-war Iraq with the united States in charge. Gerhard Schroeder, the German chancellor, and Jacques Chirac, the French president, suggested that the United Nations have more input in the conduct of post-war Iraq. They went on to say that they are not averse to a compromise.
Presdent Bush, in a speech on Sunday, Sept. 7, said that they would be requesting an additional $87 million beyond the $67 billionsn alrady approved to be spent until Tuesday, Sept. 30 on military and intelltgence support in Iraq.
Davis has several republican equivalents, the most publicized being actor Arnold Schwarzeneger and California senator Tom McClintock, among others.
According to rescuecalifornia.com, the recall ballot will contain two parts. The first will be a question asking whether or not Governor Davis should be recalled or not. The second part will list candidates who would like to replace Davis.
The recall election will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 7.
Hurricane Fabian, the first strong hurricane of the season, hit Bermuda Friday, Sept. 5. It was the strongest hurricane Bermuda has seen in more than 50 years with winds reaching 120 miles per hour. Four people are missing and presumed dead after their cars were swept off a bridge. Fabian is losing strength now that it is moving northward into cooler water.
Isabel, the second in this series of hurricanes is rapidly becoming as strong as Fabian, and meteorologists at the national hurricane center in Miami say she may hit the Caribbean by the end of the week. A record setting 261 people were sued in the recording industry's latest attempt to end Internet piracy. This action is intended to set guidelines for Internet swapping and copyright enforcement. Four college students recently settled with the music industry by paying from $12,000 to $17,000 each for their downloading.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat nominated Amed Qurei Monday, Sept. 8, to be the next Palestinian Prime Minister. Qurei is currently the speaker of the Palestinian Parliament, and, according to the New York Times, he is known as a pragmatist." This comes after the sudden resignation of Mahmoud Abbas, favored by the United States as a leader open to a peace treaty.
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Parked public safety vehicle outside of the Mansion.