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Report says a third of children born out of wedlock

JANA FAGOTTI Managing Editor Jaf722@cabrini.edu

The National Marriage Project at Rutgers University released an annual report outlining the fact th.at couples no longer need to be married to start a family. Some couples have no inten- tions of marrying at all and, in turn, one in three children in the United States are born out of wedlock.


According to the project "marriage is undergoing legal, social, and cultural changes, and many of these changes are shifting its meaning and purpose away from children and toward adults."

''About a third of all children and more than two-thirds of AfricanAmerican children are born out of wedlock."

Since 1960, a 850 percent increase has taken place in number of cohabitating couples th.at live with children according to the Project.

"An estimated 40 percent of all children today are expected to spend some time in a cohabitating couple household during growth years. Roughly a million children each year experience parental divorce and its

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