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fEATURES Drivefaster,drivE smaller,driveIon
The last 1hinga <»liege stUdeotwants to spend their almdy scarce moneysupply on is a speeding ticket. Al1hougbyoung adults are said to be the mmt recklesswhen it comes to driving. they are also the least capable when it comesto paying up.
Sophomore int.emotcomputing major Annie Nguyen .receiveda ticket for driving 10 mile per hour over the speed limit on King of Prussia Road, and running a ted light. " It was yellow and IA'llll thlwgh it because I thought I could make it. I was in a hurry. I think the cops were taJpting my cat because they foHowedme all the way to Cabrini. I did not see any until I was driving past Woodcrest,"NiuYeJJ said.
Jamie Lewis, a junior English and communications major, said, "I was pulled over on the way to a funeralin Hmhey traveling 95 mph in a 65 mph speed zone. I was driving alone and it was a male cop, he bad no sympathyabout the fact that I wason my way to a funcal. BetidespayingaS19S fine, I was forced by law to take a test to lower my points to keep my licenae," Lewis said reckless driving. Officers can be seen mghtiy stttmg in e fur daring driversto break the law
Junior graphic design major Sean Fogle was pulled over driving on PA 476 for driving 30 mph over the 55 mph speed limit. The officer told Fogle that be could appeal the ticket, and decided it would be worth die shot. "The ofitcer told me exactly whatwasgoingto happen. He told me I could appeal the tieka, or pay the ime andaccept the four points on my licenae. I forgot my court date and got the points,~ Fogle said.
What is that thlng? Is it a car or a toy'? What business does it on the same street as my Land Rover?
~-~""' t'.~""---~·- 1lo 1--. ill•-•• Americanphenomen~ andit was a hard-fought struggle to the top. Ifs odd, and channing, "like a leprechaun," according to the MINI website.
"The Twist" played on the radio. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was elected to the White House. And the Mini mad its American debut for less than $800.
Like in all new markets, the new MINI faced relative obscurity. People didn't know what to think about it. The British coupe looked like a cross between a Volkswagen Beetle and a bulldog, some, according to the MINI website, said.
But the MINIproved itself a worthy adversary in the years to come, winning numerous rallies between 1964 and 1968 when MINI lost its license to sell in the Lnited States. MINI, however, continued to sell worldwide