2 minute read
to lock dorm doors
The presence of fear has been thick throughout campus following recent crimes.
Most overlooked the brown and yellow building as it stands facing Cabrini proudly. knowing its purpose is to serve the campus with protection and pride. Inside the Public Safety office, the officers sit, ready to tackle the many problems the campus faces on a daily basis.
The basement of house five looks like any other basement in the houses on campus. There is a laundry room, a bathroom and a huge open area for the residents to mingle. However, house five has something the other houses do not-its recycling bins are full with the proper recyclables.
House five may be the only dormitory on campus that is not having a problem recycling. Part of the problem lies on the administration not putting the word out about recycling, therefore the residents who want to recycle do not know where to put their recyclables. The other part lies on the careless student who is too lazy to walk to their basement to throw away a can.
House two is a prime example of the students not knowing where to put their recyclables. House two is the largest residential house on -campus by far, yet a good majority of the residents do not have a clue where the recycle bins are-even the resident assistants did not know. The residents pile their trash up in the bathroom for housekeeping to take care of. This provides an unsanitary atmosphere not only for the residents, but for housekeeping also. If the administration would put the word out loud and clear that every house has recycle bins. then this problem may start to die down.
Then there are those students that are aware of the recycling bins, but they choose to ignore it. They do not feel Hke walking down to the basement, so they throw cans. newspapers, and other recyclables into their trash. Or, even worse, when they decide to walk their trash down to the basement, they throw it into the recycle bins. polluting the bins with their garbage.
There are solutions to appease both sides of the equation. One way to encourage recycling would be to put smaller recycle bins in every dorm room-the lazy students only have to walk across the room to recycle and the buzz about the recycling program would be right in front of the students noses; they would not have to search for it. If this feat proves too big at first, a start would be to put bins on every floor of a donnitory, not just in the basement.
Cabrini also has an annual penny war contest between the residence halls in order to raise money for different charities. The war is a popular event on campus and generates a considerable amount of money for its cause. Since the penny wars prove to be popular, another kind of war would also be beneficial to the college and will solve a lot of problems-a recycling war.
The contest would be between the same residence halls that the penny wars are between. The residence hall that recycles the most products will receive a pizza party in its honor. The wars would encourage students to recycle more and it will get the word out that the college actually has a recycling program-it will be the best of both worlds.
"You are just asking for trouble. Protect your own property .,
In donn rooms recently, several crimes have been committed including stolen fire extinguishers and missing property from rooms. Schaffner advises to "Lock your doors always. In two separate occasions. even when students left to take a shower, crimes have happened.,.
In addition to the res: of the public safety officers, Shaffner wants to let students know that "Your safety is our main concern. Don't prop doon;, and be cautious.,.