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y stupidity

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core, your heart

core, your heart


It was Thursday, Oct. 9, and I was enjoying a nice evening with my roommate and next door neighbor. We did our thing, had our fun, and went to bed. A nice time was had by all.


As I was falling asleep to "Fellowship of the Ring," I heard laughter outside. This is not unusual for a Thursday night at House 5; there's usually good fun going on outside after the parties die down. 1 peeked out my window to see what the hoopla was all about and I was shocked at what I saw-some idiot spraying a fire extinguisher all over the lawn and then throwing it down the hill into the trees.

Now, I know people do stupid things when they imbibe alcohol and I have to admit, the things are usually pretty funny, but spraying and tossing a fire extinguisher is stupid. For one thing, it is dangerous; a lot of people are allergic to or get asthma attacks from the powder in the extinguisher. The second thing is what if our house actually had a frre? We would have no fire extinguisher to put out the fire.

I live on the second floor and our extinguisher is missing. I have no idea if they took the one on my floor, but it was there at the beginning of Thursday night and now an empty hook sticks out of the wall. I am hoping we do not get fined for something this drunken moron did.

The worst part is I did not recognize the person. I'm pretty sure he didn't live in the house-the House 5 guys are smarter than that. I am hoping it wasn't one of their guests or some upperclassmen from another house-they should know better than to do something that stupid.

However, when Public Safety arrived, a bunch of people walked away from the house towards the freshmen dorms. I would not doubt, (nor am I saying) that it was a freshman who thought he was being funny and got out of control.

I know that people saw this kid and know who he was. I would hope that if the house gets fined for this, they would have the anatomy they supposedly have and step up to say who this inebriated fool was.

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