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Maintenance problems cause stir in dorms




Maintenance concerns are yet another problem on campus these days. Adding to the housing complications currently in the dorms is complaints about heat, bathrooms and other odds and ends throughout the residence halls. A problem above all that students are whispering about is that Facilities is failing to respond in what they feel should be a timely fashion, if at all.

Cabriniopts for offcampus housing -

HOUSING, page 1

To be eligible to live in the Cabrini Apartment Complex, one must be "in good academic and disciplinary standing with the college," Hodgeman said.

Residence Life reserves the right to place students randomly if none of his or her preferences are available.

"[The housing lottery] affords students an equal opportunity to be placed in housing," Hodgeman said.

• A list of local landlords willing to rent apartments to Cabrini students is available in the Residence Life office to those students who do not receive oncampus housing and those looking to avoid the lottery process.

Looking to the future, a new residence hall, much like New Residence Hall, is planned, housing 120 beds.

"Residence Life has decided to be proactive in its approach to accommodating students," Hodgeman said. "Some schools have chosen to do nothing."

Transferstudents are left out of the Cabrini loop


ARL 722@CABRINI.EDU heat up. However, the window is still not fixed. major works for Facilities and knows the lengths they go to in order to provide a working campus.

Unlike the traditional freshman student coming into Cabrini, a transfer student attends a separate "Transfer Orientation" that usually only lasts one day right before school begins in Aug. ''I never had a tour of the campus and I knew where nothing was," Jenna L'Italien, special ed. /elementary ed. major, said.

"I was even told I was a junior when I was picking my classes later to find out that I was a second semester sophomore. It ended up working out, but still," L'Italien said.

There are some things that are different campus to campus. Some students are more outgoing in finding new information about the campus, where as others aren't, which is why some transfer students feel as though there should be some sort of buddy system so they can get to know the campus, someone to teach them how things around here work such as the cafe and mailroom system, etc. The system will not only help the new students get to know the campus.

"Everyone was very helpful with getting me situated and answering any questions I had," IT Turtzo, sophomore business administration major, said.

L'Italien said, "It's not bad; I do love the college and am happy that I am here, but just a few changes to make transfers a bit more welcome would have been nice."

Many students have been voicing their concerns for a while on campus but are not sure how long it is supposed to take until the problems are either solved or fixed.

"As far as the heat is concerned. I know facilities has been here many nights - overnight, all night," Norris said.

"The first request I put in was for my window, because it leaks a lot when it rains," Kim McGrath, sophomore math/secondary education major, said. "And the other one was for the heat in our room. Since we live in a lounge now, our room is much colder than in the hallways or other rooms."

McGrath said that it only took Facilities a few days to turn the

"As an RA [Resident Assistant], they don't tell us how long to expect a facilities request to be carried out," Andrew Storti, Junior Finance/ Accounting Major said. "It all depends on the severity of the issue. Some things can be done very quicklyand handled immedialely; other things may require more time."

According to Storti, even after he put in a request to get a bathroom sink fixed, it took Facilities over a week and a half to come and repair it.

At times when large amounts of requests are filed, things can get backed up. Ryan Norris, a junior english/communication

For students that are not completely sure how to request something to be fixed or possibly have been going about it in the wrong manner and do not understand why things are still broken, Norris has some tips.

"If a student fills out a facilities request, they will get a returned email saying that the task has been completed, or the facilities request has been finished," Norris said. "When the student receives that email, if nothing has been fixed, then they should notify Facilities right away."

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