3 minute read

Accidentadjustslife perspective


At four in the morning on Dec. 20, 2003 my view on life took a drastic change. My uncle, Officer Raymond Plymouth, is a Philadelphia police officer. He was responding to a hit-and-run call near Dave and Buster's on Delaware Avenue with a rookie officer. As they were investigating the crime scene my uncle drove his cop cruiser to set-up a roadblock on Delaware Avenue. As he sat in the driver's seat talking to Sullivan, a drunk driver came speeding down Delaware Avenue out of nowhere. The driver slammed into the cop cruiser causing my uncle to be trapped inside. Paramedics, police and fire fighters rushed to the scene to cut open the top of Now I'm not here to make the cop car to free the two offi- anyone cry or get any kind of cers. I was woken up around sympathy. There are a few points 4:30 a.m. to be told that my par- I want to make out of this. indents were leaving to go meet my dent. My Unc~ Ray had an outaunt and cousin at Thomas .,.,.st.anding known record for capJefferson Hospital. turing DUls and getting them off


The next five weeks would be the streets. We found it ironic something that l wouldn't forget, that a drunk driver hit him. The I layed in bed that morning with guy who hit my uncle was 23 this indescribable feeling in the years old. Not too far off in age pit of my stomach. My brother from all ofus. and I kept getting phone calls I know that we're college stualmost every hour about my dents and we like to do our fair uncle's condition. They didn't sharing of partying and drinking stabilize him enough until 10:30 but please don't drive drunk or in the morning where he was let anyone else for that matter. I placed in surgical ICU in a med- know that it happens everyday ical coma. It wasn't looking and you could tell me that as good and I prayed to God that he much as you want but when it would Jet my uncle live. hits too close to home it's so I couldn't tell you what it felt much different. It's also a differlike to know that the best ent story when you hear it from Christmas present I received your family but when you flip over winter break was that my through channels 3, 6 and 10 and uncle was alive. He is now in a go on their websites and see your rehabalitation center. uncle's face and the accident plastered all over it's a punch in the gut. I watch the news almost everyday but when you see your family on there it gives you another view on the life of being ajournalist. I'm all about getting the great story and the best pictures but when I saw my uncle being pulled from the wreck and then being wheeled on a stretcher into the hospital it made me want to be sick. I couldn't be angry though because the news reporters were doing their. job but what bothered me was the media following my aunt around at the hospital. Everything that has happened that surrounded this moment in my life has affected my view in so many ways. In just a split second someone made a decision that could've killed themselves and two other people. I think about that night everyday now and it still has so much shock value to it. Cherish the days that ycu have and the ones that you love. I know it may sound cheesy or cliche but no one knows. My uncle is a veteran on the police force and was just going into another night of work. All I know is that l thank everyone who risked everything of their time to help my uncle and responded to the accident as • quickly as they did and all the staff at the hospital.

What was your best Christmas present? Mine was getting to see my Uncle Ray again. The strength, stubbornness and courage that my uncle has displayed through this whole incident are beyond words. Yes, he was in serious condition but he's alive. I couldn't think of any other person to look up to in so many ways. Uncle Ray, this one's for you!

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