8 minute read
H-- II Depending on IStorvrepeatsIlse financial aid
sympathy for our families who War. Personally, I do not hold it were lost. Families who are affect- against Bush for not fighting. I ed by the war are no different than don't think that all leaders have to family members we lost during the be fighters. I like to compare his day the World Trade Center col- presidency to a coaching position. lapsed in an act of terror in New A coach of a sporting team would York. I think that people serving not be expected to play on the their country have been dying in field with their team, so why "War on Terrorism" is an oxy- an attempt to create a more peace- would a country expect its presimoron. Declaring a war to create ful world. My question is, how dent to have experience in war. chaos in society is disturbing the can we live in a peaceful world if Since President Bush has peace just as much as unexpected there is a war going on? already been elected by our counterrorist acts. On Sept J J, 2001 The media coverage of the war try means that this issue had been America was attached by terror. has been very vague, leaving out ignored during the previous elecCivilians going to work, or board- major details in the beginning of tion. ing a plane on the morning of the war. lf a lot of information is It is important now to think Sept. 11 were unaware of the dis- still being unveiled from three about this because history may be aster they were about to be a part years ago. than one can imagine repeating it self. With our troops of, therefore it is obviously not an what is going on now. Behind the still in Iraq there is still an ongoact of war. Those who witnessed close doors of CNN and other ing need for more awareness. the horrific attacks already started major media coverage networks Being aware of these issues is questioning the inhumane there could be more terror that we very important because our genmotives to commit such a terrible have not seen. eration has the power to elect the act of terror. but at the same time Political news coverage on the next president of United States. wanted to take revenge from the campaign for re-election of Presi- Being behind our troops at loss that they just had. dent Bush has a great to deal with home is something that patriotism
The distinguishing factors our current situation of war. His is based on especially at a time between a patriot and a non patri- presence during the Vietnam War when we would rather have our ot are as close to those distin- is questionable. He was said to troops home. If fighting terrorism guishing war from terrorism. have served in the National Guard with terrorism is the only way to During the time of war, it is the while countless numbers of his· get closer to a peaceful world hardest time to distinguish patri- fellow Americans were dying in right now, then we should fight otism. There are many ways to Vietnam during the war. until we find another way. Even display one's patriotic beliefs The most important thing to though the cause of the war is not because everyone's definition of keep in mind is that this is only purposely because of the terror patriotism varies. relevant because now is the time attacks Americans still can relate
The "War on Terror" has when people link patriotism to to the way we felt back in 2001 to resulted in many citizens dying in fighting for our country. It is up to the way that Iraqis civilians must Iraq. Feeling sympathy for those the voting public to decide feel now as there country has who are indirectly involved with whether it is crucial that President transformed into a battlefield. the war is the same as feeling Bush did not fight in the Vietnam
This past week l received a letter from Cabrini informing me that our tuition has been raised (yet again) to $21,450. I'm sure l'm not the only student who needs help paying this bill. But lately it seems that when my family and I turn to financial aid, the aid simply isn't there.
Numerous papers that I have sent in to the office magically disappear. I'm not comfortable with the idea that documents with mine and my families information are floating around somewhere. Also. it seems as though l never speak with the same person twice whenever I call. And if I leave a message, I rarely receive a call back. So it's a viciou~ cycle where I then have to call again and speak with yet another person. Earlier this year my mom was speaking with someone from financial aid and that person informed her that I couldn't expect things to be handed to me. I considered that to be a slap in the face. As I mentioned before, I feel that I do my part by remaining a good student and applying for outside assistance. I think it is tasteless for a person to say that when they have my file in front of them and see the effort that I have put forth. Please don't feel that I am using my space in the paper to simply complain about financial aid. Instead l propose a solution. I know of other colleges that when you enter as a freshman. you are assigned to one person in the financial aid department It's like ha, ing a financial adviser. You then keep the same adviser for the entire four years. I think that this would eliminate a lot of confusion. This way, students always talk with the same person and that person is more familiar with the student. Cabrini embarks on the fact that we are a small school and that students can receive one-on-one attention. But then they go ahead and turn a couple thousands of students over to one department and expect everything to run smoothly. J think that makmg things more indi\ idualized would really make a difference.
I feel that an expensive college needs ro offer a strong support system through their financial aid department. It's a shame to hear people talking about transferring next year because they can't afford the tuition. rm not even saying that Cabrini itself has to put out more money for aid. but it would be nice if financial aid could point students in the right direction for outside assistance. I hope that over my next two years at Cabrini I can come to depend on financial aid for assistance.
RA "Duty"
It is a common practice on this campus to have rivalries between organizations on campus, almost as if we're competing against each other rather than working together. As a member of Residence Life. I find many people speak out and find the need to degrade RA's and our supervisors, no matter the situation. After three years at this school, I think I know why.
Students have created what is called a 'fools enemy.· Youth in America tend to create an enemy that does not exist when there is nothing to complain about. In our case, it is authority figures such as police, teachers and even RAs. Through the years, r have read several arti- j cles in the Loquitur telling the student body how bad RAs do their jobs. That same negativity is said about SGA, CAP Board and anyone that might make a mistake. I hear it everywhere. However, as always, I strongly disagree. I am tired of the constant negativity thrown at RAs everyday. I hope it will change, and it starts with this paper speaking the good word of campus organizations. "You speak, we listen" right?
We are the ones who stay up until 5 a.m. making sure you or your peers remain safe. We unlock your door at 3 a.m. because that is our job. We sit through weeks of training just in case there is that one student that presents us with the worst possible problem. We get screamed at by drunk as well as sober people.
We do more than you think. We will take on any problem , you give us. We wi11sacrifice anything for you. We <1renot perfect, and the student body constantly reminds us. We are good people with good intentions.
No. this is not a sad song, it is a statement~ a statement to you Cabrini. We will lay it on ,the line for yo1.1any day. I am an RA. That is my 'duty.
Will Harmon weh722@cabrini.edu
people who busted their asses to get the whole year's events scheduled.
The most important issue is this: drinking. A couple of people asked about bar trips or parties. We can't spend the entire year getting plastered. Most of you wouldn't even remember Senior Week if you did. And honestly, we think we covered the drinking at 100 Nights and 50 Nights. And after what can i only be called "the bus ride from hell" at 50 Nights, maybe it's clear we've done enough drinking.
A I tt t If you need more proof of n Open e er O that, look at the Thursday night Cabrini College It of Senior Week. Nothing is d planned at all because on this StU ents, : campus, there's no competition
Recently, there have been rumors of seniors who are upset with the Senior Week plans. Unfortunately, there is little more to say in response to these rumors expect the following. It's not our fault or the fault of anyone from the Student Government Association. It's your fault.
Throughout this year, we have done nothing but plan for Senior Week events. We must picking things to do. We even had to push back deadlines constantly in order to get the events completely scheduled and paid for. Guess how many people came to the meetings.
On average, not including the Senior Class Board, we saw around 10 people each time out. And we thank those people, as should you too. These are the with Thirsty Thursday.
The point is if you don't vote or participate, then you have no right to complain. Had any angry students come to a meeting, they could have voiced their concerns about the events. They did not come to the meetings, yet now they complain. There's not much we can do right now. You don't like it, don't go. No one is holding a gun to your head to force you onto a bus to Jillian's. Atlantic good time. That would just be criminal. We call on the remaining students to change this situation for themselves. If you want to be heard, then make yourself heard. Go to any meeting you can or talk to your board. If you don't, you'll be just like students this year. You'll complain until you're blue in the face, but you should just be mad at yourself.
Senior Class Board
Student Government Association
Lacking Values
I have analyzed what you put in print in comparison to the many types and fonns of mediainformation that I have read during this year and have found that your values are lacking. Should I be looking for your campus to be a source or seeker of truth, I should be disillusioned. As a suggestion for next year's editions, why not include a religion column? In fairness to the hedonistic values that pepper your current work, allow some hard-hitting opinions that would challenge your current values of "No one is going to tel1 me what to do, I want what I want when I want it.'· Allow some real counter-cultural values of real religion to at least have some dusty corner for those who can find no evidence to convict anyone on staff of being a follower of Christ to have a voice. Or perhaps there are no Christians on your campus? If there are any student folpus at all, their silence on campus is deafening.
J. Diane Varra Democracy You Needs
Dear Loquitur Readers and Editor;