1 minute read
Finallygota ticket
After parking on Residential Blvd a handful or a couple of times (I honestly don't keep track). I was ticketed the other night. I'm not surprised that I got one eventually, but I am shocked at how long it took to be ticketed.
Should I be mad or do I at least have the right to be? Not entirely. I did something I know is wrong, and now I've been put through the system. But I feel as though there is some right to be a little perturbed. If not for my own personal feelings, then for the students who wi11face this prob-lem next year.
First off, my apologies to the residents for taking a space that could be used for their own vehicles. Shame on me. But there is a bigger issue at hand here. What happens when the record amount of students who are being forced off-campus, or even to Harcum, need to get to classes. I don't think it's safe for them to actually park on top of someone's else ·s vehic1e. I don't even think it's entirely possible.
Next year, it is my understanding that there will be a whole mess of commuters on this campus because there's no housing for some people. So there's no housing, but there's tons of parking next year? I don't think it works that way. If there's little to no parking sometimes now. there'll be zero parking when the influx of commuters comes to campus.
When I got to this school, the number of students coming to Cabrini was on the rise. Every year, it has gone up, as is my understanding. People can't park, so they get tickets. People can't get space on campus, so they're left out in the cold. Sadly, we don't get more of what we need. We don't need more people. We need more housing on campus and more parking to go with that housing.
I've been told it takes money