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What are your fravorite things about Cabrini so far?
As a freshman commuter I would come to Cabrini for classes and not much else. This is the one thing that I wish I did differently my first year. Since my freshmen year I have learned that being involved enhances your entire college experience. So, my advice to all first year students, and especially you commuters, get involved!
I was an extremely involved student in high school. So I simply assumed that I would be the same type of student in college. Where that plan fell through I’m not quite sure. But in my freshmen seminar course with Dr. Hal we went to the Career Services center and practiced writing resumes.
I don’t know why it hit me then, but I had nothing to list under activities. I was shocked! Did I really spend an entire year at Cabrini and not get involved in anything?
After that, things changed. By the time that my sophomore year rolled around I was a staff writer for The Loquitur and on the dance team. Now I have to say that my schedule became really hectic. I would go to classes in the morning, then go work in the afternoon and then head back up to Cabrini at night for either layout or practice. But it was all worth it.
Being involved makes you feel more connected with Cabrini. You meet more people, make more connections and just have a good time. Let’s face it, we don’t always look forward to going to class. Well, if that’s the only way you’re involved with Cabrini, what fun are you going to have?
Going into my junior year, I am the features editor for The Loquitur, a member of the dance team and also a member of the communications honor society. I have met some of the greatest people Cabrini has to offer by being involved in these activities.
I’m not trying to preach in any way at all, but by being involved I feel more intact with the campus. Especially if you’re a commuter, joining an activity is one of the best way to stay involved and meet new people.