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Laver given new position
A new position developed to focus on the areas of public education on issues of Catholic social teaching and student leadership development has been awarded to Dr. Mary Laver, who was officially named the director of programs for Applied Catholic Social Teaching. Laver has been on the staff of the Wolfington Center for the past five years and is delighted to be given the chance to build on Cabrini’s students who are eager to walk the talk and experience their faith and values.
Laver, originally from Oakland, Calif., and one of 10 children, said she has been blessed with a very interesting life. She was veryinterestedincomparativereligion,andshe earned her doctorate in religion from Temple University. While working in Boston she met a man on the subway whom she eventually married and had two children.
She has worked for an experiential education program in Center City Philadelphia helping students find internships, and has also taught religion and philosophy classes. Here at Cabrini, she has held positions such as campus minister and coordinator of Community Outreach.
One program that Laver will be working on is Student Leaders for Service and Spirit. This program will provide leadership for Wolfington Center programs based on principles of Catholic
Social Teaching and will be a communications link between the Wolfington Center and the Cabrini College community
The Wolfington Outreach to Leaders of the Future, othewise known as W.O.L.F. Pack, is another program directed by Laver. It is for first year students, where one student from each College Success class will be chosen to represent their class at monthly meetings, where they can offer opinions about what kinds of service and spirit programs are appealing, and then bring that information back to their classes.
“These student leadership groups are meant to integrate the values of Cabrini and Catholic Social Teaching into programs that empower our students,” Laver said.
MotherFrances Cabriniisa personLaver would like to use as an example of how to live out the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, because she looked at the needs of the people who were left out of the mainstream in her
2004-2005 Loquitur Staff
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Dr. Jerome Zurek times – poor people and especially immigrants – and she was very resourceful in reaching out to them. Mother Cabrini’saspirationsweretoobigtodo alone, soshefounded the order of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and recruited many people in business, social work and medicine to work together.
Laver lovesthespirit,creativityandeagernessofCabrini students.“Whenourstudentsgettogethertodooutreach projects as teams and groups, they are doing what Frances Cabrini did. The work of bringing everyone into mainstream of life is too big for one person, and Cabrini students are great at building teamwork, just like Mother Cabrini,” Laver said.
Student’s interested in becoming involved with the W.O.L.F. Pack, Community Outreach and service projects can contact the Wolfington Center, located next to Jazzman’s Cafe.
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