2 minute read
Did you know...
- Only 50 percent of young adults say they discussed politics, government, or current events with their parents.
- 19 percent say that they “never” talk about politics, government or current events.
- Of the people who grew up discussing politics in their home, 75 percent are registered to vote.
- A study conducted by the University of Maryland of young adults ages 15-25 shows that 49 percent think that voting is not important.
- The study also shows that only 46 percent believe that they can make a difference in solving community problems.
- 14 million voting age people with disabilities are not registered to vote.
- People with disabilities register to vote at a rate that is 16 percent less than the rest of the population.
- Disability service providers are required by law to offer voter registration to their clients.
- 75 percent of people with disabilities report they have never been asked to register to vote by a service provider.
- There are over 35 million voting age persons with disabilities.
- In the 1996 presidential election, 30 percent of people with disabilities of voting age voted; 50 percent of the voting age population at large voted.
- Husbands and wives cannot vote together in the same voting booth.
- Primary elections, conducted by the county election commissions, are held to determine who will be that party’s nominee.
- You may obtain the names of your elected officials and polling place by contacting your county voter registration office.
- A person who does not live within the municipality, but who owns property within the municipality, would not be considered a resident for the pur pose of voting in a municipal election.
- A person who was not qualif ied to vote in the first election for failure to register 30 days prior to an election is not qualified to vote in that election’s subsequent run-off.
Voting before Election Day
Experts are mixed on what thi could do to election political party. At all other elections, such as for the president, you may vote for whomever you choose.
You would then choose if you would like to get updates by email, which will update you on the present issues during this election and future ones as well. You then check to
After you have copied this information down and clicked “continue” it will present the form in Adobe Reader format. You will need that program in order for this work. If you do not have this program you can go to www.cabrini.edu and click on academics, under the school calendars there is a small icon, if you click on this it will download the program onto your PC.
The second way you can register to vote is in person either at your local representatives office in your hometown, or at the local driver’s licensing center and fill out the same form, as you would fill out online. They then would mail out everything for you. As long as it is postmarked before Oct. 4, you will be able to vote in the upcoming election.
D No D Minimal requirements (long restrictions commute, over age 65, make sure that all of the information that you f illed in was cor rect.
The last, but most important step is the printing, signing and mailing of the form. If you are from Pennsylvania, for example, you mail the information to:
Off ice of the secretar y of the Commonwealth 210 N. Office Bldg. Harrisburg, PA 17120-0029
Rock the Vote, will be on campus Sept. 23 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Grace Hall atrium, and Project Vote Smart will be here on Sept. 25 in Grace Hall starting at 4 p.m. allowing students to register here on campus.
For more information on the 2004 election and how to register visit : www.rockthevote.com or www.chooseorlose.com