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Health hut hopes for awareness
Cabrini has come up with a way to learn about overall health and well-being without sitting in class. There is a station around campus called, “The Health Hut.” This hut contains information about choices for well-being including many different topics that vary from week to week.
Chris Hyson, coordinator of the hut states that, “the purpose of this hut is to keep students up-to-date on some health-enhancing information.” This portable station goes around to different places on campus every week and educates students on different health precautions. The dates, times and locations can be viewed on CabriniOne.
This week, the Health Hut will be promoting Mental
Health and balance. This is in commemoration of National Depression Screening Day set to take place on Oct. 7. Some other topics that the hut promotes are breast cancer, stress management, drugs, alcohol and AIDS/STD awareness. This program is intended to help students understand more about themselves and others. This hut may give students initiative to learn more about staying healthy. Many are probably thinking that that this information has been drilled into their heads since their first sexual education class, but this is a program that reinforces the importance of being precautious.
“The Health Hut has stemmed from only a handful of students and now has numerous students involved,” Christa Angeloni, a senior and religious studies major and
PEER educator, said. “The students will be more aware of the Health Hut this year because it will be seen all over campus. They will be giving out everything from stress balls to pamphlets and food,” Angeloni said.
One program that is run through the Health Hut is Cabrini’s annual blood drive that takes place on campus. This is a way for students to give blood without having to go out and find a place to do it. Several students attended the program last year and Hyson hopes to see the numbers increase.
Students who have busy schedules are still able to get involved with the hut without being on the PEER educator team; just going and learning information about it is a way to become involved with the program.