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Spears marries a second time
Britney Spears, 22, married fiancee Kevin Federline, 26, on Saturday, Sept. 18. The ceremony took place in California at a friend's home with only 20-30 family and friends in attendance. Spears and Federline announced their engagement in June and were not to marry until sometime next year. The wedding was a surprise to everyone. Her family wasn't aware of the wedding until the last minute. Spears’first marriage to a childhood friend, Jason Alexander, was just as spur-ofthe-moment as this one.
A-List of performers at the American Music Awards
Usher, Kanye West, Jessica Simpson and Kenny Chesney are only some of the artists who will light up the stage this year at the
American Music Awards. The AMAs will be broadcast on Nov 14 on ABC. Jimmy Kimmel, star of the late night television show, “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” will be hosting this 2004 musical extravaganza.
Johnny Ramone dies at age 55
The lead guitarist of the legendary rock band “Ramones” died in Los Angeles at age 55. Johnny Ramone had battled prostate cancer for the past five years. He died in his sleep on Wednesday, Sept. 15. On Sunday, Sept. 19 the Ramones legacy was celebrated at a benefit concert that included performances by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pete Yorn, the Sex Pistols and Bad Religion.
Dr. Dre and Burt Bacharach
Seventy-six year old songwriter and producer, Burt Bacharach, turned to rapper/pro- ducer Dr. Dre for some collaboration on his next album. Bacharach started his career more than 50 years ago and is now looking for some new inspiration from modern artists like Dre. Bacharach's new album will be hitting the scene sometime in 2005. Though both artists will be working together and will have songs together on the album, their musical roots will not change.
Beck Album Delayed
The rock singer Beck was scheduled to release his new album on Oct. 26. The album will not be out until sometime in 2005. Though several tracks have been recorded for the untitled record, Beck and his producers will be unable to finish it for its original fall release. Even though Beck's unique style of music won't be coming to us until next year, we can definitely expect that the album will be released the moment it is completed.
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