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Arts & Entert ainment Cabrini, DELCO sing with one voice in joint choir


Cabrini College, along with Delaware County Community College (DCCC), is stirring quite a crescendo albeit their correlated chorus. Dr. Adeline Bethany, professor and director of fine arts at Cabrini, began her career in the 1970’s devoted to both colleges’ choruses and later combined the two in 1982. Known as The Delaware County Community College/Cabrini College Singers, the chorus is learning to use their talents, knowledge and ultimate passion to familiarize themselves with the world so that they can ultimately tune it up.


Since its’mergence in 1982, the chorus has brought together undergraduate students, graduate students and non-credit, nightschool students of both colleges who have learned much more than how to hit the high notes in AMajor. Gia Digiminiani, a graduate student of Cabrini and chorus member, finds that involvement in the chorus has improved her abilities in articulation when she has business dealings with others via voice projection.

Digiminiani not only enjoys finding nostalgia when interacting with the undergrads in the chorus, she has also been able to parallel her artistic endeavors to those of people internationally because of the chorus. “The Spanishpeoplesinganddance spontaneously,whereas in the Cabrini Chorus,werehearseoften!In Spain, Ioftenheardpeople singaccapela (without accompanyinginstruments),andinthe Cabrini/DCCCChorus,we’d be lostwithoutClaraDelaPorta (Cabrini’s piano instructor)at thepiano,” Digiminiani said of their May 2004 trip to Spain.

Bethany, a strong advocate of cultural diversity on campus and off, thirstily consumes the new experiences and encounters that are offered all around the world, including South East Asia. In doing so, Bethany takes empathetic steps to instill appreciation and knowledge of all types of cultures and music to her singers and her students. These steps help her at her aim to connect Cabrini and DCCC with the rest of the world through the international language of music.

Bethany has learned and teaches that in some cultures, like the Temiar, an Animistic tribe of people located in Malaysia, dance and musical instruments are used and believed to cure the sick.

Although Cabrini and DCCC, a part of Western culture, learns that science and medicine is most effective in curing any ailments, Bethany does believe that musical predisposition can have psychological healing affects at the least.

Bethany said, “It makes us feel good to help people.” So, when the chorus isn’t busy planning trips to sing abroad or rehearsing on campus every Monday night, they are busy serenading the local community’s hospitals and rehabilitation programs. These visits utilize Cabrini’s aim to educate the heart and the singers’aim to applaud their society before their society can applaud them.

Whether the DCCC and Cabrini Singers are looking to entertain, inspire, heal, educate or just let their voices’be heard, they do encourage your inquiries. After all, their songs are reflections and responses to what we believe as affiliated colleges and friends, whether it’s “The National Anthem” for your lacrosse game or “On Eagles’Wings” for your masses.

If you’re interested in joining the chorus or attending a performance, contact Dr. Bethany in her office, room 204 in the Widener Center, or by email at Adeline.Bethany@Cabrini.edu.

October 27 28 29 30 and Nov 1 at 8PM and Oct 31 at 2PM.

Further information: Neal Newman: 610-902-8510.nnewman@cabrini.edu.

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