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Athletic Department reacts to LaSalle’s rape scandal
Cabrini College fears that the plague of sexual controversy that overwhelmed LaSalle University will spread to its peaceful campus. Three rape cases pointed the finger at LaSalle’s men’s basketball players. The Cabrini Athletic Department is now taking precautionary measures to ensure this type of problem will not occur among Cabrini athletes. LaSalle athletes have struggled and persevered through the thick turmoil. Male collegiate athletes are now being placed under a microscope in order to ensure the safety of the students.
If a Cabrini student was to take a leisurely walk down Olney Ave., located in the heart of LaSalle’s campus, it would be quite a different scene from that of Cabrini. Due to the rape scandals, students have observed an increase in police and campus security vehicles on patrol at the campus. The streets where clusters of students walk to class are closely observed by these watchdogs.
Obviously, Cabrini has not yet reached this point. Cabrini athletes are still widely respected on campus. “People still look up to us. I haven’t been treated any differently since these incidents,” said Boris Smojver, a senior Cabrini basketball player. “If I have been treated differently, it isn’t because I’m a basketball player,” Smojver said jokingly.
However, the question of how these incidents affected LaSalle athletes is presented. Sean McGovern, a LaSalle baseball player, was completely stunned by the incidents. McGovern wanted to stress that his team still receives the utmost support from the LaSalle community. Howev-