3 minute read
Dixion Center facilities used to full potential
The Dixon Center is a popular place to be for people on and off the Cabrini campus, with its water classes, the yoga lessons, indoor track, quality exercise equipment and much more. Students, faculty and community members all seem to be attracted to the Dixon Center and everything it has to offer. The fitness center; however, surprisingly seems to be utilized by the same percentage of community members and students.
Upon wondering when the perfect time would be to find fellow students and peers at the gym to work-out with, try going in the mid-afternoon or later in the day.
According to Matt Dzuryachko, a senior at Cabrini College who is a fitness technician, “The ratio of community members to students that come here is pretty much even. It’s just broken up into different time brackets. More students come in the mid-afternoon to late in the day, while community members come in the morning to early afternoon.”
The main attraction of the neighboring members to the Dixon Center is the pool, according to Dzuryachko. “The majority of the community base comes for the pool to participate in the water aerobics classes,” he said.
However, the many programs offered in the aerobics room bring forth many participants as well, such as yoga and Pilates. The aerobics room is also used by
StAC Staff Advisory Council the cheerleading and dance squads in order to practice. This past summer a “boot camp” program was even created as a conditioning class for those summertime gym goers.
The seasons also heavily influence and affect the ratio of community members to students.
According to Tracy Krakowiak, the fitness director of Dixon Center, it depends on the time of year in regards to how many students use the Dixon Center, verses people who use it from outside the college. “In the summer, it is practically all community members. When school starts up again, the percent of students and faculty increase immensely,” said Krakowiak.
Something that draws people, on or off campus, is the program
\Nho are vve & vvhat do vve do?
The Staff Advisory Council is a srnall group of staff rnernbers recognized by the President who discuss, inforrn and advise the Director of Hurnan Resources of staff interests and ways to prornote core values through prograrns such as Caught in the Act of Core Values, Staff Developrnent Days and the Surnrner BBQ.
This group forrnally rneets every rnonth during the acadernic year and once in the surnrner. Agenda iterns are accepted though any StAC rnernber and are posted on five working days prior to any rneeting.
StAC is currently seeking 3 rnernbers to join the council. If you are interested in joining or would like to norninate sorneone that you think rnight be a great addition to the StAC council, please ernail the council chair, Sherry Becht at: sherry.becht@cabrini.edu called Active Trax. Managed by Matt Dzuryachko, 21, the Active Trax was designed to give people the option of having a computerized personal trainer. If an individual is interested, they come to the fitness center on the second floor of the Dixon Center to get evaluated by a student worker. An exercise plan is created, devised uniquely for every individual, via a computer. Asheet with this plan is then put into the individual’s personal folder in the gym, so that they may read it before exercising. If you have any further questions about this program, feel free to contact Matt Dzuryachko in the fitness section of the Dixon Center.
The Dixon Center is also the place to go for special events regarding health issues. Chair massages are taking place this year about once a week on the second floor outside the gym, while a Health Fair is held annually, and contests involving health take place. The 1 Mile Walk in May is a fun event for anyone and everyone, but if that doesn’t spark an interest for you try the Healthy Bake Off or self defense classes. For more information on the special events and classes located in the Dixon Center, you can visit the www.cabrini.edu website or pick up a program inside.
Whether it is 6 a.m. in the morning or 10 p.m. at night, the Dixon Center is frequently used for health conscious people, being community members, faculty or students.
Exercise Your Right To Vote
Sign up with fitness center staff by calling Tracey at extension 8318
The contest starts Oct. 11th 2004 and will run until Nov. ?1h2004
Pick a partner, for every 400 minutes the team works out you will move a step towards receiving a vote, 5 steps= 1 vote
At the end of the contest whichever team has the most votes will be the president and vice president of the Dixon Center and win a $25 gift certificate to anywhere of their choice and all participants will win a T-shirt!!