3 minute read

Side effects found unhealthy in steroids




The recent rise among the use of steroids during past years has drastically increased. Most, if not all sports organizations have banned the use of anabolic steroids, which can cause major physical and psychological damage to a person’s health, yet some athletes still persist in taking these pills or injections which can give a competitive advantage over other players.

In an article on espn.com, Dr. Gary Wadler, an expert on the country’s steroid use, says that anabolic steroids are mostly taken to increase muscle mass and strength. Yet, as most would think, it is not only the athlete that can be abusing the enhancer. Men, women, and teens alike are relying on the drug to look and feel better, at least in their opinion, despite the consequences.

In my opinion, steroids are not the way to go in trying to make a person happy with the way they look and feel about themselves. Self-confidence can only be asserted by the person, and not gained by a pill.

There are also numerous side effects that accompany the drug, which can be irreversible in the long run. Stated on espn.com, males taking steroids can begin to develop “feminine” side effects, while women taking it can develop “masculine” side effects.

In men, some of these include impotence, and the possible development of breasts, while in women they can include facial hair growth and a deepened voice. Changes the drug can cause for both sexes in the long run consist of acne, rapid weight gain, bloated appearance, clotting disorders, liver damage, premature heart attacks and strokes and elevated cholesterol levels.

Besides physical damage, steroids can cause psychological and mental damage to your health as well. They can cause mood swings, bouts of depression, irritability, and just plain aggression.

According to Dr. Wadler, mentioned earlier, these bouts are called “’roid rage.” Despite what others believe, anabolic steroids can be addictive, and although those that take it know it is bad for them, it is hard for them to stop. When they do, they experience withdrawal pains and when they start again, they pain then goes away.

Most importantly, if you are an athlete, or anyone in general, should not be taking steroids to enhance their performance on the athletic playing field or to gain an edge over other people. It can cause drastic changes in a person’s physical and mental health that has irreversible changes that can be permanent.

It is the smell of freshly cut grass on a baseball diamond, or the sweet crack of the bat after a base hit. Maybe it is the thrill of stealing second base. Well, if you feel you are missing out on all of these great things because our school does not have a baseball team, sulk no more. Opportunity is slapping you in the face.

If you, or anyone you know, are interested in playing for a baseball club team for Cabrini College, now is your chance. We, as students, have the ability to start something great.

If enough men show interest, there is an excellent chance that our club team will become a serious reality in the spring of 2005.

If the pieces fall into place, we would be playing other college club teams in the Philadelphia area and ranging to Maryland.

Obviously, our resources are limited at the present time, such as a baseball diamond, but that cannot hold us down. However, it will ultimately give men another option for sports to look forward to in the spring.

If enough supporters show serious and dedicated interest, we will achieve something special and maybe even turn baseball into an intercollegiate sport here at Cabrini College.

If you have that desire and dream to play baseball again, please contact me. My extension number is 8655, and my e-mail address is kdd722@cabrini.edu. I will answer any questions to the best of my knowledge.


Staff Advisory Council

Who are we & what do we do?

The Staff Advisory Council is a small group of staff members recognized by the President who discuss, inform and advise the Director of Human Resources of staff interests and ways to promote core values through programs such as Caught in the Act of Core Values, Staff Development Days and the Summer BBQ.

This group formally meets every month during the academic year and once in the summer. Agenda items are accepted though any StAC member and are posted on five working days prior to any meeting.

StAC is currently seeking 3 members to join the council. If you are interested in joining or would like to nominate someone that you think might be a great addition to the StAC council, please email the council chair, Sherry Becht at: sherry.becht@cabrini.edu

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