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Marijuana debate brings out large crowd


The Cabrini Activities Programming Board sponsored a debate over the legalization of marijuana titled “Heads vs. Feds.” Bob Stutman, a former CIAand DEAagent, and Steven Hager, editor-in-chief of High Times magazine, were the two speakers voicing their opinions either supporting or arguing against the use of marijuana. The great marijuana debate took place in the Grace Hall Atrium on Tuesday, Nov. 9.


The event began with a short 10-minute biographical video of each speaker that let the audience know why they supported each view. Following the video, each speaker was given a 15minute period to voice their arguments to the eager crowd.

In the beginning, it appeared that many Cabrini students were in support of Hager, the marijua- na advocate. He spoke first and delivered five simple points as to why he believes that marijuana should be legalized. Hager’s five points ranged from marijuana as a good medicine to assessing how our prison system is out of control.

“The government and drug companies have a problem with marijuana because it is free medicine,” Hager said. He firmly believed that we should learn to change from a petrochemical society to one that utilizes hemp and other natural resources.

Stutman had an answer for every belief that Hager could offer. Stutman began his 15minute speech with a comical joke about brownies being handed out at the door.

“I’m suspicious, they’re handing out brownies and everyone looks happy. Either they

HEADS VS. FEDS, page 3

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