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TV show suggests cheating as the new ‘in thing to do’
As I sat in my room flipping through the newly revamped television channels of Cabrini, I stumbled across the Style Network. All was well. I got my fix of wedding stories, fashion and home improvement shows: the ultimate in style.
Then, the infamous commercial break left me puzzled. I saw an advertisement for “Diary of an Affair.”
I never really saw cheating as “in” until that moment. I was immediately intrigued. These secret passions are revealed through the real cheaters, on primetime, on Style.
To be honest, I couldn’t even stand to watch the show, which airs Saturdays at 9 p.m., but I still wanted to see what all the fuss was about. So I did some research.
This video diary of sorts showcases the real stories of real cheaters as they secretly, or so they think, deceive their spouses, fiancées and significant others. By the way, they’re on television.
These “steamy” episodes, as they’re called, have become not only in style, but a reality series. I don’t get it.
Maybe I should start cheating. Maybe I’ll become more popular, prettier, seductive and certainly more in style. Maybe not.
What are these people thinking? And since when did a diary of affairs fit in with the typical wedding and runway stories? Perhaps the shock appeal is what is drawing in all these viewers. It sure shocked me, but it doesn’t mean I’m watching it any time soon.
And, to clarify, the Style Network is definitely getting its share of viewers. Plus, if they’re not watching the provocative program, they’re definitely reading the “torrid tales” on the network’s website, http://www.stylenetwork.com/Sh ows/Diary/.
I’ll never understand at what point infidelity was considered the “it” thing to do. Maybe “Cosmopolitan” and “GQ” will soon start listing tips for how to secretly defy your other-half.
I can’t wait to see the line at the grocery store checkouts for those issues.