2 minute read

Prioritize the housing lottery V S V S

I feel that if you live 15 minutes away from the college you have an obligation to commute. Anyone who picks a school only 15 minutes away from school obviously is not ready for the home away from home experience. If you live 15 minutes away you can bring your laundry home on a daily routine if desired. You have the opportunity of a home cooked meal in a fully equipped kitchen, a barefoot shower, and a family only 15 minutes away.

With all of this in mind residence life should then realize that you are not on the top priority list for housing. As for me who lives two hours away from school does not have an alternate place to do my laundry except the basement of House 4; two washers and dryers for 25 people? At least the laundry has no coin slot, that's about the only valued quality. But the point that I'm trying to make is not whether or not you do your own laundry the point is that you have the privilege of going home more often when I don't.


Residence life's mission is to create a home-like atmosphere at Cabrini for those who live on campus. Their goal is to please us. Well, news flash, we're not pleased. I have witnessed several situations where residences have not been pleased with the current conditions.

The first situation that comes to mind was recently, and involved myself. I am a captain of the swim team and during winter break we had to stay for a few weeks while school was closed. The only houses that were left open during winter break were House 2, Xavier, and the apartments. All the other houses and dorms had the heat turned off so no one could stay. (No wonder why House 5 pipes burst.) This meant that I was kicked out of my own house. Imagine being refused permission to sleep in your own bed! That doesn't sound like residence life was trying to make me feel at home at all. So now you're wondering where they wanted to keep me instead-Xavier's study lounge. That's right; it's not even a room.

Now if this were you who lived only 15 minutes away you could just commute to practice. I don't have another option. I can not drive two hours on the rode to an hour and a half swim practice. This is a great example why if you live only 15 minutes away you should not even be CONSIDERED for housing.

As a captain of the swim team I also have another priority because I house recruiting visits at least twice a month. They should keep this in mind because an overnight visit at Cabrini is the prospectives first impression of the school. This impression should be a lasting one that does not include sleeping on the floor of someone's small room.

Well, I will just have to wait to see where residence life wants to place me next semester. It should be interesting. Of course living in the on campus apartments is my first choice.

Who knows what goes on behind the doors of the housing lottery? The housing selection policy needs to be reconsidered and readjusted! You need to PRIORITIZE!!

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