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Softball back from the Sunshine State
During spring break the Cabrini softball team left the cold weather behind and headed to Fort Meyers, Florida, for their annual spring training. The team has been working hard throughout the off-season, and anxiously awaited their departure.
Senior third baseman Diana Frosch said, “We worked extremely hard during the offseason, having both very early and very late practices. It was nice that we were finally getting a chance to show how our hard work paid off.”
When ar riving in Florida the Cavaliers were excited to be able to finally play softball outside in the sun. Sophomore Megan O’Brien said, “It was very different playing in nice weather, on real dirt, and playing together with a new group of girls for the very first time, but it gave us a chance to work together and trust each other.” The team wasted no time and immediately practiced shor tly after they got off the plane.
The first day of games began the following day March 1, and the Cavs suffered two losses: 0-6 vs. Alma and 0-8 vs. Rochester Institute of Technology. However, the girls’heads remained high as they realized this was their first time playing together since the fall season.
The Cavaliers came back stronger on the second day, beating the University of Dubuque 31. This was the first victory of their spring season.
On day three of play, the
Cavaliers suffered a devastating loss, 2-3, against Augustana College in the eighth inning. The Cavs put up a strong fight and just lost their edge in the extra inning. It was a tough loss, but the softball team looked on to their last games in Florida.
The Cavaliers had two games on their final day in the beautiful Florida weather. They began the day losing in a high scoring game against Capital University. However, they came back strong in their final game, with a 6-2 victor y over Aurora College. This win was a good note for the Cavaliers to go home on.
Although their record may not show it, the Cabrini softball team came back from their Florida tournament stronger then when they left. Head Coach Martine Susko was very pleased with the team’s performance. She looked beyond the win-loss record to what she saw as most beneficial to the team.
“The team bonding that occurred on and off the field was remarkable, and it made the girls become even stronger as a unit,” Susko said.
It is very apparent that the key aspect of the softball team’s spring training was the team work and team building that occurred. Assistant Coach Jamie Pena expressed the most important element of the trip, “The core unit of veterans, blending with the talented new comers, showed insight into a successful 2005 season.”
The confidence shown as a result of this training suggests that Cabrini’s softball team will continue to be a powerhouse and keep their title as PAC Champions in the 2005 season.
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Wednesday, and Thursday from March 21st through April 18th. You only need to work two nights a week, three hours a night. If you are interested, contact Rob Bies in the Office of Institutional Advancement at extension 8253 or at bies@cabrini.edu.