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April Fool’s Day is an international holiday in which people trick their friends and family by pulling silly stunts. From childhood, everyone knows about this holiday and many soon come to the realization that no one can be trusted on this day, not even a best friend.


Several wonder where this holiday originated from and how the tradition of pulling pranks got associated with it.

The answer is still unknown but there is one belief that is concluded by many. When the western world came up with the Julian calendar, the New Year began on March 25.

It was celebrated on April 1 so it wouldn’t interfere with Holy Week.

When the Gregorian calendar came about in the 1500s, the New Year was changed to January 1.

According to a popular belief, the beginning of April Fools Day was about those who still believed that this day marked the New Year.

It is said that French peasants would unexpectedly drop in on neighbors in hopes to confuse them into thinking it was a call of the New Year and after a few years

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